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I can't breathe.

His arm, snug just below my breasts, holds me so tightly from behind that I've forgotten how to inhale like a regular person since last night.

It's dawn now and I haven't slept a wink. He might not have forced himself on me like I assumed he might but that doesn't justify the way he occupied my bed like he owned it.

Fine. Perhaps he did own this technically, but it's my room for the time being, dammit. How could he just storm in and sprawl over it like an eagle with its wings spread wide?

He's everywhere on the bed. Everywhere. Not a single spot remains untouched by his scent. It's practically infused in every inch of the space. It's as if this place was never truly mine.

Ugh. I hate this. I hate this so much.

"Ivan!" I groan out of pure frustration. I can't take this anymore. I want my bed. I want my sleep. I want my life. "Wake up! Don't you have work to do? People to kill? Or whatever it is that you do?"

He remains unfazed, still holding me tightly from behind, his breath steady as he softly snores through my groans of frustration.

I give him a gentle nudge with my elbow, trying to reclaim some space for myself. "Come on, Ivan. You're like a human-sized octopus taking over my bed. Wake up!"

"Trying to sleep here, malysh," he mumbles against my nape—his breath hot—, scuffing his canine over my flesh, as if warning me to behave or he would sink them in.

I squirm.

Only to regret it just as quickly. My eyes widen. Something is poking at my ass from behind, and I'm pretty sure it's not the muzzle of some gun.

"Stop squirming," his deep voice comes with a gentle warning. "Or else don't blame me for the consequences."

I groan inwardly. "Can't you find somewhere else to sleep? Like your own bed?"

He tightens his hold around me and responds with his lips nibbling where my shoulder connects with my neck. "I like this bed," he mumbles. "It smells like you."

Not anymore. "That's not a valid reason."

He smirks against my neck. "Seems pretty valid to me."

"Well, I don't appreciate being your human body pillow. Get off!"

His left hand travels south, palming my flat stomach. "You sure about that?"

"Positive." I try to push against his hold, but he remains unyielding. What would he take to leave me alone? I don't want this to escalate. I don't want him to grow bold because of this...

My thoughts turn to smoke when his hand continues to move between my thighs. He cups my pussy, his thumb rubbing me from the top of my pyjamas. I barely suppress the needless moan. He leans in, his lips brushing against my ear. "You can keep denying it, malysh, but I can hear your body talking. You want this as much as I do."

"Or perhaps my body has grown a mind of its own. But I assure you, my heart has nothing to do with it."

"I don't believe you." He chuckles and rolls me back until I'm beneath him.

I use the opportunity to push against his shoulders. "I'm warning you, Ivan." My glare hardens. "If you don't back off, I'll scream."

"Then scream," he smirks and lowers his gaze to my lips. "Let everyone know that we are having fun."

I scoff, not able to believe him. "It won't be the scream of fun, Ivan. It would be of agony. Of pain. Of 'help me from this monster' kind."

His smirk disappears and something softens in his eyes.

Dangerous Husbands, Broken Wives [18+]Where stories live. Discover now