A Drunk Eren Is A Cute Eren

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A grunt left Eren's throat, his head burned and surged.

"Mhm... Mom could you turn the heater down... Its," Yawn. "Getting too warm..." It came out as a sleepy mumble from Eren's mouth, he whined when it still remained too warm, if it were colder he would've appreciated it. He snuggled on his pillow, it smelled a bit differently today. Almost like lavender, and Windex, it was a faint smell but it aided his headache a little.

Wanting to smell it a little more he pushed his nose into a junction much further. A strange sensation tickling his nose.

"Mhh--mmm?" He forced to open an eyelid then two, blinking sleepily. He saw black.

His eyes considerably widening when he starts to recognize what he's looking at.

'Holy!' His voice caught back in his throat, he squeaked.

What the friggin fuck was Levi doing in a bed, with him!?

More importantly,

Why the fuck did his ass hurt!?


[The day before...]

Breakfast went along normally as usual until Eren blurted out something that caught Levi by surprise.

"Levi, wanna come and go Karaoke with us tonight?"

With the lack of better response, Levi went with, "Hah?" raising an elegant eyebrow.

"Come on, its a Friday night .. And well uh loosen up a bit?" Eren coaxed. "It's just me and some friends! We decided to go to the one close to Titan's Diner." Close to Hanji's then.

Giving him a narrowed look, Levi blinked at the kid owlishly before responding with a sharp, "No.."

Like a reprimanded puppy, Eren immediately wilted from his seat and unconsciously let a pout overtake his features.

"Okay.. I won't force you then. But not even for a few minutes?"


Eren sent his older companion a halfhearted glare and shoved some toast in his mouth, munching angrily at it. He wasn't even sure why he asked, he already knew Levi would say no to him. He shouldn't even be so disappointed, he knew it was coming but he was still a bit disappointed. He had no idea why.

"I'm going," Making his way to grab his blazer, putting it on in a fluid motion. Levi sent Eren another look. "Don't stay out too late. Other than that I don't fucking care what you do."

Eren waited until the doors closed before he grumbled. "Stupid fucking senile old man, telling me what to do.."

He didn't have class that morning and feeling too lazy to cook for just himself, he found himself walking to Hanji's. He strode in and made himself comfortable in his usual seat. Letting a small smile slip when Hanji noticed him however. He'd know since he's realized that the woman would let out a squeal and shortly after she's done with her job she'd wave, then and only then will he approach him.

"Eren!" She grinned, walking over to him but that grin shortly vanished when she got closer. "Okay, what's wrong? Was Levi being an ass?"

Eren blinked and quickly shook his head, "Uhh nothing really.." Now he kinda felt a bit stupid. Levi was always mean to people. He was suddenly confused as to why he was disappointed. It was no big deal.

"Be honest, Eren! If you don't I'll go call Levi and let him have the long talk!" She said looking serious, and uncharacteristically upset for something.

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