chapter 14 - jade

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Maeve's POV

I was looking for Andrew to tell him that I got a B+ on the math test. I looked everywhere, still couldn't find him anywhere. I went into the auditorium figuring he might have debate club activities to do there.

I found him in the debate room but he was talking to someone.

A girl.

She had blonde shirt hair up to her shoulders and wore glasses.

They were laughing and she kept touching his arm. This made me kind of irritated. Why did she have to touch his arm so much?

Whatever. I went up to him and nudged his arm.

'Maeve.' he said, surprised
'I got a B+ on the math test.' I said smiling
'That's great.' he said smiling and looking at me which made me feel giddy and shy

I looked at her.

'Oh this is uh Jade, she's new here.' said Andrew
'Hi Jade.' I said looking at her
'Jade this is Maeve.' he said
'Hi Maeve.' she said giving me a big smile

I had kinda hoped she wouldn't be nice but she was super sweet.

I was totally confused. Did he have a crush on her? Did she have a crush on him? I had so many questions. I had never seen him smile so much with a girl.

You're thinking too much. It's not like it matters to you. I thought to myself. Does it? I don't like him. Of course I don't like him. Why would I like HIM?

Oh god. I felt nauseous.

I went to find Rose or Alicia. I went to the cafeteria and found them sitting. I went and sat down with them.

'I just saw Andrew talking and smiling with a girl, Jade, her name is, and she was like touching his arm and stuff.' I say to them

'Which side did the sun rise today? That's so unlike him.' said Alicia

'Thats what I thought too.' I replied

Andrew's POV

Jade was new to our school and wanted to join the debate team. I told her that we didn't take new members at this time of year.

We started to talk for a while and she turned out to be a really funny girl so we kind of hit it off.

I asked her if she wanted to join my friends for break time and she said yes.

We went to the cafeteria and sat down. Aaron, Hyde, Rose, Alicia and Maeve were already there.

'Hey guys.' I said as it sat down
'This is Jade, she's new here.' I added and Jade said hi to all of them and they all greeted her back.

I could see Maeve looking at her weirdly but I just shrugged it off.

3rd person POV

They were all sitting down and talking. Maeve didn't say anything even though she usually talks a lot.

Break was over and they all got up to go to their respective classes.

'Geez she talks so much, I mean like a lot.' said Maeve
'So do you.' said Rose
'Yeah but she's boring, I'm not.' said Maeve
'Wow you really don't seem to like her at all.' said Alicia
'No, I just think she talks too much, that's it.' said Maeve and they all went to their classes

On the other side

'So do you like her or something?' Aaron asked Andrew
'I don't like her like that I just think she's cool.' Andrew replied
'You've never thought anyone was cool like that so we just thought you might like her.' said Hyde
'No it's nothing like that really.' Andrew replied
'If you say so, I guess.' said Aaron

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