Frozen Heart Attacks

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Holy motherfucking shit.

Whoever this Levi Ackerman character is, he's no debt induced man. No, far from that. A ladykiller car, ladykiller sharp looks, ladykiller apartment. Everything about him screams ladykiller! Albiet not literally.

Today Eren stands in front of an immaculately clean apartment, the interior a mix between antique and retro. Beautifully carved wooden furniture and a sleek black love seat, next to it was another 'L' shaped one, across both was a polished glass coffee table and on the wall laid a wide flat-screen television.

'Holy shit..'

"I'll take that as a compliment.." Levi said entering his dominion first, placing Eren's stuff on one of the love seats. Eren quickly slapped a hand onto his mouth. Did he really say that out loud?

"Yes, you did."

Okay, he didn't say anything that time. Was Levi a psychic?

"No, I cannot read minds." Now the older man just looked plain amused.

But how the friggin' fuck--

"It's written all over your face kid. I'm a lawyer, I read people and I'm good as hell at it." The said lawyer replied curtly.

That made a lot of sense then.

When Eren managed to part his mouth though, he only managed a small, lame, "Oh."

"You gonna stand there all day or you gonna come in? Remove your shoes and put them over there on the shoe rack."

That effectively moved him from his spot from the door. "Sorry!" He squeaked out, oh god this is embarrassing. He clumsily pried off his shoes, loosening the shoelaces first and did as he was told.

"Geez.. calm your tits, kid. I won't kill you-- wait, I take that back. Make a mess and consider yourself dead."

Was he trying to calm Eren down or just trying to scare him more!?

"Come on, this way."

Wordlessly and obediently, he followed Levi.

"This is the kitchen, over there is the bathroom, yeah sorry you get to share the bathroom with me. Then if you turn there you'll see the two doors, the one on the right is mine and the left one is the guestroom, now, your room." He made the mini tour quick as possible. Eren took everything in, the entire apartment itself was huge, the only surprise was that there was only one bathroom. Guess Levi didn't expect to be living with someone else.

Eren reaaaally loved the kitchen though. Beautiful marble countertops, the pans and cutlery on display looked untouched but still clean.

"You good to go?" Levi said as he picked up Eren's stuff.

Eren mutely nodded, though now he had a small smile on his face.

Levi mirrored his nod and tilted his head in a silent 'this way' motion. Leading Eren to his room.

Opening the door with ease, Levi just entered put Eren's bags atop the single bed. "Unpack and when your done just call me." He left without another word.

Eren watched the door click shut in silence.

"Wow." He mumbled softly to himself. Yet, he's unsure with what he's impressed with now. Levi or the apartment?

Maybe a bit of both.

Both were nothing he ever expected.


Levi grabbed his phone and threw himself over one of his couches, legs crossing over the other and one arm hanging on the back of the couch. He dialed a familiar number, placing the gadget up his ear. Listening to the ringing.

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