Chapter 14

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-After probably 40 minutes we came back to his house.

15th January

Yuji's pov

We came back to school a week ago. Being the first week, everything was pretty quiet; no tests, exams, stressful work. I was listlessly walking to school, having in mind that the only reason why I went to school that day was Megumi. The fact that we are practically placed on opposite sides of the class makes it worse, especially when the lessons are boring and I have nothing to do. At least Nobara always makes me laugh during those lessons and sometimes the teacher has to separate us. Despite that, we continue laughing for the rest of the time and Megumi always has a bored look on his face, knowing very well that me and Nobara are two idiots whose only job is to laugh. Nobara has practically become my best friend. Her and I talk about lots of different topics and tell each other spicy secrets and gossips, especially her. I haven't obviously told her about Megumi and me yet. Actually, no one knows anything. Megumi and I act like friends in public, despite some obvious looks and signs of deep affection that we try not to show, succeeding, and act like a couple in private. It doesn't bother me that much, I'd certainly prefer to show him what I feel without having to do it when we are alone, but it's not that big of a problem. I just feel sorry not telling anything to anyone, it's like hiding something really important, and it's a little heavy, I'd prefer taking it off my chest as soon as possible. Locked in this stream of thoughts, I arrived at the school entrance, noticing Megumi standing in front of the door, waiting for me while looking at his phone. My heart started beating faster but it is a habit, nothing that makes me surprised, just at times.
"Hi, Megumi."I said, smiling, cheeks a bit red. He raised his head from the phone.
"Oh, hi, Yuji."I immediately embraced him, his strong scent filling my nostrils, I would never get enough of that perfume.
"I'm happy to see you."I said, with my eyes closed while drowning in our hug.
"You always are, dumbass."He stated, jokingly. "Before you say anything; yes, I'm happy to see you too."I chuckled. "Let's go, the lessons will start in 5 minutes."
Starting the day with Physics wasn't really something I had wished for, nor Maths during the second period. I had to follow the lessons if I didn't want to totally fail, I was however totally starving, so I took a piece of my break, carefully trying not to get caught, while Nobara begged me to lend her a piece of it. During the break Megumi and I spent our time in the classroom, while literally everyone else was outside. We had the chance to get closer, it's true, but we both decided not to risk anything and just act somewhat normally. I came closer to his desk and we just talked.
"Wanna come to my place later?"Megumi asked me, while tidying his books on the desk standing up. I smiled.
"Absolutely."He took a bite of his break. "What homework do we have for tomorrow?"I asked.
"Mm, uh, Chemistry I think, and we should start studying History as well, we have a test next week."He stated and then sighed, while taking a look at his phone. "How's the driving going?"
"All good, you already know I passed the test immediately, now I'm just taking regular daily drives, but everything's fine."
"Be careful."He stated while sitting down.
"I am, don't worry."
"I hope you really are."I smiled, I feel happy when he shows any signs of worry and care towards me.
"I always am." I said, while lacing my arms around his neck from behind, laying my head onto his. I placed a gentle kiss on his head, smelling the sweet scent of his shampoo, and feeling his soft hair caressing my traits. We both stood there in silence, relaxing. Nevertheless, we had to separate as soon as we heard the sound of some steps from outside, nearby our class. Due to the imminent end of the break, some people obviously started to come back to class, along with the others that came back right after the ring of the bell.
"Are you gonna come to my house directly after school? Or do you wanna go home first?"
"Well, I 'd prefer going home first, I want to take a shower before seeing you."
"If you want you can sleep at my place as well, just remember to bring everything you need, books, clothes and this sort of things."
"I will, don't worry. Thank you."I smiled, before coming back to my desk and sitting down. Right after the break there was History; considering that I find it difficult to follow the whole lesson, both for boredom and concentration, and that I don't like the teacher, my mind started soon wandering in a way that I had not appreciated much. During the first ten minutes I even managed to take some notes, but it didn't take long till I totally lost interest in the boring way the teacher explained the topics and just did something else. I lowered my head a little and rested my chin on my hand, looking at the desk. I started thinking about all the painful events I had to get through and how lonely I felt at times, especially since I started living completely alone. I know it's boring to often feel this way, but especially when this happens, I find it even more difficult to get out of the tunnel. It's true that I miss many things that once used to be my routine and sometimes their lack overflows, ending up crying to free all the grief. I miss the long days spent with my friends in the town where I lived before, grandpa's presence in the house, cooking and joking together, feeling his voice, the endless laughs I spent during the lessons with my friends, the times we all studied together and still got a bad mark, the affection that we shared for the other even though from the outside we never seemed to care a lot, the nights spent without sleeping even on school days, all the moments I had spent there, with all the people that are still in my life and those who are not. My mind brought me to think about Lily, a wave of anxiety making her way through my body, and then quickly calming down because everything is finished, she has been an important part of my life but now she's not, I surely still feel a friendly affection for her, and it's normal, but that's enough, she's a memory and I feel good with that. I've moved on and I'm sure that sooner or later she will too. Regardless of the sadness and nostalgia I felt, the thought of my old friends made me feel a spark of joy. I'm happy that we still talk to each other, we are still a group and daily share messages in our group chat. I'm just sad I can't see them regularly anymore, I miss embracing them and laughing with them. We even call each other and spend lots of hours on the phone sometimes, but it's not the same as it used to be when we were all together. I sighed.
"Itadori, are you feeling well? You look gloomy."I raised my gaze and saw the teacher looking at me with a serious expression. I was even surprised a bastard like him could care if someone felt well.
"Everything's fine, thanks."I answered listlessly.
"Okay, if you start not feeling well tell me."
"I will."I lowered my gaze again.
"Okay, class, so, as I was saying before..."I tried to come back to reality by reading some words in the History book, connecting the dots and vaguely understanding what we were talking about.
"Yuji.."I heard someone whisper. "Yuji!"I turned left, seeing in front of me a worried Nobara. "Is everything okay?"I smiled without noticing.
"Yes, thank you. Are you okay though?"
"I am, dumbass."There we were again. I smiled, turning my head around back to place. I started sketching on the paper, thinking once again about melancholic memories, resting my head on the top of my forearm, this time however feeling relieved. It's difficult to let go, it's true, but keeping everything inside isn't good. I waited for the History lesson to finish and turned around to face Megumi as soon as the teacher exited the class. I got up and approached him, while everyone else talked with the other. That was a sort of habit, sometimes he came to my desk, and other times I came closer to him. I smiled as I came closer to him.
"This lesson was so boring, man."I told him.
"Yeah, I know." He looked down at his left. "Listen, uh, is it the truth what you told the teacher before?It clearly sounded like a lie."He stared at me in the eyes once again.
"Well, I didn't think that was this much obvious but yeah."
"Fine,Yuji, just please"He looked at me after looking at the ground. "Tell me the truth directly next time, it's important to tell the truth, especially in a relationship."I carefully listened to what he said, however, a word made my heart skip a beat and made my cheeks become red. Relationship.
"I promise I will tell you the truth from now on, I mean it."I looked at him, only wanting to hug him and drown in his perfume.
"Good, try saying that not getting this flustered next time."He said jokingly with his usual serious expression. I just turned more red.
"What..what subject do we have now?"I asked.
"German, I guess."I sighed. We are obliged to study another language apart from English. We can choose between German, French and Spanish. I'm not sure why I chose German, but I ended up in this class and I'm honestly happy with that. German is not as bad as it seems.
"I can't wait till lunch break."
"Yeah, I know. Just know that we'll talk about that lat-"
"Guten Morgen."The teacher quickly entered the class.
"Imma go."I smiled at him and quickly returned to my place. I decided to carefully follow the lesson so that I could understand something. The bell finally rang and I sighed in relief, starting to put my books inside my backpack.
"Yuji, let's have lunch with the others today."
"Oh, why?"I asked, confused.
"I have to meet up with a girl of the fourth year for five minutes after lunch."
"Is she one of Maki's friends?"We started walking towards the cafeteria.
"No, it's that one girl that you saw yesterday in the hallway, the one dressed in red."
"Oh, yes, I remember. How do you know her?"I didn't ask that in a suspicious way, I just wanted to know, even if deep inside I was a little insecure and scared. I just tried to shrug that off, reminding myself of what Megumi told me during those days. It might be even annoying for him to reassure me every time for the smallest things, it's isn't good for me anyway, there's nothing I have to worry about.
"She's part of the representatives of this school, that group that organises events, school parties and this sort of things. I know two of them and I've known her since she joined the group because they introduced her to me."
"Oh, yeah, why do you have to meet up with her?"
"I don't know, school business I guess, don't worry."
"I don't." I smiled. We arrived at the cafeteria after 3 minutes and just had lunch normally, the classes continued in the same boring way until the end. At the last ring of the bell I took my phone and quickly looked at the notifications, noticing some coming from the group chat of me and my old friends. I smiled involuntarily and felt a sudden happiness. I put my hoodie hood and my jacket on, taking my backpack and throwing it over my shoulder. Nobara, Megumi and I reached the exit after five minutes and said goodbye to her, after giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek that I gave her. Then we started walking towards our houses till we had to part ways.
"See you later then, Yuji."I love how my name escapes his lips and how it sounds.
"See you later, Megumi."I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then got home as fast as I could. As soon as I got there, I took off my jacket and my shoes, threw the backpack casually on the floor and rushed to my room to get some clothes, then ran to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, got dressed, dried my hair, brushed my teeth and returned back to the hall to get my backpack and fill it with the things that I needed: firstly the books for the next day and then the clothes that I needed to sleep, together with my toothbrush. I sprayed some perfume and rushed to the hall again to wear my jacket and shoes, then rushed directly to Megumi's place. On the way there, I took a look at the group chat,

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