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"Tell me a secret," Ivan whispered, his intense gaze fixed upon her as they sat in yet another restaurant. It was only their second encounter, but Anastasia sensed a growing attachment to him, faster than reason allowed. Ivan Volkov possessed a charm that stirred her heart and sent pleasant shivers through her body. The few times his touch brushed against her, it ignited a delightful burning sensation that made her imagine his hands exploring uncharted territories.

Anastasia tilted her head slightly, allowing her dark hair to cascade over her shoulder, while her eyes shimmered in the subdued glow of the diner's lights. The familiar murmur of the surrounding people faded into insignificance, no longer disturbing her. All she desired was to maintain a façade of normalcy on the outside, while an irresistible urge gnawed at her to lean in and kiss him. The need to taste him drove her to the brink of madness.

She shrugged her shoulders. "There is nothing worth telling."

"Come on," a corner of his exquisite lips curled upward, his fingers gently tapping on the tablecloth. His imposing figure sat across from her, exuding a predatory allure. He seemed entertained. "There must be something. If you share yours," he leaned forward ever so slightly, yet it quickened her heartbeat nonetheless, "I'll disclose one of mine."

Ana swallowed, her hands retreating from the table to rest in her lap, fingers clutching the fabric of her dress. She understood he was toying with her, probing her, yearning to unravel the enigma she guarded within. She didn't necessarily detest the idea of confiding in him, but deep down, she feared he had the power to shatter her in unimaginable ways.

Yet, the notion of being ravaged by this captivating man exhilarated her. So instead of maintaining her defenses, she cast caution aside and mimicked his earlier lean, lowering her voice.

"I have one, but I'm not sure if it's significant..." she whispered softly, her eyes fixated on his lips. "I have never...

"Never what?"

"Never kissed anyone."

"Not even on the cheek?" He raised an eyebrow, sounding amused.

"Not on the lips," she says, almost blurting the words out, and feels the warmth sizzling her entire face. "I mean, I've fantasized about it, of course. But I've never actually..."

The surprise that flitted across his face, coupled with the deepening intensity in his already dark eyes, made her realize, for the first time, that she possessed the same power over him that surpassed anyone else's.

The surprise that flitted across his face, coupled with the deepening intensity in his already dark eyes, made her realize, for the first time, that she possessed the same power over him that surpassed anyone else's

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I watch as she rushes upstairs to one of the rooms where I left our kids. I don't try to stop her or hold her back, and simply slide my hands into the pockets of my pants, eyes glued on her back until she disappears.

A smirk dances upon my lips as I contemplate the depth of the pain I have inflicted upon her. I wonder how long it will take for her wounds to heal, but truth be told, I have little patience to wait any longer than necessary. Nevertheless, I understand that she needs time to adjust to everything here, including me. I have no intention of forcing myself upon her or erupting like a volatile volcano simply because things aren't going my way. However, I do hope that the tension between us will dissipate sooner rather than later. I have waited far too long for my family to return home, and now that they are here, I can no longer bear any further delay.

With a swift pivot on my heel, I stride purposefully out of the grand mansion, my mind fully focused on the task at hand. Dimitri, my left-hand man, stands outside, leaning casually against his car, engrossed in his phone. Before approaching him, I quickly dial the number of Igor Fedorov, the head of my security team, and observe as he hastens toward me.

"Yes, Pakhan," Igor acknowledges respectfully.

"Enhance security measures around the mansion," I assert firmly. "Monitor all incoming and outgoing calls. It matters not whose phone it is; if it enters these premises, it must be recorded. There is no room for error this time, Igor. I expect nothing short of perfection."

Igor nods in complete understanding, his expression resolute. "Understood, Pakhan."

Dimitri joins me as soon as Igor leaves. "I've assigned some of our men to keep a close watch on Bulkin, just as you instructed. If he's plotting any malicious schemes behind the facade of peace, we'll uncover it soon enough," he informs me with a firm nod.

"Good," I reply, my voice carrying a hint of satisfaction. "Keep me updated on any suspicious activity or information you gather. We need to stay one step ahead of our enemies."

With another nod, Dimitri takes his leave. I take a final sweeping glance at the sprawling estate before me and make my way back inside. Ascending the majestic staircase that leads to the upper floor, I make a deliberate left turn. As I pass by the room where I left Tatiana and Ivan Jr., a symphony of muffled voices filters through the door. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I succumb to the temptation to press my ear against the door, eagerly catching snippets of their conversation.

"No, Momma, I'm not tired yet," Ivan Jr. asserts, his young voice filled with defiance.

"You're being unreasonable," Ana replies, her beautiful voice carrying a hint of concern. I can almost envision her shaking her head, as she used to when I would engage in something she disapproved of or tried to get away with something. "You haven't slept a wink the entire day. Come on, it's time for bed. I won't repeat myself, young man."

My assertive and endearing wife remains true to her nature, although I can sense the weariness in her voice.

"But Momma..." Ivan Jr.'s voice holds a hint of resistance.

"No 'buts,' Ivan," Ana asserts firmly, her tone leaving no room for negotiation. "Get to bed. Right now."

Concern laces Ivan Jr.'s words as he seeks reassurance, "Are you going to leave?"

A brief pause hangs in the air before Ana's soothing voice breaks through. "No, my love. I'm not going anywhere. Just try to get some sleep, and when you wake up, I'll be right here beside you."


"Promise, baby."

I couldn't help but smile softly as I listened to Ana's gentle assurance to our children.

Oh, we are about to have so much fun here.

With that, I step away from the door and make my way to my office. As I enter, the ringing of a landline phone fills the room. I answer the call.

"We have him at the warehouse," the voice on the other end informs me.

I reach into the drawer beneath my desk, retrieving a jagged knife. Gently, I bring it close to my face, tracing my finger along its sharp edge, relishing in the thrill of the moment.

"Good. I will be there within minutes. Tell everyone. No one lays a finger on him until I arrive. He belongs to me."

A/N: Looks like Ivan got his hands on the man he's been looking for

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A/N: Looks like Ivan got his hands on the man he's been looking for. What do you think Ana would do if she knew? :)

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