chapter 19 - jealousy jealousy

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Andrews POV

I haven't spoken to Jade for a while now. I actually thought it was better to just not talk to her for a while cause of the library incident.

Maeve brings Evan practically everywhere we go and it's always the same.

She keeps touching his hand and face and he cannot let go of her waist for 5 freaking seconds.

It was actually driving me crazy. I mean, was she actually just doing this to get a rise out of me like Aaron said?

I was supposed to meet up with everyone after class at the cafe. It was currently 1:20pm and I still had 10 more minutes till my last class of the day finishes.

After a while, the class was over. I packed up my things and exited the classroom and started walking towards the cafe.

I entered the cafe, everyone was there already.

Maeve was sitting so freaking close Evan that might as well just get on top of him.

He should really learn to leave her alone for 5 minutes.

'Hey.' I said as I sat down
'Hello Andy the man-dy.' said Hyde jokingly and I cracked a smile
'How's your play going?' Aaron asked

I was told to direct the next play. It was on The Age of Innocence.

'Its going good.' I replied
'Wow man, you directing a play?' Evan asked me
'Yes I am.' I replied
'So you're like a pretty smart guy huh?' he asked
'Sure, you can say that.' I said
'Smarter than Jade, right?' said Maeve shooting me an annoyed look

She was really testing my nerves.

'Smarter than you.' I replied with a straight face
'Okay, so why dont we all talk about something else?' Rose said, trying to lighten the tension in the atmosphere
'When is the play?' Hyde asked
'It's on Wednesday, you guys coming?' I asked
'Of course, we're coming. We wouldn't miss your first play.' said Aaron
'Okay well just so you know, the dress code is formal attire.' I said
'Alright, noted.' said Derek

Maeve's POV

There he was. Sitting in front of me. He totally can't stand me now. I understood that when he said that he's smarter than me.

I was right. He totally does think I'm a bimbo.

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Evan was sitting really close to me with his arms around my shoulder. I kind of seperated myself from him because I felt congested.

'Is it just me or is he getting cuter every day?' I wished to Alicia
'You are totally head over heels.' she said
'I know. And it makes things worse because I don't think he cares.' I said
'Of course he cares. Maeve think about it. What did you do when he started hanging out with Jade? You became angry and distant and weirded out. That's exactly what he's doing right now and that just proves that he is also totally head over heels for you.' she whispered back
'Ugh, I feel sick.' I said

We all just hung out for a while and time came when everyone started to get up to leave.

I looked at Andrew and he was by the register.

There was a strand of hair in his eye and I wanted to brush it away with my finger. I wanted him to look at me and tell me that he thinks I'm pretty. I wanted him to pull me close by the waist and kiss me.

But none of that would happen. Because I was with Evan and Andrew was totally ignoring me.

It was around 5pm so we all just went back home.

Andrews POV

I was writing directions for the play and realized that I had totally run out of pens. It was around 8pm so I figured the stores would be open.

I grabbed my jacket and left to get pens.

I entered a convenience store and looked around for pens. I went around the aisles.

Wait a minute. Is that Maeve?

Yes it was. Maeve was there walking around.

'What the hell are you doing here?' I asked
'Why do you care?' she said

I didn't say anything, just stared at her.

'I got in a fight with Evan and he dropped me off here.' she said quietly

What a bastard. I thought to myself.

'I'll drop you off, just go wait outside.' I said

She didn't object. She just sent outside and stood there. I wish I could kiss her. She was just the cutest. I don't think I've ever met anyone this perfect before. I had never even felt like this towards anyone before.

It was like she was doing magic on me something.

But she obviously wasn't.

I took the pens and went to the register to pay.

'Is that your girlfriend?' asked the girl at the register
'No.' I said
'She's pretty.'
'I know.'
'You like her?'
'Isn't that too personal?'
'Fair enough.'

I paid and got out of the store.

'Let's go.' I said to her

She didn't say anything. Only followed me and got in the passenger seat of my car.

'What'd you fight about?' I asked
'Why would I tell you?' she replied
'Forget I asked.'
'He got mad because I accidentally forgot my jacket and he had to turn back to get it.' she said quietly
'Sounds like an ass.'
'Jade is an ass.'
'I don't talk to her anymore.'
'She's probably devastated.' she said as we arrived at her house.

She got down from the car and looked at me once before entering the door and closing it.

Maeve's POV

He is so nice to me. Sure he says some mean things sometimes, but he still does nice things for me even if he doesn't have to do it.

I want him so bad. Why doesn't he just kiss me already?

What a dork.

A dork I want to kiss. I thought

I felt pity for myself. I didn't even want to be with Evan at all. I wanted Andrew. He's all I wanted. It's unfair to Evan.

But he's still a total asshole to just leave me like that just because I forgot my jacket. What a total jerk.

I wasn't really in the mood for dinner at all so I just went upstairs to my room, buried my face in a pillow and fell asleep.

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