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Once the plane lands at a private airport, it doesn't take long for us to move into the cars Ivan's security had already arranged and drive to the nearest and probably the safest hotel.

When I step out of the car, I'm greeted by a tall building that stands out like a sore thumb amid the dazzling streets of Kazan. No building around seems as tall as this one, not even close. It's beautiful, and I only hope the beds are just as comfortable because, after the long-ass flight, all I can think about is throwing myself on a nice, bouncy bed and sleeping for hours.

Ivan's head of security—the name is Igor, I think—does all the grunt work. While Ivan and I wait in the waiting room, he grabs the keys from the reception and leads us to our rooms. We take the elevator to one of the top floors, and I'm glad when no one utters a single word. Especially Ivan.

After what happened on the plane—every single instant when I embarrassed myself royally—I can't think of anything I'm more grateful for than to see him with his mouth shut. Though I feel Ivan's eyes on me alright. Even when we stand in the elevator, waiting for our floor to arrive, I feel his gaze heating the side of my face. It's like he's silently trying to provoke me to snap. Something that I know he's very much capable of and enjoys like anything. He loves it even more when he succeeds in his stupid attempts, and I'm a complete mess while he looks nothing but dashing and smug.

The only thing? It's not happening tonight. I might have my vulnerable moments but I know for sure that I'm not inviting any trouble anymore. It's nighttime already. Just a few hours more and the new day will be upon us. A fresh start will bring rejuvenated strength to deal with my annoying husband. But right now? I'm drained and out of energy. Nothing can provoke me right now. Not even his annoyingly handsome face.

I'm calm as sea. Nothing he does or says can ruffle my feathers.

I breathe in a deep breath and assure myself the day is almost over.

The elevator doors open right then and Igor steps out first. However, the moment I take a step towards the door, Ivan beats me to it. He reaches for the door at the same time but instead of letting me through he spanks my ass and walks past me as if nothing happened.

I'm still standing inside the elevator with my jaw dropped open. Did he just...?

All my calm shatters to the floor.

I'm going to kill this man. Fuck calm. Fuck feathers. Fuck my life.

A burning rage begins to build inside me. How dare he treat me like that?

I clench my fists, feeling the anger pulsating through my veins. But I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

I can't lose control now, not in front of Igor. Not when Ivan is already pushing my limits. I step out of the elevator, my footsteps echoing down the corridor.

Igor glances at me, his expression unreadable. I force a tight-lipped smile, trying to hide my turmoil. But inside, I'm seething. Igor walks away to attend a call once he drops us off at a room. Ivan doesn't pay him any mind. He uses the key card and swipes it to open the door.

As the door swings open, Ivan takes a step back and turns around to face me, wearing that same stupid smile that makes me want to throttle him. He gestures for me to enter first, as if he's some dashing gentleman and I should feel fortunate to be the lady in his company.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and step into the room instead, barely holding myself back from giving him a piece of my mind. I remind myself it's almost over. A good night's sleep will surely help cure my spoiled mood. Or maybe a warm, steaming bath would do the job.

But before I can walk straight in, I suddenly stop just a few steps from the door.

Ivan bumps into my back, not on purpose. But before he can ask the obvious question, I turn around and gasp.

"My purse," I shake my head, looking over his shoulder as if someone would magically appear to hand it over. But of course, no one does. "I forgot my purse."

Ivan's eyebrows furrow, and he looks surprised. "Okay. When was the last time you had it?"

"I don't know. Maybe in the car?"

"Ana!" He says, almost scolding me before shaking his head. He takes out his phone, turns around, and dials a number.

I don't know who he's calling. I don't care. Once he's out of the room, I simply grab the door and slam it in his face, catching a brief glimpse of his "what the hell just happened" face.

"Ana!" He yells from outside, banging on the door. "Open the door."

"Nope. Not happening."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, yes, I am."

"This is not going to end well for you, malysh. Just open the door."

"I don't think so," I lean my back against the door and sigh, satisfied with my sly move. I bet he didn't see it coming. Poor thing. He should have taken the "new me" seriously.


"Save your breath, dear husband," I roll my eyes. "Just get another room."

"Why would I need another room? This is our room."

"Not today, honey. You might be used to getting your way, but not today. Not here. Only one person can occupy this room and that's not you."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" The door bangs again, probably by a kick. "It's a fucking presidential suite. You can't have it all."

"It is?" I say to myself, before finally letting my gaze skim over the place. And holy moly, it is a presidential suite. I agree. I'm a little gobsmacked. But too bad, that's not going to change anything for me. There's no way we are sleeping in the same room, on the same bed. My gut says that's bad for whatever dignity I have left.

"Sorry, husband. No entry for you tonight," I say and peel my back off the door, ready to explore the place. I remind myself to call the kids. They must be waiting for me. Ivan Jr. was very serious when he told me to call the moment we landed. I wasn't able to call him earlier because of the bad reception on my phone but now that's all I can think about.

"Ana. Just tell me this is a joke," Ivan says, sounding more and more annoyed by the minute..

But the more the merrier, don't they say?

"Good night, Ivan. Sweet dreams."

The last thing I hear from him before I finally take off to find the bedroom is Ivan talking to his head of security.

"Igor. Get me another room!"

"What happen—"

"Just get me a fucking room, asshole, or die!"

"Just get me a fucking room, asshole, or die!"

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A/N: LOL Who thinks Ivan deserved this? :P

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