Attack on Popcorn

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Warning: there will be mild Reiner x Eren in this chapter.. But fear not! Levi x Eren is still the main pairing.

Officially two weeks passed since Eren's arrival. Everything fell in place and Levi was becoming less scary, or that Eren's starting to get used to his scary assholeness. School started as well, Lucky for Eren his school wasn't far from the apartment complex either.

He already made a lot of friends there.

He met Marco Bott first, he was the first kind soul that ever approached him. He was literally like a Freckled Jesus.

Then Marco's asshole of a friend Jean-horse-face, whom Eren very much disliked(the feeling was mutual) and tolerated. Aside from his usual asshole-ish self, and when the horse was in a good mood, he wouldn't be too bad. At least they could actually converse civilly.

Ymir and her girlfriend Historia Reiss, no comments on them yet since he hasn't spent too much time with them yet. But from what he heard from the others, Ymir was demon spawn and Historia was an angel. Woah, opposites do attract.

There was also the trio Annie Leonheart, who reminds him eerily too much about Levi, Reiner Braun, hunk blond he wouldn't mind getting hot with, and lastly Bertholdt Hoover, he's also a looker he wouldn't mind getting hot with but the shy guys were never his type.

"Yo Eren!" Eren halted his reading and flicked his head to that direction. It was Reiner. Sweet lord, he's even hotter today. Did Eren ever mentioned he was hopelessly gay? He was.

"Hey Reiner!" Eren closed his book and smiled at his blond friend. "What's up?"

"Bert and Annie sorta still have class," Reiner began, "And I kinda missed breakfast.. Saw you and I kinda wanted to know if you want to come along? Unless you're busy is all.."

Eren may look normal right now but in the inside he was pretty much partying already. "Sure thing! My next and last class shouldn't start in an hour and a half. Got anywhere in mind?" Oh thank freckled Jesus for introducing them.

"Perfect," Reiner grinned. "I was actually still trying to decide whether to eat in the cafeteria or go outside campus."

Scratching the back of his neck in thought, Eren hatched an idea. "I know a good place outside! A friend owns it too!"


"Oh hi Eren!" Hanji perked up right away when her favorite green eyed boy passed the entrance. She saw him coming over already even from a distance. Scary if he wasn't already used to it.

"Hey, Hanji!" Eren smiled at her as he walked in with an inquisitive Reiner.

Having finally noticed Eren wasn't alone she smiled wider. "Ooh~ who's this? A boyfriend perhaps?"

Red faced, Eren shook his head. "No--I..w-we..." He yelped when he felt a heavy arm on his shoulder and he looked up as an auto response.

"Sure wish that was the case, I'm Reiner!" He introduced himself. His statement just made Eren stutter more, he was openly flirting right now and Eren wasn't sure if his little heart can take it.

Hanji cackled. "Oh my god Eren you're too cute!" She clapped her hands together and smiled at the two. "You two take a seat, I'll have Silvia your orders in a minute!"

And they did, the duo took a seat in the farthest corner and waited a bit.

"She seems nice.." Reiner chuckled.

Eren smiled and nodded, laughing softly. "She is.." He handed his friend a menu card. "So uhm.. Did'ya mean what you said earlier?" His blush returning with a vengeance as he recalled the blond's exact words.

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