Three Strikes, You're Out

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I almost hate school. And one of my instructors. I literally sassed him and dissed him by an earshot, pretty sure he heard me but I was too pissed to think. Now I feel a tiny bit guilty. He's still human despite his skill of being really difficult to work with. Confessing this here because its easier to tell strangers than it is to tell classmates. They always judge me.


Reiner sighed for the umpteenth time that day, as once again his eyes fell upon the wall clock that was situated in his small kitchen, just above the fridge. He had completely missed his first period class, not that his morality and conscience had given him a chance to even consider leaving the threshold of his crummy apartment.

Last night's call with Eren..

He was at loss, he had no idea how on earth he could deal with this.

As of now Eren took residency in his bed. The poor kid fell asleep sobbing his heart out for unknown reasons that until now Reiner hadn't unearthed from the boy. Eren couldn't even respond well the moment he had arrived at the boy's own apartment complex. The boy was a sobbing mess and Reiner could not find the words to ask him why he was so upset-although he already had an idea why, he didn't have it in him to ask. He feared he could have said the wrong thing and made things much worse.

What he couldn't put his finger on was that,


He couldn't imagine it at all, doing something that could lead to hurting Eren was something he couldn't picture Levi Ackerman doing, not at all. Not when he saw how Levi looked at Eren that very night at the Halloween Party. It didn't make any sense.

What does it matter? He hurt Eren. He doesn't deserve him.

"You okay, bud?" A hand gripped Reiner's shoulder. It was Bertholtd.

"Yeah, fine I guess." Reiner shrugged and kept his gaze onto Eren's frail state.

The taller boy said nothing, but instead squeezed Reiner's shoulder tighter. Nothing else was needed to be said. He knew about it, of Reiner's infatuation with Eren. He honestly felt awful for the blonde, knowing Eren wouldn't ever like him back then now all of a sudden the boy turns to him, like dangling meat in front of a starved dog. It was cruel how things turned out to be.

"I just don't get it," Reiner mumbled. "What could've happened, look at him Bert, tell me what you think happened? I was so sure Levi wouldn't even.. Ugh fuck, what do I know.."

"I don't know what happened Reiner and so do you, we can't exactly skip to conclusions but by the looks of it, I think they broke up.." Bert explained. "No matter how happy those two seemed, there's always bad turns that could make them realize they're not for each other," With a weak smile he patted Reiner's back and gently nudged him forward. "This might be your chance buddy, I say you take it. But slowly, got it?"

Reiner sent his best friend a meaningful look and a small smile. "Damn Bert, that was a good speech."

"Pssh, it was an awesome speech. Now go."


Eren awoke to a hand stroking his hair, relief flooded his senses, Levi. Who else could touch him so gently like this? It had all been a bad dream Levi would never cheat, never. He wasn't that kind of man. He was-

"Oh sorry, you're awake?"

Again that little bit of his heart that was left, broke.

Not Levi. "Reiner.." He could hardly recognize his own voice, it cracked and sounded so worn out. "I'm sorry. I bothered you, didn't I?"

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