Halloween Party (Part 1)

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Decided to do a little time skip since the public wants Riren/Ereri to happen already. I'm a tease, I know.

Mild smut warning, to all kids below 18 you're all not allowed to read. Yes RouRou, I'm talking to you.

Not like you'll all listen anyway XD



It took Eren months, friggin' months to come into complete terms with his feelings for Levi. Come into terms with it and to fucking accept that this little crush isn't going to go away any time. He wasn't sure if it was still even a crush, he was pretty sure that his crush developed into something greater. It also didn't help when Levi started getting nice to him as well, at least as nice as Levi could. He followed Hanji's tip, enjoy it while it lasts but she never fucking told him there was a chance the puppy love would eventually grow into something else!

"Ow-..fuck.." Eren cried out, he had spaced out while chopping onions. Cursing inwardly he washed the blood off his abused finger in the sink. Spacing out while thinking of a certain raven haired man was also starting to become a daily habit. "Dammit.. What the fuck is wrong with me.." The brunet mumbled to himself, ruefully looking at his finger, the cut was small but quite deep, the blood didn't stop running down.

"Eren have you seen my- the fuck, did you cut yourself!?" Eren flinched at the sound of Levi's deep voice, "Let me see.."

Doom, it was all Eren could think of. His heart pounded a little. He can't even deny the man of anything anymore. "M'fine.." He said with a small pout tugging on his lips, sticking his finger out for Levi to check.

"Tch, you should give up saying that.." Levi scowled and examined the bloody finger and opened a cupboard below the sink, taking out an emergency first aid kit. "You're a fucking magnet for trouble.."

Eren eyed at the first aid. "Huh.. S'That new?" He never did notice that before.


Awkward silence followed after.

Levi cleaned and wrapped up the open cut, he examined his work and nodded in approval. Eren just couldn't help but feel that Levi held his hand longer than necessary but that could've been just him imagining things. It wouldn't be possible anyway.

"Uhm thanks a lot Levi," Eren softly started, looking down at the man awkwardly. "You've been saving my ass a lot more lately.."

Levi arched an eyebrow at the bashfulness the brat was suddenly showing, he found it endearingly cute but his face failed to show it. "That's because your ass is constantly in dire need of help.." He deadpanned, letting the boy's finger go.

Eren found himself unable to deny so he just laughed and nodded. "Guess you're right!" He stared at his finger. "Thank you again.."

"Whatever brat. You gonna continue cooking," Levi pointed at the half-finished chopped onions and a bloody knife. "Or we can go eat dinner with Hanji?"

Eren cradled his injury and pursed his lips. "Hanji's place.."

"Good and get a coat, it's cold tonight."

Smiling at the man, Eren nodded and went off to get his warmer clothes in his room.


"-so Reiner threw the ball directly at Jean's face! Heh! I swear that was the most fun I had while playing volleyball!" Eren was telling Hanji about his lasted trip to the beach the other week. He had went with his friends and had the greatest time of his life, his only regret was that Levi wasn't able to go that day because of an extra workload. Eren could've insisted Levi to come but he didn't want to bother the man too much, seeing as that Levi's work would pile up if he took unplanned breaks.

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