Chapter One - 'Groceries At 8 & Getting Kidnapped- Same Thing'

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I flipped through the newspaper, skimming along the articles, hoping I could find something merely interesting to read about- preferably something about Super Psych and what he might've been up to these long days.

In the name, Super Psych was a superhero, the same type as any other- only without the cape nor the tights. Instead, he wore tough black skintight armour- like a modern day ninja with hardcore shin pads. He didn't exactly dress like a superhero nor did he have his own logo slapped onto his armour, but he kept up with the super tradition to hide what was left of an identity and wore a mask, well half of a mask.

You'd think to figure out who the person was by just seeing half the face was easy, but when the superhero disappears before you could even properly lay eyes on him, it's practically impossible. He didn't even need to wear anything to hide his identity- he disappeared so fast that the only evidence of him is the unfamiliar scent of his cologne. (Or so I've heard.)

So I couldn't really go into detail about how he looked, considering I've never seen him up close nor has anyone else- which would be near impossible unless you were a criminal. But from the blurry and few low definition photos of him all over the internet, you could see only the furthest details like the colour of his hair- black.

But despite his lack of super fashion, his powers definitely made up for how un-super he looked. From our not so great knowledge of him, he had the abilities of super strength, super senses, teleportation and could regenerate. Most of these weren't sure things, but I like to believe they are. I wouldn't be surprised if he had more sets of skills we were unaware of. Supers generally had no more than three powers, so Super Psych was pretty special.

He was a living miracle that dressed as a living nightmare. He was bloody awesome.

There had been countless theories, articles and documentaries- many I had read and watched in my free time of how Supers possibly came to be. But the mysterious subject stayed unknown with no Super yet to confirm anything. There was one simpler theory I liked to think was true though- that they were just born with it. Super at heart.

"Since when did you read the newspaper? Since when does anyone?" My best friend Tyler questioned as he came in with his crutches, he had an apple sticking from his mouth- so he looked kinda ridiculous. When Tyler was injured his mouth seemed to act as an extra hand for him, he would carry things by biting onto them. I found it a little unhygienic when he did it with objects, but Tyler didn't really care.

He stopped at my bed and started to eat the apple he probably took from the fruit basket downstairs.

I shrugged, it was a Sunday afternoon and there was really nothing better to do. "I'm looking for something about Super Psych." I tell him.

"The guy hasn't shown his face in two months, what makes you think he'll be in last weeks' newspaper?" Tyler said with a mouthful of apple. The grin I have slowly slipped off my face into a disappointed frown.

Tyler was right. The latest update about Super Psych was how there was really no update about him. He had disappeared, just like every other Super after a couple years of their service. A few weeks without his activity seemed strange itself to the city, but two months seemed to capture the attention internationally- what had happened to the beloved Super Psych? Had he met the same unknown fate as all the other previous heroes?

"Do you think he's dead?" I asked curiously, flipping the newspaper to a close.

Tyler shrugged, not caring too much about it as he sat down beside me, dropping his crutches onto the floor, making the bed sink in from his weight. "Maybe he's done with the whole superhero thing, he wasn't that great anyway. We'll probably have a new one eventually."

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