Chapter 4

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- I liked the story and decided to follow Itadori, then I went to my room and threw myself on the bed.

27th November, Tuesday

Megumi's pov

I'm almost totally exhausted by this morning of classes and I have absolutely no will to stay here even in the afternoon, two hours of Maths and another two of Physical education completely knocked me out, not to mention what happened during this one. Itadori shocked everyone, he mentioned that he has some super abilities and it's true, but no one expected him to be that different from us. He can run super fast, even while carrying a person, he has some unexplainable strength that comes out of nowhere and an incredible agility, he can move fastly and strategically easily. Our PE teacher begged Itadori to sign up for the Athletics course, constantly saying that he could win the Olympics if he practised enough and that he has talent that cannot be thrown away; it is true, but I honestly think that he could beat at least half of the now famous athletes without even trying to practise and you don't even have to struggle to affirm this sort of thing, just looking at him is enough to see that he has potential that no one here has.
If Maths class was terrible, then PE was twice as bad. Takagi, our teacher, is probably more problematic than all of us students and organises stupid games and tests with no real purpose probably, or at least, he explains to us his idea and why the activity could be useful and has sense, but no one thinks it will be actually useful in a near future or everyday life. For instance, today we had to run in pairs, however, we had to carry the other taking turns; for him, this activity is useful when it's necessary to carry a person who is really wounded and cannot move from one place to another. It's in fact something that could happen, but with low probability and furthermore, it is way too specific as an example.
Needless to say it has been embarrassing, almost ridiculous, and that just me and some people succeeded in the task, apart from Itadori. It's surrealistic how he can run so fast even with someone in his arms, he could easily surpass an athlete that, on the contrary, carries nothing . His partner was Kugisaki, however obviously, it has been impossible for her to carry Itadori. This was the first part of the lesson, the second part concerned the Shot-put, which consists in throwing a ball, whose weight is variable, as far as possible. We obviously had a not too heavy ball, considering that everyone had to use the same, so it had a weight that could suit everyone. Since that was the first time doing the Shot-put, Takagi allowed us to throw the ball how we wanted. I hurt my shoulder while launching and overall the results weren't that good, even Kugisaki had some difficulties and she probably hurt her arm due to the exaggerated effort she put in the toss. Itadori was the best again, he threw the ball as if he was a baseball player and tossed it very far. I found out later, by asking him, that he likes baseball a lot.
The third and last part of the lesson consisted precisely in playing baseball. Nevertheless, during the match, Itadori launched a fist at a little wall there, due to the frustration that Takagi caused him, since he stated that Itadori was cheating, and due to the dejection of the defeat; his team lost due to his classmates that didn't really try to win neither. He created a hole, causing his knuckles to bleed. Both me and Kugisaki were surprised while Itadori acted as if it was normal to break a wall with a punch, also saying that it wasn't made of reinforced concrete so it wasn't that difficult to break. When it was finally time to get changed, at the end of the lesson, I helped him with that bleeding hand, first by running water over it, then disinfecting the cuts present there and bandaging it in the end. He refused to do all these passages at first, saying that running water over the hand would have been enough and that I didn't have to worry, but I managed to convince him that water wouldn't have been enough, so he sat patiently and let himself be helped, fortunately. After running water on his hand, he decided to turn around and sit directly on the washbasin he used; apart from the discomfort of the spot, he lent me his hand and let me dab it with a small piece of cotton impregnated with disinfectant; I then placed temporarily his hand on his thigh, covered by a pair of electric blue shorts, and bandaged it. We then changed ourselves. I don't usually sweat a lot, so I didn't need to take a shower immediately, but Itadori took a shower since he had sweated quite more than me and I decided to wait for him while taking a look at my phone. In the end, due to the bandaging and his shower, we have been the lasts to exit the changing room and the gym. Itadori and I started then talking while coming back to the school building.
"Thank you, Fushiguro."he smiled.
"No problem."
"Ahh, I'm starving. Oh, can I have lunch with you?"
"I don't know, can you?"
"Ohh, come on, Fushiguro, be serious! Can I have lunch with you or not?"
"Why not."
"Yesterday you weren't in the cafeteria, where do you usually have lunch then?"
"In the library, I prefer having lunch there since it's way more peaceful; I have lunch in the canteen just rarely."
"Let's go to the library then."
"Yeah, just, keep in mind that you can't dirty everywhere, I don't know what you have for lunch but remember that it's a library and not a canteen, you look like someone who gets everything dirty."
"Don't you dare! I'm gonna be careful." He said laughing a bit. "I'm gonna send a message to Kugisaki then, I think she'll have lunch with Maki and her group. Do you know who they are?"he asked.
"Nice, then maybe one day we can have lunch all together."he said joyfully.
We got to the library after a while and decided to sit at one of the tables placed at the end of the room, where there weren't groups of people.
"Itadori, remember also to whisper every time, you are pretty loud and energetic so try not to make a mess."
"Don't worry, Fushiguro, I'm not that dumb, stop complaining that much, you're not my mother or something."he said joking.
We started eating our lunch. I had a simple sandwich with cheese, ham, lettuce and tomatoes, while he had plain rice, a steak and some peas and carrots as side dish. We ate everything within 20 minutes. While looking at my phone I noticed Itadori take something out from his backpack; he laid on the table a black sketchbook and a black pencil case that looked full of things.
"Do you like drawing, Itadori?"I asked quietly, a bit surprised.
"Yeah, it's one of my hobbies."he responded smiling.
"Can I see some of your drawings?"I asked curious.
"I don't know, can you?"He was now looking at me with a challenging look.
"You're really a dumbass." He laughed at that and then gave me his sketchbook. I opened it and remained surprised. On the first page there was drawn a girl who had very long strawberry red hair, sky blue eyes, thin lips, small nose, pink cheeks, thick eyebrows and long eyelashes; she wore pearl earrings and a light pink dress that went down from her shoulders. It is a half-length realistic portrait and the girl kinda looks like Ariel, the Disney princess.
"Itadori, were you inspired by someone when you made this drawing?"
"In middle school there was this girl in our class, I don't really remember her name but everyone complimented her for her beauty, and it's true, you don't usually see this type of people everyday, even though I'm sure that her hair was dyed. I didn't like her or anything, I just appreciated her beauty like everyone else and decided to draw her."
"She looks like Ariel."
"Yeah, she does, or, at least, she did look like her, right now I don't know what she looks like."I continued leafing through the sketchbook and saw lots of beautiful other drawings. On the second page there was a pond; in the foreground there were two big frogs while in the background there were pink and lilac water lilies and enormous willows. Everything was drawn with extreme care for the details, and then coloured with pencils, the chiaroscuro was evident. On another page there were drawn a man and a woman at a ball, dancing fluently and carefree; turning the page, there was a group of ballerinas dressed in blue, waiting to dance, behind the scenes; both of this drawings had nevertheless a different style from the realistic one of the first two.
"Your drawings remind me a lot of the impressionist period of the 1800s, Itadori, especially the one of the ballerinas and the one of the ball, also the one representing the pond, but it has way too many details and it's too precise to be considered an impressionist painting."
"If you want the truth, no one ever said that to me, and I'm grateful to hear that from you, Fushiguro! The impressionist period is my favourite and many times I've been inspired by it."
"It's my favourite period too."
"Really?" He asked excitedly, raising his voice a bit.
"What do you like about it?"
"Everything; the fact that painters preferred painting outside, didn't use the colour black, didn't mix colours, the fact that figures didn't have a precise outline and weren't precise themselves, the way they wanted to represent all the reflexes of the light and their love especially for landscapes, also people, the way they liked representing water because of all the reflexes that it can create and all this things."
"Yeah, I agree. The sketchbook that you're holding it's almost brand  new, so, as you could have noticed, it doesn't have many drawings inside, but at home I have all my old sketchbooks and inside is more evident the inspiration to the impressionist period."
"If you want to, you can show them to me, you draw really well."
"Thank you, Fushiguro!"He smiled.
"Uh...excuse me, sorry if I interrupt you..."A gentle and quiet voice said. We both turned our heads, to see standing beside the table Ozawa, from our class, I don't think Itadori knows that she's the one to whom Nobara had to ask help for Physics.
"Oh, Ozawa, hi!"he said. Oh, so he knows her.
"Oh, you recognize me, Itadori?.."she asked, looking at the ground, red face and hands tied together. No wait, what's happening?I turned my head to look at Itadori with a confused look, while he continued looking at her with a smile.
"Yeah, you changed a lot but I'm really happy to see you again, I didn't expect to be in the same class again." She raised her head and showed a big smile.
"I didn't expect that either, but I'm glad to see you again. I wanted to talk to you directly yesterday, when you just came here, but I didn't find the courage..."
"Oh don't worry!"
"It's really incredible to see you again...Just know that if you need some help, Itadori, I'm always available and there is absolutely no problem if you want to ask for help."she continued smiling genuinely.
"Yeah, thank you so much, Ozawa!"
"Then see you later in class, guys!"she waved, smiling.
"See you later."We both said. We then watched her as she disappeared in the library.
"How do you know her, Itadori? And, what does it mean that you are in the same class again?"I asked.
"We were in the same class in middle school, in that small town, where I lived before coming here. She had to move here and I think that she's been here for two or three years now. I moved here four days ago and it's just a coincidence to be together in the same class again."
"Sounds more like destiny to me."I said.
"Nah, I don't think so."
"Who knows."I sighed."I'm gonna take a nap then, Itadori."
"How can you take a nap here?"He raised his eyebrow a bit.
"It's quiet, furthermore, I always take refreshing naps after lunch and here's the best place to."
"Yeah, you're right". I then crossed my arms on the table and laid my head, closing my eyes, hoping to find some peace.
"Fushiguro..can I draw you?"He asked a little insecurely.
"If you really desire to..."I said ironically, keeping my head on my arms and my eyes closed, the sound came muffled.
"Thank you."he said happily. "Have a good nap then."
"Thanks."I fell asleep after four or five minutes.

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