First Date Bliss

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Eren's next mission; get Levi to fuck him. Commence.

Enjoy the fluff!!


Waking up was one thing, though waking up next to someone was another thing all in all. Levi couldn't remember when he's ever felt this content before. Here in his arms was Eren. The brunet slept like an angel fallen from heav-

The fuck.

He pushed all cheesy thoughts aside and inhaled through his nose. Levi didn't feel like getting up just yet, and definitely not at all especially when he held Eren this way. They were spooning and he was the big spoon. Levi felt a surge of emotion flutter in his chest as he recalled last night's events. Eren did dangerous things to him.

'Stupid brat, you're making me grow too soft..' Levi lifted a hand so he could brush Eren's chocolate locks, pushing it back so he could see his new boyfriend's face better. His heart did another flip. Eren was so beautiful, seriously, how was he able to hold himself back on this brat for many months?

Sifting their positions better, Levi re-angled Eren's head so he could lay on his chest and he could wrap both arms around the teen's slender waist fully. He found that he really liked this pose. He could bury his nose on Eren's hair and enjoy the smell of cinnamon.

A minute later he felt something wet on his chest and he realized Eren had drooled on him. This is where he should be disgusted but the issue was, he wasn't grossed out at all. Levi let out a soft chuckle and wiped Eren's chin with his thumb.

Now he freaked himself out a little, why wasn't his OCD kicking in?

His slight distress was thrown out the window when he felt Eren shift a little on top of him. He looked down, watching his brat yawn and stretch much like a cat on top of him. Eren's beautifully bright turquoise eyes finally revealed themselves, Levi sure his heart melted yet again. "Good morning. You drooled on me, you gross shit." Of course his assholish ways will forever be a part of him.

Blinking sleepily for a minute Eren managed to let out a soft laugh, sleepiness rolling away from him as he rubbed his eyes. "Good morning to you too, Levi." He mumbled, kissing Levi's jaw.

Levi let his lips quirk upwards a little, he kissed Eren's forehead in return. "Not regretting anything I hope..?"

"Of course not." Eren answered sweetly, pressing another kiss but on Levi's chest, right over his heart. "Last night was amazing." He said dreamily and wrapped an arm over Levi's torso.

"Good, cause now you're stuck with me." Levi said smirking down at him.

Eren snorted and mumbled, "You say that like it's a bad thing." Without knowing what else they could do, Eren mindlessly traced Levi's glorious abs. "God, you're hot."

"Why thank you. Calling me 'God' is a bit much don't you think?"

"D-did I say that out loud?" Eren blushed and stuttered nervously.

"Yes. Yes, you did." It came with a purr.

Eren pouted at Levi's relentless teasing. "Kinda brings back memories eh.." He mumbled, recalling the first time they both got stuck in the same bed, it wasn't a very pleasant memory for Eren though and he immediately regretted bringing it up.

"Yeah, you're a cute goofy drunk." Levi smirked at the memory.

Frowning, Eren gently hit Levi on the chest. "You're mean today."

"I'm always mean."


Levi still did his morning jog after they both got out of bed, albeit reluctantly considering how comfortable they both were. Eren went of to make breakfast while Levi was away but first,

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