chapter 18 - evan

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Maeve's POV

It was a Saturday. The day we were all supposed to go to the movies.

I was honestly dreading to see Andrew but couldn't wait to see the reaction on his face when he saw me with Evan.

I had already went on a date with Evan. He was nice but no one really compares to Andrew even though we never even went on a date.

He still took me home when I was totally drunk and couldn't walk.

Even though my own jerk boyfriend didn't.

Maeve stop. I thought to myself

I had already called Evan and told him that he was coming with me and my friends to the movies.

We were going to watch The Proposal which was one of my favorite movies of all time.

Everyone was busy with their own things before the movie so we all just decided to meet at the theatre.

It was 5pm and the movie started at 7pm so I was just sitting in the living room with my dad and helping him with some of his work.

'What's up, pumpkin?' he asked
'Nothing.' I replied
'Come on. I can tell when you're said.'
'Its just-' I stopped
'Go on, I'm listening.'
'There's this boy that I really like but I think he may like someone else.' I said looking down
'Hey look at me.' he said

I looked at him.

'You are the prettiest girl in Beverley hills and if any boy can't see that, then that's their loss, okay?' he said

I smiled.

My dad always knew how to make me feel better.

It was 5:45 pm so I went up to my room to get ready. I wore a black babydoll top and a short denim skirt.
I also put on mascara and lipgloss.

I waited for Evan to arrive and he arrived at 6:35pm.

'Hey Evan.' I said getting in the car
'Hey, you look nice.' he said
'Thanks.' I replied

I don't know why but it made me think of the time Andrew said I'm pretty that night I got drunk.

I couldn't help but smile a little.

We arrived at the theatre and entered. I looked around to find the others but only Hyde and Andrew was there.

This is great. I thought to myself.

'Hey Maeve, you made it.' said Hyde coming towards me with Andrew behind him
'Duh.' I said
'So who's uh who's this?' Hyde asked and I could see Andrew eyeing him with an annoyed expression
'I'm evan.' Evan said while grabbing my waist and pulling my towards which seemed to confuse and annoy Andrew even more.

I was totally enjoying this. This is exactly how I felt with him and Jade.

'So are you two like dating or what?' Hyde asked

I could see Andrew waiting impatiently for an answer.

'We will be.' Evan answered and and I just smiled

The others started to arrive and they all greeted Evan.

'He's hot.' said Alicia
'Have you seen Andrews face? He looks like someone ripped up his debate papers.' I said to Rose and Alicia
'He seems super annoyed.' said Rose
'He's also probably extremely confused.' said Alicia
'Glad he is.' I said as we all walked into the theatre.

Turns out Andrews seat is to my left and Evans seat is to my right.

Awesome, isn't it.

We went and sat down. I purposely kept touching Evan so Andrew would get jealous.

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