chapter 11 - tijuana

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Andrews POV

I woke up at around 8 am and realized that my head was buried in the crook of Maeve's shoulder.

Her hair smelled nice. I thought to myself and quickly got up. Luckily, she was still asleep and didn't notice.

Everyone else was still asleep. I washed up and got out to see that Maeve, Rose and Aaron had woken up. Hyde and Alicia were still asleep.

Morning guys.' I said
'Morning.' they all said together and Maeve went to freshen up.

We all freshened up and went downstairs for breakfast. We sat down at a table and ordered.

'So what's the plan?' asked Hyde
'Well we drive up to the hotel where everyone is staying. Hopefully the car is fixed by now.' replied Maeve
'It should be.' said Aaron

We finished eating breakfast and went back to the room to gather our stuff.

Maeve's POV

I started packing my stuff and we all went downstairs. Andrew seemed to have calmed down a bit more.

We got the car which was fixed now and started our way towards the hotel.

We drove to the hotel and got in. After we settled in, we went out to find the bar where everyone was partying.

We entered and I tried to go look for Connor. There was people dancing everywhere and I had to push past a bunch of people trying to look for Connor. I found him after a while or looking and...

My heart dropped.

There he was. Dancing super close with Riley Fischer. I assumed they didn't see me because she started kissing him and he didn't object.

And then he saw me and gasped. I ran away as fast as I could. I could hear him calling for me and coming after me. I got out of the bar and went to the back and started crying.

How could he do this to me?

I always thought we were gonna end up together but I guess not. I was so freaking wrong.

'Maeve.' I heard Connor saying
'What do you want?' I said still crying
'Look I'm sorry okay. But you have to understand-'
'Understand? Are you insane? You kissed Riley and I saw it with my own two eyes. Save whatever stupid excuse you have saved up because I don't give a shit.' I said to him
'Well we were fighting all the time, what did you expect was gonna happen?' he asked and I got filled with rage
'Connor are you even listening to yourself? You could've broken up with me instead of cheating on me with a total slut.'
'So what now, you're gonna leave me.'
'We're over. Don't ever try speaking to me ever again.'
'I said I'm sorry.'
'Your apology doesn't mean shit to me.' I said and walked away.

I went to the front of bar and walked for a while when my friends caught up to me.

'Maeve, where were you? We've been looking for you.' said Alicia
'Yeah I even punched Riley right at the nose.' said Rose
'Are you okay?' asked Aaron
'Im fine. I broke up with Connor.' I replied. I had stopped crying.
'Do you wanna go back to the room cus we can go back if you want.' said Alicia
'Its okay I just wanna go eat something.' I said
'Theres a good diner right there up front. let's go.' said Hyde

We walked to the diner and sat down.
Andrew didn't say anything but I could see him staring at me sympathetically.

God this is just so embarrassing even he feels bad for me. How could I have let this happen?

Andrew's POV

I had never seen her like this. I felt terrible for her. Connor was an ass. He was always a jerk he always be a jerk.

She looked devastated. I had never seen her like this before. We sat down at the diner and ordered.

We ate and got up to leave. I went out and saw Maeve standing by herself. Everyone else was still inside.

'You think I'm being annoying, don't you?' she said and looked at me
'I don't think that.' I said quietly
'Im sorry for whatever I've done to you that you hate me so much for. I'm not like that anymore.' she said
'Its alright.' I said looking down at my feet

Everyone else came out the diner and we went back to the room.

'What do you wanna do tomorrow?' Hyde asked Maeve
'I don't know, walk around I guess. I don't wanna talk to anyone else so.' replied Maeve quietly
'Yeah I know.' said Rose

It was about 8pm so we all just called it a day and went to sleep.

Next day

3rd person POV

They all got up at about 9 am and went downstairs for breakfast.

'You guys wanna go to this museum?' asked Aaron pointing at a picture

Everyone said yes so they all drove to the museum. It was a museum of aircrafts.

Rose, Alicia and Maeve walked around and looked. Hyde and Aaron did the same while Andrew kept babbling on and on about the different aircrafts.

'Okay okay we get it you're super smart geez Andrew. Shut up now for god's sake.' said Maeve
'Fine whatever.' said Andrew giving her an annoyed look

They had a nice time at the museum and then went for lunch. Soon, it was time for them to go back to Beverley Hills. They all packed up their stuff and started the journey.

After many hours, they arrived at Beverley Hills and Andrew dropped everyone off until it was just him and Maeve.

'So.' said Maeve trying to break the awkward silence
'You don't have to speak if you don't want to.' said Andrew
'But I do want to speak.' replied Maeve
'Suit yourself, I guess.'
'Have you ever had a girlfriend?'
'Does it matter?'
'No just asking.'
'I haven't.'
'Seriously? Never?' she said, surprised
'You haven't even liked anyone ever?'
'Maybe like once when I was 15.'
'Wow, you are so weird.' she said, laughing
'What's so funny?'
'Nothing.' she said, still chuckling

He smiled at her and arrived at her house and dropped her off. He watched as she went in and closed the door.

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