chapter 2 - andrew

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Andrews POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and rubbed my eyes. I turned my alarm off and got up for school. I looked at my clock and it was 7 am. I washed up and went for breakfast downstairs after getting dressed in a green collared sweater and black jeans.

'Hey mom.'
'Hey andrew, ready for school?'
'Im ready.'
'Well eat your waffles now and then you can go.'
'Alright mom.'

I ate the waffles and went out the door after wearing my shoes. I went to my car and drove to school.

After reaching school, as I went up the stairs, I heard Aaron calling for me.

'ANDREWWW WAIT UP MAN.' Aaron said screaming.
'I am.' I said in an annoyed tone.
'Thanks. What's up?' He asked
'Nothing much. I have debate club after school. That's about it.' I said
'Okay mister all-rounder' He said sarcastically.
'What's up with you?' I asked
'Well I kind of met this girl.'
'Good for you.'
'I asked her out at a cafe and we both agreed that we'd bring a friend.' He said shyly
'What the hell are you trying to say right now?' I asked
'Well I'm saying that you're coming with me.'
'I am not coming with you.'
'Come on please man I can't go alone.'
'Ask Derek.'
'Please dude you're my best mate.'
'Please I'll do all your homework for a month.'
'I'll find you a girlfriend.'
'I don't want one.'
'I'll buy u whatever you want at the comic book store.'
'Alright fine I'll go then.'
'Thanks man. Tomorrow at 3pm.'
'Okay whatever.'

We both went our ways for class. After class I went to the debate club and we did rehearsals for the upcoming debate competition with Westmore high. Then Aaron and I went to the comic book store. After that I went home and started doing my homework. After that I went home and saw my parents watching a movie. My dad is a doctor and my mom is a teacher.

'I'm home.' I said out loud.
'Hey honey, how was school?' my mother said turning my way.
'It was alright.'
'How are the debate rehearsals going?' my dad asked.
'Well.' I replied

I then went up to my room upstairs and started doing my homework. After a while, my mom called me down for dinner. I went down and had dinner. After returning to my room, I washed up and went to bed.

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