Halloween Party (Part 2)

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Eren wore a trench coat over his costume, in his defense he picked out the bloody costume in the spur of the moment yesterday and yes, it was because of Levi. Then there was also the fact that he cheated a little bit and asked Hanji what she'd possibly want him to wear, well she sent him a snapshot of it from the internet. To say it was revealing was the understatement of the century.

He was an idiot and bought it anyway.

The vibration of his phone startled him. He quickly answered the damn thing without looking at the contact. "Who dares?" He didn't appreciate being interrupted at the crucial part of his preparation.

"What is it, Eren?" Goddammit horse-face.

"The fuck, Jean.. I'm trying to win two bets here!" He sneered at the four-legged mammal in human form through the phone line. He already ended the call before Jean could speak. And yes, two bets. If Eren was an idiot before, well now he's twice the idiot he once was. It all started with that time when he accidentally let his little crush with Levi slip out in front of his two friends, Marco and horse-face. They were at lunch at the time. It came as a surprise to the two but they didn't judge. Marco consoled him for his sad unrequited love. Jean tried to do the same but ended up insulting Eren at the end but Eren appreciated their comfort.

Then the other night he made one more mistake with letting that slip as well. He let them know about his little contest with Levi.

He clearly recalled the words Jean had said to him,

"I'm betting Levi will probably win."

"Oh yeah?" Eren challenged back. "Twenty bucks says you're wrong!"

"Tch, it's a fucking bet then Yeager! If I win, you'll do one thing I order!"

Eren almost wished to throw himself in a ditch and die there. Just almost.

Persistent knocking thumped on his door and followed by a familiar line of curses. "Eren, you've been there for a fucking hour! We're already late!" Adjusting thew coat one last time and then sighed, damn he regretted buying this shit. He walked over to the door, one inch heeled boots clacking on the floor.

"Cooomiiing..." He opened the door and pouted at the man then realized Levi wore a zipped up leather jacket over his top, slacks and black shoes as well. The two stood there for a minute examining the other with raised eyebrows. "...So, you got an MIB costume after all?"

"Tch.. As if I'll tell you. That's the point of the jacket. It's a surprise." Levi scoffed and then smirked at him. "And what are YOU supposed to be? A werecat Sherlock Holmes? Interesting mix, I'll admit-"

"No, it's a surprise too.." Eren mumbled, his cheeks flushing. To save himself from being interrogated furthered changed the subject. "Shouldn't we be leaving by now?"

"Right, I'll see that costume later anyway."

And afterwards they both finally left for the party.


"Levi, Eren!" Hanji pushed through the crowd towards the entrance where she immediately spotted the pair, she wore a scientist outfit. "You two made it!" Levi sidestepped, avoiding Hanji's bear hug but resulting to her colliding to Eren. The poor boy was not so lucky with her.

"Hanjiiiihh..." Eren wheezed out weakly, feeling his air supply leave him by Hanji's rib crushing embrace. "Holyshit... let.. go..." Hanji ignored that and kept hugging him very tightly still, and it lasted until Levi sighed and ripped Hanji off of Eren. He took a greedy intake of oxygen, clutching his chest his hands gently massaged his bruised ribs.

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