chapter 17 - oh shit

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Andrews POV

I had just finished the debate club activities for the day. So I was sitting outside on the benches reading Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

It was 2pm. I was supposed to go help Jade at the library at 3pm. I figured I had a lot of time so I was reading.

'Hey dude.' Aaron said sitting down next to me
'Hey.' I replied
'What are you doing later?' he asked
'I have to help Jade finish the project so I'll go to the library at 3pm.' I said
'Oh jade again.' he said
'What do you mean, jade again?' I asked sternly
'I mean, she wants your company way too much.' he replied
'I am not having this conversation with you again.' I say
'Okay suit yourself but don't be surprised when she makes a move on you.' he said
'She will not make a move on me.' I said
'If you say so.' he said
'Well I've a date with Rose so I'll see you later.' he added
'See you.' I said and he walked away

I read a few more chapters of my book and looked at the clock. It was 2:45pm.

I decided to make my way towards the library.

The weather was gloomy and seemed like it would rain so I quickly went.

I entered the library and saw Jade already sitting there. I went over and she gave me a big smile.

'Glad you could make it.' she said, still smiling
'It's no problem, really.' I said
'Sorry for being such a trouble.' she said
'No really, it's alright. I'm glad to help.' I said, politely

We started on the project and a lot of time had passed without either of us noticing. She was a good friend. We were laughing and joking around.

She was looking at my eyes so I looked at hers and suddenly she did something I did not see coming.

There was nobody else in the library at this time.

She touched my cheek with her hands and started to pull me in to kiss me.

My reflexes kicked in and I pulled myself away.

Maeve's POV

I was so very extremely bored. My dad advised me to go to the library sometimes which honestly sounded like a total drag.

But I was so bored I decided to just go.

Maybe if I read a book, Andrew would finally talk to me since he thinks I'm a total bimbo.

I walked to the library because I didn't wanna bother anyone. The weather was so gorgeous. So it wasn't too bad to walk.

I walked up the stairs of the library and entered.

There wasn't really anyone in the library since it was late and the weather was gloomy.

I walked through the aisles of books and suddenly my gaze fell upon a table and I saw something I had never thought I'd have to see.

Andrew and Jade were right in front of me and they were a little too close than I'd like.

It looked like she was trying to kiss him.

I gasped out of the impulse and quickly started running back to the door to the library.

I could hear him calling after me but honestly I did not want to talk to him right now.

How could I have been so utterly stupid?

Andrews POV

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

Maeve saw us.

Worst part is, she only saw when she pulled me in but couldn't see me pulling myself away.

God loves to see me suffer.

I shot Jade a confused look and started going after Maeve hoping to god she'd stop.

I have got to fix this.

'MAEVE WAIT.' I called out after her
'Maeve seriously we didn't kiss.' I added

She didn't even say anything or stop. She just kept running.

It was raining outside.

I kept on calling after her. She finally stopped near the library. There was a shed on top so we didn't get drenched in the rain.

'What Andrew?' she snapped at me
'We-we didn't kiss, I swear.' I said, trying to catch my breath
'Didn't look like it.' she said
'She tried to, okay, but I pulled away I swear Maeve I immediately pulled away.' I said
'You only pulled away because you saw me Andrew.' she said

That was not true. I would've pulled away even if she wasn't here.

'Maeve you have to believe me.' I said sternly
'What if I don't Andrew?'
'Do you seriously not believe that she was the one who tried to kiss me?'
'She wouldn't have tried to kiss you if you hadn't given her a reason to.'
'Maeve I didn't do anything.'
'Whatever Andrew.' she said and walked away

I didn't go after her again figuring she probably didn't wanna talk to me.

Maeve's POV

I felt like a total idiot.

How could he do that? I mean, what was it? Is she prettier than me? Is she funnier than me? Is she smarter than me?

The answer to all of those was yes. Obviously she was a top student and super smart.

But that still didn't give him the right to do this. He could've told me something atleast.

Why'd he have to give me hope and then take it away from me?

Oh god, I wanna kill him. I thought to myself.

I called Alicia and Rose and told them what had happened.

They said that they were coming over and after 10 minutes I heard the doorbell ring and they came up to my room.

'Are you okay?' asked Rose
'No.' I replied
'I can't believe this.' said Alicia
'Me too.' I said
'I can't believe she tried to kiss him.' said Rose
'Ugh I know right. That bitch. I had bad feeling about her from the start. You guys just thought I was being extra.' I said
'Yeah we're sorry.' said Alicia
'It's okay.' I said and buried my face in a pillow
'Why is this happening to me?' I asked
'Should I ask Aaron to talk to him?' asked Rose
'No, are you insane? He'll think I'm crazy.' I replied
'I just feel so stupid to think that he might actually like me.' I said
'He does like you okay? He just got caught up in Jade's evil plans.' said Alicia and Rose agreed

Did he? Did he actually like me? I mean, he did say that she tried to kiss him but he pulled away.

My head hurt because of all the thoughts that were going on in my head right now.

'I just wish I could make him feel what I feel right now.' said
'You know what, I do have an idea.' said Alicia
'What?' I asked
'Why don't you try to make him jealous by dating someone else?' said Alicia
'I mean that will for sure make him mad.' she added
'That is genius!' I replied
'I'm definitely doing that, but who do I date?' I ask
'What about.... Evan? Your dad's friends son who's been asking you out but you kept rejecting cause you were with Connor at that time? I mean he is totally hot.' suggested Rose
'That is such a great idea.' I said

So it was final. I would start dating Evan Dalgaard to make Andrew jealous.

Andrews POV

I went up to the library awkwardly and totally confused at what the hell just happened.

'Hey look I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happ-' Jade said
'It's alright.' I said cutting her off
'Look I just I don't even know why I did that I mean. I guess I got too carried away.' she said
'It's fine. I just uh I have to leave now. Good luck with your project I guess. It's pretty much done.' I said
'Okay. Thanks for the welcome.'

I left without replying.

How could I have messed up so badly? Oh god, just please help me fix this.

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