chapter 10 - trip to mexico

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Maeve's POV

We were all sitting at the cafe and discussing our trip to Tijuana.

It was summer break and every year on summer break, almost every student from Eastwood high went to Tijuana for a weekend to party before school started again.

'So, you're not seriously not going?' I asked Alicia
'Sorry, can't go, I should be with my father I don't want him to be alone since my mom will be out of town.' she added
'Your father seriously can't stay alone for two days?' I asked
'Well he's telling me to go with you guys but I feel like I should stay.' Alicia said
'Oh come on, we want you there.' I said to her
'I know but I'm really sorry guys.'

It was final that me, Rose, Aaron and Hyde were gonna go. Andrew, obviously wasn't going. (not at all surprising)

We were gonna leave first thing tomorrow morning. It was about 5pm. So we decided to go home and pack up for the trip. We were gonna take Aaron's car.

We all went home to pack and get a good night's sleep.

Next day

3rd person POV

Maeve and Rose stayed at Maeve's and woke and got ready by 9 am. They were all gonna leave at 10am.

'MAEVE' Rose called from downstairs and Maeve came running down
'What?' Maeve asked
'Bad news, Aaron's car broke down and won't start.' Rose replied
'WHAT?' Maeve said loudly
'Yeah, we have got to figure out another way of transportation cause we can't take his car to Tijuana.' she said
'Who else can we ask?' asked Maeve
'Well Aaron said the only option is to ask Andrew.' replied Rose
'The chances of him agreeing to take us to Tijuana are slim to none.' Maeve said in a duh-tone
'Yeah but we could give it a try still.'
'I doubt it'll work.'
'Aaron said he'll try to convince Andrew.' said Rose
'Oh god what if we can't go? We HAVE to go.' Maeve said worriedly
'Just have hope.' said Aaron

They were waiting in Maeve's living room when Alicia called Maeve's cell.

'Hey, so I think I can come. Is there still time to change my mind?' asked Alicia
'YES duh, come over to my house now. Aaron's car broke down so he's trying to convince Andrew to drive us.' replied Maeve
'Doubt that'll work.' said Alicia
'Yeah but Rose said to have hope. You just come over now alright?'
'Yeah I'm on my way now.'

'Alicias coming.' Maeve said to Rose, smiling
'Awesomeee.' said Rose

Alicia came over and all three were waiting in Maeve's living room.

Maeve's phone rang and it was Hyde.

'Hey hyde.' said Maeve
'Ok so Andrew finally agreed to drive us after 45 minutes of begging. We'll be there in 5.' said Hyde
'Okay we're waiting.' said Maeve and gave Alicia and Rose the good news

'Thank GOD.' said Alicia and Rose agreed

After 5 minutes, they arrived and Hyde and Aaron got out of the far and greeted Maeve, Alicia and Rose.

'I call shotgun.' said Maeve while getting in the front seat.
'Hey Maeve, is Connor going?' asked Alicia
'Yeah he's going with his friends.' replied Maeve
'Can't believe I'm freaking driving to mexico.' said Andrew
'Be atleast a little enthusiastic.' said Maeve sarcastically
'Id rather not.' replied Andrew

They all got in the car. Andrew was driving with Maeve at the front. Rose and Aaron sat in the middle seat while Hyde and Alicia sat in the back.

They were driving through the desert.

'Why doesn't your AC work, it's scorching hot.' said Maeve
'Its an old car okay.' said Andrew
'Ugh god, can u atleast drive faster?' said Maeve in an annoyed tone
'Im going 70 in a 65 zone.' said Andrew
'80 is the new 70.' replied Maeve
'What? Who even talks like that?' said Andrew chucking a little
'Who gets passed by a van full of nuns? Oh wait, right ANDREW does.' said Maeve
'Okay guys, say goodbye to Maeve.' said Andrew trying to pull over
'What are you doing?' said Maeve
'Dropping you off.' said Andrew
'What? No' said Maeve grabbing the steering wheel
'Oh my god GUYS.' screamed Rose and Alicia

Maeve didn't let go of the steering wheel and the car lost balance and suddenly came to a stop.

'Look at what you've done.' said Andrew
'You were trying to leave WITHOUT me.' said Maeve defending herself
'Okay guys seriously, fighting won't work right now.' said Hyde
'We have to start walking to possibly find somewhere to stay in this desert heat.' said Aaron

They all got out of the car and started walking to a rusty building. It was a cheap motel and they rented one room that had one bed, a bathroom and two pull out couches.

They figured that two of them could sleep on the bed and two on either of the pull out couches that could be turned into beds.

They entered the room and it was absolutely horrible.

'This is absolutely horrible oh my god.' said Maeve looking around
'Yeah well I'm 100% positive that this was your fault.' said Andrew looking at Maeve
'Im 100% positive that I'm leaving this place with a rash.' said Maeve
'guys would you PLEASE STOP FIGHTING.' said Aaron and everyone else agreed
'Ugh whatever I'm going to take a shower.' said Maeve and went into the bathroom.

Everyone else except went down to find something to eat while Maeve took a shower. It was around 6pm

Andrew was sitting on the bed watching TV

'Uh hello? Get down from the bed.' said Maeve demandingly
'Nope.' replied Andrew
'Be like a gentleman.' said Maeve
'Chivalry is dead.' said Andrew sarcastically

Maeve hesitantly got in the bed and laid down.

'You make a move, I'll rip out your jugular.' said Maeve
'Oh hey, pillow talk, so cute.' said Andrew sarcastically and went back to watching TV

Everyone else got back at the motel room and saw that Andrew and Maeve had fallen asleep on the bed and the lights were off.

'Oh how freaking adorable.' said Hyde
'Never thought I'd see this.' said Aaron
'Guys be quiet, if they wake up, they'll start bickering again.' said Rose
'True.' said Alicia

They all fell asleep on the pull out couches.

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