The Unheard Words

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Another chappie for you, you, you and you! *pointing at all of you*

I apologize for the super fast paced chap.. Its my first time to write all out drama so it's hard for me to find some ground.


"Get out."


Time continued to tick even after the doors closed on Levi's apartment. Every tick of his wall clock rang in his ear loud and clear. It grated his nerves. He was angry, no enraged. Why, he just couldn't understand.


That boy did so many wonderful things to him, made his heart race, his usual stone face turn gentle, made his lips twitch into a smile. Eren made him feel so many things, so many emotions. Taught him how to be happy.


Why did he have to see that? Why did Eren have to do that? Why did Eren do it?


He said he loved Levi, so why? Just why, if someone could just explain it to him. Someone, make him understand.

He hated this, this unbearable hurting in his chest. Is this heartbreak? This is terrible, he never wanted to feel this again.

This foreign hurt. To feel like he just got stabbed a thousand times, fell off a hundred story building, fall on a busy road, run over by five hundred cars, stepped on by eight hundred people, remain on that same spot for two hundred days with repeated daily process, then all at the same time, he was still alive to feel all that. The worst part of it all was that he knew he can't do anything about it. He could only feel.


What had he just done though? Surely there had to be an explanation? Why did Eren look so upset, why was he crying and why did he already have his bags packed..

Why did he tell him to get out without hearing an explanation?

'Eren why did you go without a fight, why didn't you explain yourself to me? Why did you go with another man.. Why didn't you stay by my side..?' Levi wanted to justify this, was Eren drugged? Was he being forced to it? That just made Levi's blood boil. He still couldn't pin it down, how could Eren do such a thing.

Eren, Eren, Eren...

Indeed why did Eren leave, why did he let himself be touched by someone else. Why in Levi's room of all places.

Don't go..

Eren, dont go..

Levi sat on his cold unmade bed, with strange warmth pooling in his eyes. It was an awful feeling. It was his sign that he was human, to feel. It was as much as a sign as him falling in love with Eren. He realized that too late and Eren wasn't there to catch him. He pulled a small box out of his pocket, staring at it.

"You stupid fucking brat.. Why didn't you stay.." He mumbled to particularly no one. "No matter what the reason.. I would forgive you.. You could've played me all along, I'd still would've forgiven you.. So why didn't you stay?" Something wet dripped onto his cheeks, briefly he wondered if the pipes were leaking before realizing they were tears. With a swift flick of his shaking thumb, he opened the little container. A silver band gleamed with it's emerald stone winking against the slight light it's been exposed to.

It's been a while since he cried.. He couldn't remember the last time he did, though this time he won't ever be forgetting this moment.

"Damnit.. Don't leave me now.." Levi whispered to himself, as if Eren could hear. "Don't go, Eren.."

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