Chapter 11

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-"Thank you, Yuji."I smiled as well, I was the first one not to expect it, his eyes widened and he started blushing, still looking at me smiling.

31st December

Megumi's pov

"What do you wanna do now, Yuji?"I said, raising my look at the sky, while he continued looking at me.
"Well, if we don't have anything else to do then we can reach Tsumugi and spend some time with her group, if that's okay. How are you feeling?"
"I feel better now, thanks to you."I said the last part more quietly, he blushed, smiling.
"So, what do you wanna do?"He asked. "I don't want you to start feeling worse later."
"It happened earlier."I said, now looking at the ground. "Anyway, don't worry, Yuji, as long as I don't get sticky to all those people I think I'll be okay."
"Okay, if you start feeling not well tell me."He looked at me with concerned eyes.
"I will."We then started walking towards the entrance. As soon as we entered we started searching for Tsumugi or Ozawa, finding them after 2 minutes of wandering around. The only reason I accepted, is that I don't want to waste time doing nothing outside and alone, it's the last of the year after all and I don't want to make Yuji waste time neither. We started going towards them and before we got there Tsumugi turned around and greeted us, followed by Ozawa who noticed us later. She was already blushing, I sighed. They were sitting at the bar counter. "Hi, I'm Olivia, nice to meet you!"A girl with long, straight, mixture of red and light-brown hair greeted us with a big smile. We both presented ourselves and we all decided to move to a sofa, knowing that at the bar counter would have been too uncomfortable. We sat on the white ones, there were two in the corner, forming a right angle, attached to the wall. Yuji and Ozawa sat on the one attached to the long side of the wall, while the other three of us sat on the other. We then started getting to know each other. After a while, it obviously happens to discuss different things with different people, on one side there was Yuji talking with Ozawa, blushing furiously, and on the other, there were Olivia and Tsumugi chatting with me, even if I was more focused on Ozawa than anything to be honest.
"So, I met this guy at my sister's birthday party yesterday. We started talking on Instagram and we are getting to know each other, but I don't know what to do, he seems interested in me but I think it's way too early to say that."Tsumugi said, I looked at her in a bored way.
"I think you should wait more time, Tsumugi. You still have to know each other and understand if you both want a relationship or something else."Olivia said.
"Ahh, what a pain in the ass, I hate those talking stages, at times the person reveals to be totally different."Tsumugi groaned. "Furthermore, we don't even know how it'll end."
"Yeah, I know..."Olivia said, embracing a little Tsumugi. They were sitting next to each other.
"What do you think, Fushiguro?"Tsumugi asked me.
"Nothing, you should wait and see how the person really is before making any move, that's it."I said boringly. She sighed.
"I want to waste myself tonight."Tsumugi said almost happily.
"Go on."I said.
"Yeah but be careful."Olivia said. At that Tsumugi stood up, going towards the bar counter, leaving me and Olivia there. I took out my phone, wondering what time it was. 23:18.
There was still plenty of time till the countdown.
"Can I follow you on Instagram?"Olivia asked me, smiling.
"Yeah."She then gave me her phone to let me search for my account and click on "Follow", I then accepted her request from my phone and followed her back. She is one of those aesthetic girls that post on the stories in evidence aesthetic photos of the places they have seen, cute landscapes, food, flowers and animals. Not big deal, she seemed cute and kind. I could feel Yuji's look on me at times while looking at my phone but he didn't make it obvious.
"Yuko, do you want me to get something to drink for you?"Olivia interrupted Yuji and Ozawa's conversation, I was kinda glad she did. They both looked at her, Yuji however locking his eyes on mine.
"No, thank you, Olivia."Ozawa said, smiling.
"Yuji, do you wanna get something to drink?"I obviously asked it on purpose.
"Oh, yeah."He stated, showing a smile.
"Well, Yuko, come with me then, I don't wanna leave you here all alone."
"Okay, okay."She said as she stood up. We reached Tsumugi at the counter and ordered some drinks, I decided to be more careful and took something far less alcoholic, him something stronger. We were next to each other and while the girls talked about their boys, Yuji and I stood in silence sipping our drinks.
"Do you wanna try mine?"Yuji turned to me.
"Why not."We exchanged drinks and I looked carefully at him, even when he took a sip of my drink, elbows placed on the counter. I started wondering how he could be so beautiful just by drinking something, I'm sure I started looking at him in a different way, a gentle, enchanted one. I took a quick sip as he handed me my drink, however, raising his gaze after making the movement with his arm, so looking at me with a little delay. As soon as he looked at me, he seemed to freeze on the spot. He looked surprised. Well, how to blame him, I practically started looking at him with the same look that he has with me, only with me. Also considering that I always look at the others with an annoyed look, I was not surprised to see that kind of reaction. We stared at each other, that's all. His gaze just softened, without smiling, it just softened, he seemed to understand, as well, just as I did earlier that night. It was as if we were blocked in our own bubble, as if everything around us disappeared. After a little, he slowly raised his left hand. Just before he could place it on my right cheek, our bubble burst.
"What are you two doing?"Maki asked, while raising an eyebrow. Both me and Yuji turned towards her, a bit dazed, blocked in the same position.
"Uh, nothing, we are here drinking."Yuji managed to say. I just looked at him, at his thick and defined neck, crossed by a vein and his unbuttoned shirt. I then looked up, at his perfect jawline and profile. He's so damn handsome. I started feeling hot, this time however, not due to people sticking near me.
"Is everything okay, Megumi?"Maki asked, Yuji turning towards me.
"Yeah, what are you doing here?"I tried not to show any strange emotion.
"Nothing, just wanted to get something to drink, I then caught you two in I don't even know how to define it, what are you? Two teenage girls frantically in love with their boys?"She asked jokingly, while getting closer to the counter and ordering a Manhattan. "Soo..."She started talking again. "Is everything okay? Why are you both looking at me without saying anything? I'm not a ghost or vampire you know."We continued staying there in silence looking at her. That was getting strange.
"Everything's okay, don't worry." I said.
"Yes, we're just tired."Yuji added.
"Oh, okay, fine then. Just try not to behave in such a strange way the next time."She looked then at the ground. "Have you seen someone you know?"She asked.
"Yeah, Grace."
"Oh, she often asks me about you."
"Yeah, I know."I said, not really happy to talk about it. Maki noticed and chuckled. "What? You don't like her?"
"No, she's too insistent and invasive."She turned around, taking her Manhattan that was finally ready and taking a sip, now looking at us again.
"Maybe she is a bit, but she's friendly, I can't stand her sometimes though."
"Well, if everything's fine then see you around, guys"She left. We continued looking at her till we couldn't see her figure anymore. Afterwards, I just turned around to look again at Yuji, who was now again looking at me.
"Meg-"We both said in unison. At that we were in silence again, what was happening? Someone had to make a move, however, we were again doing nothing, him looking at me, me looking at the ground. Suddenly, he gently took my wrist and led us to the same exit once again, for the third time tonight. I didn't realise it immediately, I comprehended what was happening just when we were two metres away from the exit.
"Yuji, wait, we don't have our jackets, we're gonna get co-"Before I could finish the sentence, we were already outside. However, I didn't feel the cold as much as I expected. Without realising, as soon as we stepped outside, Yuji turned around and embraced me, while making us lean against the wall, my back fully touching the cold material. He's a little bit taller than me, probably 2 cm, nevertheless, his face was in the hollow of my neck. I felt his warm breath caressing my clear skin, and I got goosebumps. His strong arms were enveloping my waist and cold seemed not to catch me anymore. I slowly lifted my arms, wrapping them around his neck. I felt well, I liked being in his arms and my heart beat faster. I didn't expect this sudden turn of events but I liked it. It seemed like we both waited for that moment to happen, I almost felt that Yuji waited even more time than me. The way he held me tight was so gentle but so protective that I can't explain it, I felt relaxed in his arms, even though it seemed as if my chest could blow up at any time, and it was true, I was surprised, happy, embarrassed, a mixture of emotions. Our bodies attached together shared the same warmth.
"Megumi, what time is it?"He asked, the sound came a little muffled. I carefully took off my right arm from his neck and took my phone from my pocket.
"23:32"I responded quietly. He lifted his head and created space between our bodies, not a big one, we were practically attached anyway, his body just wasn't pressing against mine anymore. He was looking at me, eager for something. I looked straight in his eyes and shivered, they had an effect on me. His gaze fell on my lips, I continued staring at his eyes with that look I had earlier, the gentle, pure one. My heart was pounding so fast that it seemed that it could break my chest at any moment. He leaned a little closer, carefully, being cautious not to make wrong moves, he didn't know he would have made none with me. He leaned a little more closer, now looking in my eyes, our noses just two inches apart, I didn't dare to breathe nor move. He cursed me in such a short time that I almost couldn't believe it. After a few seconds it happened, his soft lips pressed against mine, his grip on my waist becoming more steady, my hands around his neck holding tighter, I closed my eyes, as he did. My heart was pounding faster than ever. We gently pressed against the wall thanks to him, both of us melting into the kiss. His lips felt like drugs, apart from their softness, their colour was an inviting dark pink, their taste sweet. We parted after another ten seconds, his head very slowly moving towards my neck, I shivered again, his grip wasn't helping, I wanted to dissolve in his arms. He started placing soft, very soft and gentle kisses on my neck, me tilting my head so that it could be easier. I put my hands in his shave, feeling his hair, as soft as his kisses; that was everything I needed. I started feeling hot again, that must be his effect.
"Yuji...". At that he placed one last kiss on my neck and returned to the position he was before kissing me, staring again into my eyes. Both him and I were blushing, he was more than me because I know how not to show it that much, even though the little light coming was enough to make it clear. We stood in silence looking at each other for something that looked like an eternity, I suddenly had the urge to lower my gaze because I couldn't stand anything anymore. Two seconds after I did that I could feel him smiling.
"Hey" he said. I raised my head, he was still blushing but smiling. That smile. God, that was enough to make me melt. "Little embarrassed, uh?"He said, challenging me.
"Think for yourself." I said. At that he started laughing and suddenly hugged me tightly. The ball of sunshine he is, he lifted me from the ground and started turning while keeping that smile of his.
"Oi, Yuji, put me down!"I said, not expecting that sudden action. After a few more turns he finally placed me on the ground again.
"Sorry, I'm just too happy."He was beautiful.
"No need to say sorry, dumbass, I'm happy as well, just pray that I won't throw up on your shoes."I said joking, looking at him smiling as well, a sincere smile.
"How about smoking the last joint of the year?"He said after a while.
"What makes you think that I wanna share my weed with you?"
"Oh, you don't?"He was disappointed in a sad way, he was cute.
"Of course I do, dumbass."
"Wait, what time is it now?"
"Are you gonna ask me that every 5 damn seconds?"
"Well, more than 5 seconds had passed."He said proudly. I sighed, taking my phone from the pocket.
"23:41"I responded.
"We still have twenty minutes till new year, just the right time to smoke a little." He said, challenging me again. I rolled my eyes, taking the joint and the lighter. While I took the first, big, puff he stood in front of me, both of us looking in the eyes, him waiting for me. The sight of his eyes however, soon vanished due to the huge cloud of smoke I let out. I lent him the joint and he took it, but out of every expectation, I just felt a pair of lips on mine. Without making it on purpose, a smile painted my lips as we kissed caressed by that smoke cloud covering us. As soon as we broke the kiss he looked at me smiling and took a puff, throwing out the smoke at my face. No wonder why those girls liked him. We continued passing the joint to each other till the end, just then I realised how cold it actually was. I was still submerged by those strong emotions of earlier, the same ones that gave me protection from the cold, together with Yuji.
"Let's go back inside, Megumi, I know you are cold."
"You are not?"I asked.
"Well, a little, but not that much, I'm kind of distracted."He said.
"Distracted by what?"
"My feelings."He looked at me. "But don't worry, we'll talk this through when we are more stable, it's nothing bad."He chuckled. I smiled at him. We then came back inside. We surely had to talk about some things before taking further steps, communicate and make everything clear, it's the best way. We talked a lot since he moved here, it's true, we've learned to know each other, together with Nobara, but I'm sure that's not all. In a relationship it's important to be compatible with each other and have the same values, or nothing is gonna work. Maybe it's even too early to think of some kind of relationship, but that's the first thing that comes to mind after knowing what happened. Inside the house we both understood that it's still too awkward and early to behave like some sort of couple, we surely were embarrassed, I even wondered what would have been like the next time we were alone again, I was worried we would have returned to being as embarrassed as before, that would have made everything messier and harder.
"Hey, guys!"Nobara yelled. We turned around to find her waving, surrounded by the people. We moved closer to her.
"It's just a few minutes till midnight, where have you been?"We didn't know what to say.
"We were outside, inside it's too hot and there are too many people."I said, that's not a lie.
"Why are your eyes red then?"She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You already know I smoke at parties."I said in an obvious way.
"Well, I had totally forgotten about that. So Yuji's eyes are red because he smoked as well?"
"I hope you didn't make him feel sick after."
"Don't worry, Nobara, it was my choice and I feel totally well, it's not the first time."He tried to reassure her with a smile.
"Okay then, just be careful, the both of you."She said with a little grumpy face.
"Where are the others?"I asked.
"Maki's here, Toge and Panda are at the bar."She responded.
"I'm tired."I said.
"Isn't it too early to go home already?"She asked.
"It is, honestly, the point is that I don't really like staying here."
"Have you even met Cleo and the girls to say that?"
"I haven't."
"Well, you should, I'm sure you would have fun with them."I sighed. Maki came closer with another drink.
"Please tell me that's not your fifth drink."I looked at her with a bored look. She grinned.
"It's actually my third."
"Oh, that's surprising."I said, ironically. Yuji laughed.
"Nobara, how much time till the countdown?"She asked.
"Fourteen minutes."
"What? Cleo told me some minutes ago that there were only eleven left."Nobara rolled her eyes smiling.
"I'm sure Cleo is already in another world, she drank something like six glasses of wine."She chuckled, Yuji laughed again.
"She's hilarious when she's drunk."Maki started laughing, probably remembering something. "You two gotta meet her!"
"I had already told them that."Nobara added.
"Then after midnight we're going to search for the group together, you won't regret, trust me."Maki said, still laughing. After two minutes Panda and Toge reunited with us and we spent some other minutes talking together and laughing. Staying ten minutes with them was literally worth all the time I spent alone wandering around, I suddenly wanted to stay with them without going home earlier, despite being tired. Furthermore, the things that happened between me and Yuji always manage to make me happy just at the thought.
"Com'on guys, there's only one minute left."Maki said. We went towards the exit, large groups of people were already outside while some other people still decided to stay inside. We decided to detach a little from the other groups, so that we could see better the fireworks and also to stay together without annoying people between us.
"We're just in time for the countdown."Nobara stated while we formed what seemed to be a line, so that we were all on the same level and everyone could see. As soon as she said that, people nearby started to yell all the respective numbers.
"Ten!"Everything's fine.
"Nine!"Maki and Panda started yelling.
"Eight!"Toge, Nobara and Yuji together with them.
"Seven!"At each number, the yells became louder and louder.
"Six!"Come on, don't worry.
"Five!"My heart started beating faster in excitement. I've always found myself being extremely emotional during this moment; when I was little, I even started crying due to the emotions I felt. Needless to say Gojo has always made fun of me for that. I don't obviously cry now, however, those contrasting emotions are still inside me and still manage to shake me a little. It's just excitement, not really positive during the countdown, but gradually getting better.
"Four!"My heart raced, there was nothing I could do.
"Three!"Lost in my own thoughts, it seemed to be isolated from the world outside. Shut yourself away is never a good thing, however, someone's sudden action made me return to reality. Without expecting it, Yuji, beside me, took my hand in his and held it tightly, while continuing to yell, a smile on his face. I immediately felt more relieved, as if the negative part had been slipped away. Looking at him and his smile, together with his soft touch, was enough to make me understand that.
"One!"I yelled together with everyone.
A general chaos made its way between us and all those people.

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