Gorgeous Brat

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Today was a sunny Sunday, to which Eren woke up too with an equally sunny mood that rivalled the sun's blinding rays, he had a complete 180° recovery from the Friday night karaoke party. Now he's up and happy again like it happened a year ago instead of just a day ago.

Getting out of bed and brushing his teeth, he immediately proceeded to his usual morning ritual, make breakfast for his grouchy lawyer of a guardian. Just as he got out of the bathroom, he finally noticed a lump of black sprawled on the couch in the living room, he raised an eyebrow. 'He probably pulled an all nighter.' It wasn't the first time he's seen Levi knocked out like this but it still took him by surprise sometimes.

A flash of guilt pierced through Eren's chest when he remembered that Levi hardly had any decent sleep the other day as well, and it was all because of him.

He sighed and sent the sleeping man an apologetic smile even though Levi couldn't see it. Eren went into his room really quick and pulled out some of the extra sheets lying neatly inside one of the drawers, coming back as quick as he could and did his best to cover up Levi's body without waking the man.

Eren couldn't resist to take a good look at Levi was he slept. This had to be his only chance to look at Levi's face up close like this without him snapping or worse, killing him.

Levi's brows weren't all furrowed and angry, his face was relaxed and unmistakably young looking. Unlike how he looked when he was awake, he looked more like a twenty-five year old man now. Not an old man. Eren found himself smiling, he may be staring at him a bit too long but he didn't dwell on it. Best to enjoy admiring the man's face while he still could.

He could honestly admit it aloud, Levi was indeed a beautiful man. Eren flushed a bit when he recalled how Levi looked beneath his shirt and greek gods be damned if he wasn't looking at Adonis himself in human flesh. Eren had to cut his thoughts short since it was already bordering to the nasty ones. He was so tempted to poke Levi on the cheek though, just to test if the skin looked as smooth as it looked.

Eren knew if he as much as wake Levi up now he'd have to face the painful consequences.

'Shit, I should probably get on with breakfast..' He told himself but made no action to move.

Levi was just too fascinating to watch. His mysteriousness was just icing on the cake. And Levi was a metaphorical cake that Eren wouldn't mind taking a bite on, he's sure he'd definitely enjoy it too.

That's when Eren finally slapped himself mentally.

'Holy shit! What the fuck am I thinking about here!?' He stiffly got onto his feet and marched into the kitchen, his face burned. 'I only found out I had a huge fucking crush on him a while ago and I'm already acting like a schoolgirl!'

He decided to make something simple like omelets and bacon, feeling a bit mentally tired to think of something nice to cook. Levi himself wasn't a very picky eater so he usually had no problems.

A soft grunt coming from the doorway interrupted him as he washed the pans he used for cooking, he turned and smiled at half awake state of the man he had just been thinking about all morning.

"Good morning Levi! Had a great sleep?"

Levi yawned and strode in, taking a free seat and blinked sleepily. "I hardly slept at all.."

Eren furrowed his brows a little and wiped his hands dry, he went to make Levi his morning coffee, hopefully that would improve the man's mood.

He made the coffee just as Levi liked it. Bitter and black.

The Bitter and the Sweet - [Riren/Ereri]Where stories live. Discover now