chapter 15 - admitting

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Maeve's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache.

Oh god. This is what hell must feel like.

I got up and went into the bathroom to freshen up. The headache was still horrible.

I took a painkiller and went to sit on the couch. My parents were at work even though it was the weekend.

Like always.

Suddenly I remember yesterday. I remembered the things that I said to Andrew.

Oh my GOD. What is wrong with me?
I thought as I face-palmed myself.

He probably thinks I'm insane now.
Do I seriously like him? God, how could I have let this happen, this is absolutely horrible. I can't believe I have a crush on freaking Andrew Warner.

I'm officially going crazy.

And he was probably off somewhere with Jade.

Oh god, freaking jade. I hate her.

I called Rose and Alicia and told them to come over.

I heard the doorbell which Dorota answered and both of them walked inside my room.

'Maeve, I told you to not drink too much.' said Rose like a mother
'Has your headache lessened?' asked Alicia
'Yeah it did because I took a pain killer.' I replied
'So I kinda have some news.' said Rose
'What?' me and Alicia said in unison
'Aaron asked me to be his girlfriend!' she said

Me and Alicia screamed in
excitement and asked a bunch of questions which she answered happily.

'Okay, enough about me, why'd you call us over?' asked Rose
'Well I kind of did something. Something totally horrible.' I replied covering my face with my hands.
'Oh no, what did you do?' asked Alicia

I told them exactly everything that had happened last night with Andrew in details.

'Are you serious?' asked Alicia
'Oh. My. God.' said Rose
'Ugh yeah I hate myself.' I replied
'So do you actually like Andrew?' asked Rose
'I think I do.' I said face-palming myself

They both did a high five and started giggling.

'Guys, what the hell?' I said, offended
'Well we kind of guessed you did because of the way you felt towards Jade.' said Alicia
'You guys are absolutely terrible.' I said
'Thank you so very much.' said Rose
'What am I supposed to do about all of this? I feel so all over the place. I mean I never thought I'd feel this way about him. This is so weird.' I said

'Look, calm down. I'm sure he didn't think much about this. I mean, he knows you were drunk.' replied Rose
'Drunk words are sober thoughts ROSE.' I said
'Right.' she said
'Thinking so hard about this is only gonna make things worse, I suggest you to just try to forget about this.' said Alicia
'I know. I just wish I hadn't said those things.' I said burying my face in a pillow
'We know.' Rose said to me as she gave me a hug

Andrew's POV

I still couldn't forget about what happened last night.

Does she like me? That couldn't be. She probably just drink that's why she said all that. Obviously she didn't mean any of that.

That would be crazy. I thought.

I made my over to the cafe and ordered a coffee when someone nudged my shoulder.

I turned to see that it was jade. I don't know why but I wasn't really in the mood to see jade right now. My mind was just filled with Maeve.

'Hey.' she said
'Hey.' I replied
'Didn't expect to see you here.' she said
'I come here a lot.' I said
'Oh uh ok I kinda had something to ask you.'
'Sure go ahead.'
'There's this project that I have to work on. We have to prepare a lamp out of scratch. Do you think you can help me with it?'
'Uh when is it due?'
'Next week.'
'Alright I'll help you.'
'Thanks, I'll uh text you?'

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