chapter 7 - party

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Maeve's POV

It's been a few weeks since the carnival. Rose hangs out with Aaron a lot now and they've been pretty close. So obviously I've to see Andrew way more now since they're kind of together now. They aren't official yet but they probably will be soon. I've also started being pretty close to Alicia and Derek. They're funny people unlike Andrew who's just kind of grumpy most of the time.

I don't really talk to Andrew much just kind of bickering and that's it.

Anyways, I got out of my 3rd period class and it's break time now so I started walking towards the cafeteria.

I enter the cafeteria and look for them. I saw Rose, Aaron, Andrew and Derek sitting down at a seat near the window. I walked over and sat down.

'Hey.' said Rose smiling at me
'Hello Maeve.' said Aaron and Derek
'Hey guys.' I said replying to them
'You okay? Has Connor called back?' asked Rose
'No he hasn't.' I said sounding a little mad

Connor hasn't been able to talk to me or hang out with me much because of practice. He barely is able to reply to my texts or call me back.

'It's alright, don't think too much of it.' said Rose looking at me sympathetically
'Trying not to.'

After a while, Alicia came over and sat down next to me.

'Hey guys.' she says smiling
We all greet Alicia. Andrew did too.

'You guys going to Avery Maxwell's party tonight?' asked Alicia
'I'm going.' I say. Avery Maxwell throws great parties.
'I'll probably go too I guess. Are you going Aaron?' asked Rose turning towards Aaron.
'Sure, why not? Andrew, you wanna come?'
'No.' he said without hesitation
'Oh come on, you never go to any parties.' said Derek
'I have my reasons.' said Andrew looking at Derek
'Allergic to fun, is it?' I said chuckling
'I'd rather be at home than be around a bunch or drunk people making out and screaming.' he said looking at me
'Suit yourself I guess.' I said putting a grape in my mouth
'Come on Andrew, come with us to this one. You never go. Would be an interesting experience for you right?' Alicia pleaded

Andrew thought for a while. 'Okay fine I'll go.'

Everyone cheered him on and the bell rang. We all got up and went to our respective classes.

I had English class and I went in and sat in the third row.

'Hey.' I said to Elle as I sat down

Elle sits next to me in English class as our seats are fixed for the rest of the year.

'Hey, did you study for the test?' she asked
'What test?' I said, surprised
The test that's worth 20% of our final grade.'
'Oh shit.' I face-palmed myself

I gave the test. It was actually pretty easy, I was freaking out for no reason.
As I walked out of the class, Connor came up to me and grabbed my arm.

'Hey.' He said
'Hi.' I said back
'Are you mad at me?' He asked
'No I'm not.' I replied
'Yes you are.'
'Yes I am.'
'How can I make it up to you?'
'Come with me to Maxwell's party.'
'Okay, come to my house at 8pm. Rose's almost boyfriend will pick us up.'

Andrew's POV

I walked out of physics class when I bumped into someone.

'Oh, sorry.' I said looking at the guy who turned out to be Connor Williams.
I backed up. 'Warner, is it?' he said smiling at me
'I have class, I've to go.' he said
'Not so fast, wait. We haven't met in a long while.'
'I seriously don't have time Connor.'
'Calm down Warner, I'm not gonna punch you or anything. That was a long time ago and those days are gone, you know that.' he said

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