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It's all hazy at first. All I can think about is some woman's attempt to stab me to death. But the second my vision clears and reality sets in, pushing aside the same damn dream, I realize what I have done.

With the muzzle of my gun shoved hard against Ana's stomach, I lift my gaze and find her frozen in fear. Her face has turned ashen, and her chest barely moves. Her eyes grow wider than saucers, and her mouth falls open without a noise. It's as if words got stuck in her throat, and no matter how much she tries, they refuse to come out.

I blink a few more times to wipe the sleep from my eyes and slowly, yet carefully, release my finger from the trigger. When Ana doesn't move still, I bring the gun down, tuck it at the back of my waist, and give her a little shake.

"Ana?" I call out gently, holding her waist and bringing her down to sit on my lap. Her eyes flicker, but she remains in shock.

Fuck! She should have known better than to hover over me like that. I agree that I never told her about my twisted dreams, but I warned her many times in the past to always call me by my name before waking me up. This is what happens when someone sneaks up on me or tries to get too close without a warning. My instincts take the intruder as an enemy, and my reflexes act in defense.

Shit. I shouldn't have dared to close my eyes. It's all my fault.

I lick my lips and shake her again. "Malysh, baby, can you hear me?"

Slowly, she shakes her head in a nod, but her body still feels rigid as hell and cold as ice. I kiss her temple, trying to coax her back from the shock. I hold her close and tight in my arms.

"You're fine, malysh. Everything is fine. You're safe. I promise you are."

Her throat wobbles as she swallows, her eyes flitting a little more as blood rushes back to her face. Her chest rises and falls in short waves. She blinks a few more times before snapping her gaze at me. My heart breaks at the sight of dread in them. It shines clear as day and I feel even worse. I end up squeezing her tighter to my chest, my arms looped around her in a tight circle.

"You shot me!" she accuses, but her voice barely rises with anger. Instead, it's soft and timid, as if in that one moment of fear, she saw things she never expected herself to.

"I'm sorry, malysh. I didn't mean to scare you like that."

"You fucking shot me!"

I pull away and search for her gaze, feeling like an asshole for terrifying my woman so badly. "I didn't shoot you, I swear. You're absolutely fine."

"You pulled the trigger."

"The safety lock was on." It sounds like a stupid excuse, but it's all I have.

The disbelief that crosses her eyes makes something drop deep in my gut. "And you think that helps?"

"I know," I shake my head. "But I warned you so often not to surprise me like that."

Her eyes narrow, and her lips upturn into a snarl. "I wasn't trying to surprise you. I was just..."

"You were just...what?" I ask, but she purses her lips, snaps her brows, and refuses to say anything.

"Malysh, you do realize that just makes you look guilty, don't you?" I raise a brow, and she averts her eyes in response, her jaw clenched.

I can't help but wonder what the hell she's trying to hide. But then I drop my gaze and notice the warm blanket on my lap. It's half-fallen on the floor, while the remaining half is tucked under my wife's ass. Without realizing, the corner of my mouth spreads into a small grin.

I understand that with her just returning from the shock, it's the worst time to tease her about something—it might make me come off as insensitive—but then again, I never pretended to be anything else. I would rather be a better version of myself for my wife than something I'm not. Besides, it seems like a good way to distract her.

I twirl some loose hair of hers around my finger, before gently making her turn her face to me with the tip of my index finger under her jaw. Her skin feels soft against mine, rushing the blood straight to the south.

"If you weren't trying to surprise me, it only makes me wonder if you were trying to seduce me, am I right?"

That gets the reaction I want. Her brows furrow, and she looks ready to throw a punch. I want to laugh, but I force myself to look seriously amused instead.

"In your dreams." She snaps.

"Well, you did forcefully kiss me a while ago, and now the moment I closed my eyes, you're trying to take advantage of me all over again. If that's not seduction, darling, I don't know what is?"

She scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "You think you're so smart, don't you? But no. I have no intention of seducing you. I would rather seduce a dog or a horse."

I chuckle, leaning closer."Oh, come on, Ana, admit it. You can't resist me. It's written all over your face. And wait a sec..." I raise a brow. "I wasn't aware you were into such things. I mean, a dog and a horse?"

Her cheeks flush darker, and her eyes widen even more. "Fuck you!"

"There would be time for that, of course," I smirk, leaning back and loosening my arms around her. I don't think she even realizes that she's still sitting on my lap. She's too busy being mad at me. "Hmm. Though I wonder why you haven't gotten up from my lap then. Must be really comfortable. "

She flashes me a confused look before looking down and realizing I am right. Her body stiffens once again, and before I know it, she springs back up to her legs. Just then, the plane jolts a little, and with nowhere else to go, Ana yelps and falls back into my lap.

The pilot announces we are ready to land, and the hostess arrives to remind us to fasten our seat belts. However, seeing that we are in the middle of something, she merely mumbles the request and runs off as fast as she can.

I'm laughing so hard I'm afraid I'll pull a muscle in my side, but Ana looks even more embarrassed by the whole incident. She hugs me tightly, burying her face in my neck and not lifting it until the plane has safely landed.

Of course, I make sure to fasten the seat belt and hold her as close as possible. The great thing is, Ana doesn't resist. She lets me hold her, and as the plane starts to descend, her grip on me only tightens, her fingers digging into my chest.

It doesn't hurt, though, and even if it did, I wouldn't mind. I'll take this pain any day if it means she'll let me into her heart like she's letting me hold her, knowing I'll protect her.

I love you so much, malysh. I only hope one day you'll be able to see it.

A/N: Who else is relieved that Ana is okay? :P

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A/N: Who else is relieved that Ana is okay? :P

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