Chapter 3

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-So we started going towards this small cafe near the school while snow continued landing on our hair.

Megumi's pov

As we entered, a small girl welcomed us and told us to sit wherever we wanted, there wasn't much of a choice actually; I expected the cafe to be full of people due to the exit and the closeness to the school, it's always this way, especially because people want to take something to eat and relax after a day of classes, but today it's particularly full and there's no need to say that I don't like this already. It's probably this full due to the cold and the snow outside; some people have to take the bus but it always arrives ten or fifteen minutes after the school exit, so people instead of waiting outside prefer coming here, take something to eat and wait without freezing. In five or ten minutes they would have probably gone away, not all of them for sure, but more likely half of them.
We sat by the window, there were comfortable little sofas, Kugisaki and Itadori on one side and me on the other.
"What do you want to order?"I asked, looking listlessly at the now only menu remaining on the table, while leaning against the backrest.
"Ahh I don't know, there are so many tempting things!"Itadori said while having his face completely covered by the menu that he was holding, looking like a child who hadn't seen food in a long time, completely enthusiastic.
"You mean sweet things?"I asked.
"Yeah! They taste way too good."
"What about you, Kugisaki?"
"Don't know yet; I'm tempted to take something sweet as well."Like Itadori, she also had the menu in her hands and half face covered by it.
"How about you, Fushiguro?" Itadori asked, finally laying the menu on the table and looking at me with a smile.
"I'm gonna take a black coffee."
"Is that all?How can you decide that fast?"he asked, confused, almost disappointed.
"Yeah, I don't really have a sweet tooth, and at the moment I don't fancy anything salty either."
"I'm gonna give you something from my stuff then." He said.
"I said I don't want anything."
"Just something little, it's important to eat."He then started looking again at his menu, completely focused on it as if it was some exam, his face covered a second time. I just looked at him.
"I'm gonna take a strawberry cheesecake, this tartlet with cream, blueberries and strawberries and to drink, well, an orange juice I guess." Kugisaki said.
"Wow, sounds delicious damn."Stated Itadori; "Then I'm gonna take a hot chocolate, a peach juice, a...uh, a piece of chocolate cake and some biscuits, those ones half covered in dark chocolate; these are for you, Fushiguro!"He said smiling proud.
"I've already said that I don't want anything, dumbass."
"And I've already said that it is important to eat, haven't I? Furthermore, I'm gonna eat some too!"
"You really like chocolate uh?" I asked.
"Yeah, when I was little my grandpa used to make a lot of chocolate sweets, such as cakes, biscuits, chocolates and so on; apart from that, in general I always preferred chocolate above anything."
"Wow, I honestly prefer cream."I stated.
"Me too!"Kugisaki said happily.
"Then one day, I'm gonna make you one of my grandpa's recipes and we'll see if I can make you change your mind!"He cheerfully stated and we both looked at him with a genuine smile.
Without noticing, some of the people left and outside was slowly getting dark, snow still covering everything; luckily, even though I like it, it has stopped snowing.
We took our orders and it didn't take much till they arrived.
"So, when do we wanna study Physics?" Kugisaki asked while tasting her cheesecake .
"On Wednesday maybe?" I proposed.
"What do you think, Itadori?"Kugisaki asked him.
"I guess it's okay on Wednesday, but when? Like during lunch break or in the afternoon?"
"It's called lunch break for a reason after all, even if we can eat while studying; I'd prefer in the afternoon" she stated.
"Oh okay, then where?" Itadori asked.
"Don't know."I stated. There was now silence while I sipped my black coffee and they ate their snacks, probably thinking.
"Why don't we study here?"Itadori asked.
"Could be possible but it's far too noisy, especially at this hour, I don't know if you two will be able to focus enough."I stated.
"You're right."Kugisaki said.
"Well, we can try anyway if you want to."
"Maybe it's better somewhere else, maybe a library or at someone's it possible to stay in the school library even after class?" Itadori asked.
"It could be, I guess, but I think it's possible only for one hour after the exit time, no more, because they have to clean everything after and as far as I know, sometimes little conferences are held there."
"You know a lot of things, Fushiguro!" He said really joyfully.
"These are things that Kugisaki should know too, right?"I asked while looking at her with a questioning look.
"Well, yeah, as you said, these are things that I should know, but I don't. I'm not really informed about those useless and boring things, I'm not interested either."She said in a little snooty way.
"Are we going to do that on Wednesday then?"I asked.
"Yep!"They said in unison.
We then finished our food, everyone paid and decided to finally go home. "Is anyone of you going to take the bus?"I asked.
"Nope, my mom is picking me up at the school entrance."Kugisaki said while looking at her phone, probably texting someone.
"What about you, Itadori?"
"I'm going on foot."
"Me as well." I said.
"Let's wait for Kugisaki's mother to arrive then"Itadori said. Suddenly, a gust of wind shook his body and he started shivering a little.
"Dang, it's freezing!"He yelled.
"That's why you shouldn't wear ripped jeans in winter, dumbass. Furthermore, your jacket is open." Kugisaki stated, breaking her gaze from her phone.
"You may be right about the jacket, on the other hand, I only have ripped jeans because they're the best, and I'm not gonna buy jeans that aren't ripped, never."He said proudly, while zipping-up his jacket and putting his red hood on.
"Why don't you buy something similar to Fushiguro's pants? They aren't ripped but are cool anyway and always."
"I honestly don't think that those jeans would suit me too well, yes they are cool, but too baggy in my opinion, even if there are types that are way more baggier than that."
"Yours are a bit baggy too."I said.
"Yeah, I think that those type of jeans is called loose or something like that, they aren't skinny but baggy neither."
"They are cool but not really appropriate for winter, Itadori"Kugisaki said.
"It's not winter yet."I said.
"Shut up, Fushiguro", Itadori laughed a little. I like his smile, it has a pretty shape, however he looks a bit dumb sometimes, like this morning.
"My mom's here guys, I gotta go."Kugisaki declared after one or two minutes.
"I'll see you tomorrow, love you guys!"she said while running towards her mother's car.
"See you tomorrow, Kugisaki, love you too!" he yelled, while waving with that dumb smile of his; I said simply "See you tomorrow".
"Let's go then, Itadori. Which way is your house?"
"This way"he pointed right;
"We can go together then, my house is also this way."I said quietly.
"Maybe we live close to each other!" he stated excited.
"We'll see...oh, and pay attention to where you are going dumbass, you almost stepped on an ice slab before."
"I already know I should pay more attention, when I was little I almost broke my lip due to the ice on the ground."
"Start being more careful then."
We spent the first five minutes in silence, not an embarrassing one, it was peaceful;
"I'm happy we're becoming friends, Fushiguro, also with Kugisaki."
"Yeah, I'm happy too, you're just kinda the opposite from me and I don't know if we'll get along well in the near future."
"Don't worry about that, I'm sure that in some way or another we'll get along well."he said smiling.
"You are too positive."
"Is that a problem?"
"Nope, I just don't like people who are too positive."
"It's annoying."
"Ohh whyy?"
"They are too optimistic, not everything in life will be that simple and that beautiful as they see it; they try to instill their positivity in others, it is true they don't do it with bad intentions, but they just have a vision of the world that is not real. Being pessimistic is wrong as well, that's why it's just better to be realistic and see things as they are." That's true, however, I don't think I'll ever stop being positive, it's a characteristic of mine and to be honest I think that this is one of the things that makes me strong even during or after difficult times."
"You may be right from that point of view."
"Yeah..oh, I have to turn right, there."He indicated a point near a traffic light in front of us.
"Maybe we don't live too far from each other then."I stated.
We just continued walking till we arrived in the spot he indicated.
"Well, then, see you tomorrow, Fushiguro!"He greeted me while waving, the same smile printed on his face.
"See you tomorrow, Itadori."We then parted our ways, I came home after a very short time, I went directly to my room and put my backpack on the floor, then I've hung my jacket at the coat rack and took off my shoes; I decided to light the fireplace in my room and wait till it warmed up a bit the room. Meanwhile, I took a quick look at the homework we have for tomorrow, just some Maths exercises fortunately, probably not too long considering that the teacher assigned them today and in fact, according to the institute rules, you can't assign homework from one day to the next, some teachers do it anyway but they just assign short and not too challenging exercises. After that I took a quick look at Instagram also, there was nothing really interesting, it's not new, I just noticed the story of Kugisaki, she just took a photo of Itadori and her and tagged him. Itadori was sitting on a chair, knees apart, the phone in one hand and the other resting on his mouth and covering a bit his face while he was looking directly at the camera; Kugisaki had her tongue stuck outside, but you l could see just ¾ of her face; the photo has been clearly taken from above, but it's a nice one, friendly, they looked like they were having fun while taking it. I liked the story and decided to follow Itadori, then I went to my room and threw myself on the bed.

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