chapter 13 - debate competition

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Andrews POV

The debate competition against Westmore high was today. We had been rehearsing since the morning. It was supposed to take place at our school at 2pm.

At 12pm we finished rehearsing and it was break so I went to the cafe to meet up with the others.

'Hey guys.' I said as I sat down
'Hello Mr. Scholar, how is your debate preparations going?' asked Hyde
'Pretty well. I have to win this to get into Yale.' I replied

Yale was my dream since I was a little kid. Since then, I have done everything possible to get into Yale.

'You'll win I'm sure. You always do' said Aaron
'Hoping so.' I said

I noticed that Maeve wasn't here. A part of me sort of wished she was. A few minutes later, Maeve arrived and I felt myself get a little happy.

You're so weird Warner. I thought to myself.

3rd person POV

Maeve sat down next to Rose and everyone greeted her.

'You guys literally won't believe what just happened.' she said
'Try us.' said Alicia

'I was walking here and this guy totally bumped into me and I was like, helloo?? And he just told me that I pushed him even though I'd never even touch someone so gross as him and said, no I didn't you bumped into me, he laughed at me and left! Can u believe that?' she said

'People are just so awful.' said Rose
'I know right.' said Maeve

Hyde looked around and noticed that Andrew was staring at Maeve with full attention and didn't move a muscle.

'Hey, what's up with him?' said Hyde quietly nudging Aaron's arm
'You see it too right? It's like he has heart eyes whenever he looks at her. I told him about it but he just kind of denied the whole thing and blew it away.' said Aaron
'No I see it.' said Hyde

It was about 1:15 pm now.

'Guys I've to leave for the competition. If any of you wanna come by, that'd be nice but it's alright if you don't.' said Andrew getting up from his seat.
'We'll come by, don't worry.' said Aaron
'You wanna go? I'm going.' said Rose
'Sure, it's not like I have anything better to do anyways.' replied Maeve
'Alright so we're all going then.' said Alicia

At 2pm they all made their way to the auditorium where the debate competition would take place and took their seats. After a while all the participants came up on stage.

'Hey, is it just me or does Andrew look kinda cute?' asked Maeve quietly nudging Rose's arm
'Did u wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?' questioned Rose
'No, I just think he's cute.' replied Maeve

The competition was finished and after 15 minutes of it ending, the winner was announced and it was Eastwood high. Everyone cheered and they for their medals.

They all got out of the auditorium and Andrew came up to them.

'Heyy, congratulations man. We gotta celebrate.' said Hyde
'Why don't we celebrate at Andrews place? I'm sure Mrs. Warner would love to have us.' said Aaron
'Alright, stop by then.' said Andrew and looked at Maeve and she smiled and gave her a faint smile.

In the evening

They were all gonna go to Andrews house to celebrate. At around 6pm, they all went to his house and he opened the door. His heart smiled a little seeing Maeve and he, himself couldn't even explain why.

'Hey kids.' said Mrs. Warner and everyone greeted her one by one
'Why don't you guys go upstairs and hang out and I'll call you all when dinner is ready.' she said and everyone went upstairs.

'So this is your room? It's so nerdy.' said Maeve laughing
'Do you enjoy making fun of me or are you just evil?' said Andrew
'Oh my god, what is this?' asked Maeve laughing and pointing to a wooden toy horse
'I don't know, never seen it before.' replied Andrew
'Yeah right.' said Maeve sarcastically

The girls went to the backyard for a while.

'Dude, what the hell is going on with you?' Hyde asked Andrew
'What do you mean?' Andrew said, confused
'He sees it too you know, you get heart eyes around Maeve.' said Aaron
'I do not.' replied Andrew sternly
'Yes you do, we SEE it.' said Hyde
'Yeah well you two are losing your goddamn minds if you think I like her or something.' said Andrew
'Okay sure Andrew.' said Aaron sarcastically

On the other side

'So, what's up with you and Aaron now?' asked Maeve
'Ok so I haven't really gotten a chance to tell you this but HE KISSED ME!' said Rose excitedly
'Oh my god, that's AMAZING!' said Maeve
'That is so great oh my goddd you guys are so cute.' said Alicia
'I think he's planning to ask to be his
girlfriend soon so I'm really excited.'
'Don't forget us when he's your boyfriend Rose.' said Maeve sarcastically
'Okay enough about me, I can't believe you said Andrew is cute, don't you literally hate him?' asked Rose
'So what? That doesn't mean I can't think he's cute.' said Maeve
'Well you know I've noticed that Andrew looks at you a lot.' said Alicia
'Oh that's such crap.' said Maeve
'Whatever you say Maeve.' said Rose

They all went back up to Andrew's room and after a while Mrs. Warner called them down for dinner.

'So do you like that girl?' said Mrs. Warner pulling Andrew aside from all of them
'Who?' asked Andrew, confused
'The short girl with the long hair, Maeve I think he's name is.' replied Mrs. Warner
'What? No I don't like her mom. Why does everyone keep saying that? It's outrageous.' said Andrew
'Okay okay forget I said anything.' said Mrs. Warner and Andrew went back to join all of them.

They finished dinner at about 10pm and helped Mrs. Warner with the dishes. They then said goodbye Mr and Mrs Warner as well as Andrew and called it a day.

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