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Maeve's POV

So it's been a few months. He asked me to be his girlfriend about a week after our second kiss.

So he is my boyfriend now and I'm his girlfriend.

Makes me smile just to think about it.

'Maeve.' he said
'What?' I asked, smiling as he was kissing my neck

We were on his bed.

'I love you.' he said as he looked at me
'Really?' I asked, surprised
'Of course.'
'Well I love you too.'

He smiled and so did I.

It's like I'm living in a dream.

Andrews POV

I finally told her that I loved her after being nervous about it for so long.

She loves me too.

I smiled at her. She was totally perfect.

I am so in love with her. I'm gonna marry her one day. I thought to myself.

We went downstairs and went into the living room.

'I've to go now, I promised Rose and Alicia I'd meet them at the mall.' I said
'Okay.' I replied

I kissed her and pulled her closer by the waist when.

Oh no.

My mother walked in.

Maeve pushed me away instantly.

'Oh honey I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I'll uh just leave you two now. Please pardon me.' my mother said
'It's okay Mrs. Warner really, I was just leaving anyways.' she said

She smiled at me and waved me goodbye and left.

'Honey I'm so sorry, I didn't know.' she said
'It's fine just forget about it really.' I said

3rd person POV

The year was almost ending. Andrew had gotten into Yale and he was more than overjoyed. They were all getting ready for college and everyone was happy.


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