Chapter 13

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-After another three hours, we both fell asleep on the sofa.

Yuji's pov

"Hi, Megumi!"I said, smiling ever since I accidentally saw the sight of his figure coming towards my door.
"Hi, Yuji, how are you?"He said while taking off his shoes.
"I'm feeling well, you?"I said, giving him a hug and a soft kiss on the cheek. I had missed him a lot.
"Not bad."He said, embracing me. It was 7 o'clock in the evening so I had already prepared dinner for the both of us.
"Dinner's ready, I hope you're hungry."I said, smiling.
"I'm literally starving."He said, while taking off his jacket and placing his backpack near the entrance, in a way that wouldn't have made us trip on it.
"Make yourself at home."I smiled. I had prepared those meatballs we ate the night I fell in love with him. I know he adores them so I thought that that could have been the best choice. I had also prepared some salad and sliced some cheese. A simple dinner, it's true, but it's a delicious one. We sat down to eat and he told me about the day he spent with Gojo, he looked totally exhausted. I just kept laughing, it's impossible not to when he talks about him.
"What are those new necklaces, Megumi?"I asked, curiously.
"Oh, Gojo bought them for me, it's his Christmas present, together with a book. I had bought him a new pair of sunglasses."
"They look good on you."It was impossible to deny that apart from handsome, incredibly stunning, I also found him excessively sexy.
"Do you wanna watch a film, Megumi?"I asked him, while doing the washing up.
"Sure. What would you like to watch?"
"I know you like horror films, I like them too."
"Well, let's watch a horror film then. I just saw one yesterday."
"Oh, really? What is it called?"
"I don't remember; in fact, it was a long ass one, and it wasn't even that scary. Gojo chose it."I laughed.
"There's a new one on Netflix that I'd like to watch, it's called Sinister I think."
"Let me see, just a sec." he responded and took his phone. After a while I finished washing everything, wiping my hands with a towel.
"Seems intriguing. Let's go then.''He reached the living room while I took two furry blankets. I placed them on the sofa and took one, sitting beside Megumi and covering the both of us with it. I wanted to kiss him on the lips but I was too afraid, so I just laid my head on his shoulder and made the film start. I wasn't really focused considering that during the morning I had gone to the gym and then ran one hour during the afternoon. It makes me feel well, but it has been particularly exhausting. I felt my eyelids slowly close but I kept on watching the film, feeling finally relaxed. I was nearly falling asleep when I sensed a warm hand touching my head. Megumi often does that, I love it. I could feel his hand between my hair and never felt so good. He gently caressed it while we both kept watching the film, probably disinterested, or, actually, being too tired to be able to watch it. I felt his head softly leaning on mine, the warmness of his body haunting every inch of me. I wanted to be closer to him. I placed an arm on his stomach, curling up a little closer to his figure. He put another arm around me, embracing me and bringing me a little closer than I was before, my head now resting on his chest. I felt a gentle kiss being placed on the top of my head and I totally melted under his touch. There's no way to describe how strong my love for this boy is and how much it can grow even more than it already is. He has no idea of the effect he has on me. I'm not sure when, but I fell asleep and he probably did too.

"Yuji..."I heard someone whisper. "Yuji", something caressed my hair, again. Again? I slowly opened my eyes, mainly dark surrounding me, but I felt warm, wrapped, protected. "Yuji."That was when I understood, I was in his arms. "Yuji, we can't sleep here."I just nodded, he continued to softly caress my head. "Let's go to the bedroom."I slowly nodded again, standing up after another 30 seconds of cuddles. Without making it on purpose, nor noticing, I stood up while lightly holding his hand and guiding him behind me towards my bedroom. I heard him click on something so I suppose he had quickly turned off the tv. As soon as we stepped into the room, he closed the door. Afterwards, I pulled him to my bed and practically threw ourselves onto it. I curled up against his chest, ready to sleep, but his voice stopped me once again.
"Yuji, come on, we need to get under the sheets.''I listlessly made an effort to get under them, together with his help. After that, I embraced him again. I wanted to be as close to him as possible.
"If you feel uncomfortable sleeping this way, tell me."I said, the sound practically muffled.
"I don't, I'm just not used to it yet."He said, caressing my hair. I nodded. We fell asleep that way, I think I've never felt so warm in my entire life while sleeping. The warmth someone can give you, especially under the sheets, is absolutely not comparable to the warmth that you feel in front of a fire or under the sun. In the morning, unfortunately, we were no longer hugging each other, that's normal, obviously, but I honestly wished we were. I was the first one to wake up, but Megumi probably followed me soon after. I got up after two minutes and went towards the bathroom, peed, washed my face, and then went to the kitchen, having a look around and drinking a glass of water. Just when I finished drinking, Megumi made his way into the room.
"Good Morning."I greeted him with a happy, soft smile.
"Goodmorning, Yuji."
"How have you slept?"
"I had some difficulties falling asleep but that's normal considering I'm still not used to sleeping on your bed, apart from that I slept well."
"I'm glad to hear that then."
"Have you slept well?"
"Absolutely. One of the best sleeps in my entire life."I chucked, he smiled. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"Whatever you want, I have no preferences."
"Maybe...pancakes?"I offered.
"Perfect!"I said, while taking a cup and preparing the ingredients.
"Do you want me to lend you a hand?"
"No, furthermore you are the guest, so make yourself comfortable and don't worry about anything."He sighed. Meanwhile I put on my apron.
"You really are hard headed when you want to."He was right, I chuckled. "But, unfortunately, I'm more stubborn than you are, so, I'm gonna help you.''He stood up.
"Hey, I told you that I don't need any help."I said.
"Well, I don't care."He said that jokingly, obviously, however, he was surely certain that he would have helped me. He came behind me and took an apron as well.
"Wait, Megumi, I don't want you to-"
"Shut up and let me help you."
"But-"He was looking at me with a bored look. "Ugh, fine."We cooked in silence, not an embarrassing one, and then we ate, talking about school. Not really the best topic, we both knew that, but in some way the anxiety I felt because of the soon restart, quieted more than I could expect.
"Have you already done the homework, Yuji?"He asked me, suspiciously, I'm sure he already knew the answer.
"No..."I blushed looking at the table.
"When are you gonna start?"
"I don't know, they're boring."He sighed.
"I know, but you should. They'll help you. Have you understood the latest topics we have discussed?"
"Yeah, I remember understanding pretty much everything, but considering that I haven't done anything in the past few days since the end of school, I don't remember anything. I already know it's my fault, I'll study everything, I promise."
"Yuji, you don't have to study for me, do it for yourself and the tests you have to pass."
"Yes, I know..."This time, I sighed.
"Do you want me to help you revise and study the things we did?"He said while taking a sip of his tea.
"You've already done too much for me, it's my fault I didn't study and didn't do the homework. Don't worry, I don't need help."I smiled at him, looking at the table, a bit unsure of succeeding in revising and studying the things we did at school, but I didn't want to bother him more than I already did.
"You really are a dumbass, Yuji.''He stood up. "I don't mean that you aren't able to study the things we did, you are even capable of getting higher marks than the ones you regularly take, you just aren't willing to study, but you have all the abilities to do that."I listened carefully to the things he said to me. I was grateful he believed in me that much, he had never underestimated me. "Come on, I'm gonna help you catch up with everything. Now." I'm sure he knew I wasn't willing to make them, especially at that time in the morning, but I did what he said, he was right after all. He was wasting his time to help me, I should have been grateful, and I was.
"Thank you, Megumi."We took the science and history book, deciding to start with them.
"I don't remember just some details concerning history, the rest is pretty much okay, I had to revise the main concepts because Nobara asked me to send her some of my notes."
"Let's start with Science then."We spent forty-five minutes discussing the notes I took, checking the book at times. That honestly helped me more than I could have imagined, and the topics weren't that bad, I almost appreciated them.
"Can we take a quick break?"I asked.
"Sure, you worked well."I smiled.
"Let's eat something then!"
"Do you have some fruit?Like apples or bananas?"
"Yes, also strawberries and pears if you'd rather."
"I'd like strawberries then, thank you."I prepared two cups of strawberries for the both of us.
"Would you like something on them? Like chocolate or maybe cream?"
"You're gonna pick the chocolate, right?"He asked me.
"I'm gonna pick it as well then."
"That's surprising."I chuckled and blushed. While putting chocolate on them, he embraced me from the back, his lips resting on my nape. I started feeling my knees weak. He left there a soft kiss. I turned around and put my arms around his neck, while his were now resting firmly around my waist. We drowned in each other's eyes, blue and brown mixing and forming a perfect mixture of beauty, and after some seconds, our lips crashed onto themselves, our bodies pressed against each other. We gradually melted into the kiss and tilted our heads more. The kiss started to deepen, become more passionate, without the addition of the tongue though.
"How long are you gonna stay here?"I asked him quietly, a sad expression painted on my face, after we broke the kiss.
"I gotta take out Tsuki and Taiyo."
"Oh, are these the names of your two dogs?"
"Wow, are they named after the sun and the moon?"I asked, surprised.
"It's amazing!"I said, happily. "Can I...can I come with you?"
"Yeah, why not."I smiled. "Let's go then."We made our way out of the house. After locking the house, the first thing I noticed was the cold wind that filled the air. It was colder than usual, it got through my cheeks, nose, bones, and my hands, assuming that faded red colour. Fresh air invaded my lungs, freezing my throat all the way down. My lips took less time than expected to absorb the freezing environment, appearing immediately cracked. I passed my tongue on them, feeling a little better.
"Dang, it's freezing, isn't it?"I said, sinking my face into my jacket and putting my hands in my pockets.
"Yeah, I heard that it should start snowing during the afternoon."
"Are you gonna go home by that time?"
"Well, I guess."He said, while looking towards the ground.
"Uh"I cleared my voice, "If you are free and would like to, we could stay together even during the afternoon and the evening."I suggested.
"What makes you think I wouldn't want to?"He asked, while looking at me from the side.
"Well, uh..."I cleared my voice again, "I don't know, I'm just not so sure you want to, maybe it's annoying for you to spend so much time with me or people in general."He grabbed my arm and stopped midway.
"You are a dumbass, Yuji."He immediately smacked his lips onto mine, his hands sticking in my hair. It took me a while to realise it.
"I hope you're gonna learn something from this."He said, just after breaking the kiss, before continuing to walk. I had to run after him, I clearly wasn't prepared for his action. We continued walking in silence, I was too embarrassed to say something and I occasionally felt his gaze on me. We arrived at his house, very similar to mine from the outside and entered immediately when his keys unlocked the door. As soon as we entered, two big dogs, very similar to wolves, jumped around Megumi, surrounding him totally. After they had greeted him cheerfully, they finally noticed me and carefully came closer, still wagging their tail. Later, they sniffed me intensely and analysed me from head to toes, eventually greeting me almost as much as they greeted Megumi. I completely adore them. Their fur is as fluffy as cotton and they are the sweetest souls existing. The affection they can give you floods you completely and they are totally beautiful. They are completely the opposite, the first one is black and the other is white, the names "Sun" and "Moon" suit them perfectly. We hung out and after reaching a huge park a little more far than the congested areas, Megumi took off their leads and they started running around, playing with each other and rolling on the grass. One thing I noticed is that they are super obedient, Megumi educated them carefully and they are totally well-behaved. I couldn't help but join them. Megumi was looking at us from afar, and even though he would never admit it, I saw him smiling the whole time. Actually, surprisingly, I convinced him to come with us and all play together. I really had fun. After probably 40 minutes we came back to his house.

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