chapter 4 - tutor

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Maeve's POV


I sat there and stared at my test. There was a big F written on it in thick red marker ink. I wanted to pull my guts out and wrap it around my throat.

I left the class as it ended and went outside. It was break time so I sat on one of the benches outside.

Suddenly, Anna came and sat by me. Anna is one of my childhood friends. She has been dating her boyfriend, Nick since she was 13. They were pretty cute together.

'Hey maeve' said Anna smiling at me
'Hey Anne' I said looking down at my feet
'Is something bothering you?' Asked Anna
'Yeah. I got an F on my math test and Mrs. Wilson said if I get one more F, I'd have to leave the cheerleading team.' I said still looking down
'Well you still have one more chance right.'
'Well yeah but I doubt I'll do any better honestly.'
'I can give you a suggestion.'
'Please do, I'm desperate.'
'You can get yourself a tutor. It won't even have to be permanent, you can just get a tutor for math and get tutored before every math test.'
'I suppose that's not a bad idea. Where can I get a tutor?'
'You can go to the student councilor. She can probably give u someone. There's always a few students who they pick out for tutoring. So you'll probably get someone good.'
'Yeah alright, I'll go.' I said looking at her
'Well I have class so I gotta run now.'
'Alright.' I said waving her goodbye

After class, I went to the student councilor to possibly get a tutor for math since I was literally flunking.

'Hello Mrs. Hart' I said greeting her
'Oh hello, Ms. Crawford, what brings you here today?' she asked
'Well I'm here to get a tutor for math since I'm totally flunking math and if I get one more F Ill have to leave the cheerleading team even though I'm captain.'
'Okay, that I can do for you, Ms. Crawford. Just wait for a moment please.'

I sat there waiting for about 10 seconds.

'Okay here, I have someone open for tutoring you.'
'Oh thank God, who is it?'
'Well he is the valedictorian. His name's Andrew Warner. Do you know him?' She said smiling

My heart dropped. Know him? Of course I knew him. He hates me. And honestly, I hate him too.

'Well um are there any other options, possibly?'
'Well honey he is the best and I'm so sorry but everyone else are already booked.'
'Why isn't Andrew booked then?'
'He doesn't really do tutoring but maybe you could convince him.'

I felt sick. Convincing Andrew Warner to tutor me was so not on my bucket list this year.

I walked out of her office and went to find Rose.

I finally found Rose outside sitting on the benches and reading. I went up to her and sat next to her.

'Hey Rosie'
'Where have u been?' she asked worriedly
'Where do I even start.' I said face-palming myself
'I got time' said Rose sitting up straight

I then told her everything that had happened starting from when I got for the F on my math test.

'Rose, are you seriously laughing at me right now?' I ask in an annoyed tone
'How can I not, this is absolutely HILARIOUS' she said, still laughing
'Maybe I should find a new best friend ROSE.' I said
'Go ahead Maeve, I'm irreplaceable.'
'True. Okay I gotta go find Andrew now. I'll see you later.' I said getting up from the bench
'Tell me how that goes.'
'Will do boss.'

I started walking to the building and started looking for him everywhere.

Where the hell am I gonna find him?

I then tried to look for the debate club area since he might be there. I asked my way there and saw a door labeled 'DEBATE CLUB ACTIVITY ROOM'

I peeked inside and saw that Andrew was sitting inside alone looking at a few papers. He seemed pretty busy.
I gathered myself and thought about what I was gonna say.
I put on some lipgloss and fixed hair.
That always worked with other guys.

I went inside and stood beside him and cleared my throat.
'Hi' I said flashing a fake smile
'What the hell do you want?' He said looking up from the stack of papers on his desk.
'Wow rude.' I said in an offended tone
'Why are you here?' he asked
'Well um I uh, I kind of need a tutor for math.' I said looking at my feet
'No' he said immediately
'Oh come on please.' I begged
'Why on earth would I tutor you?'
'Wouldn't it like help you get into good colleges or something?'
'Id still rather not have anything to do with you.'
'Please Mrs. Wilson said there's no one else okay otherwise I wouldn't have asked you.'
'Not my problem.'
'Oh come on I'm flunking math and I don't wanna have to leave the cheerleading team.'
'Again, that's none of my concerns.'

I begged and begged and finally he just looked at me for a while and finally said okay.

'Fine but it has to be according to my schedule.'
'That's okay.' I said
'Tomorrow at 4pm'
'Can't. I have cheer practice.'
'Alright come to the library at 5 pm then.'
'Okay. I will'

Then he left. God this is gonna be hell

I got out of there and met up with Rose by the cafeteria where she was talking to Aaron. Aaron greeted me and we spoke for a while.
Then me and Rose left after saying bye to Aaron.

'Someones falling in love.' I said nudging her arm
'So am not.' she said blushing
'So are.' I said still nudging her arm

We then both went home.

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