chapter 20 - the play

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Andrews POV

It was Wednesday. The day of the play.
I was very busy the entire day because I had to make sure that the play was totally perfect.

It was currently 5pm. Only an hour left till the play started. Most of the things had been ready already.

The actors and actresses were getting into their costumes and getting ready.

After a while

It was now 5:45 pm and people were starting to arrive.

I saw that my friends were arriving.

Aaron, Rose, Hyde, Derek, Alicia and Maeve.

She looked so perfect I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Of course, freaking Evan was with her too.

She was wearing a baby pink dress which was backless but her back was covered with her hair.

The things I would do right now to just go over there and kiss her.

I hated seeing her with that guy. No one will ever see what she sees in that guy.

I went up to them since everything was already ready and there wasn't really anything left to take care of.

The guys were wearing suits and the girls, dresses.

I was not. I was just wearing a loose black collared t shirt and black pants.

I kept on looking over at Maeve but I don't think she caught me.

Maeve's POV

I could feel Andrew's eyes on my as everyone talked.

He looked so cute with his messy hair and glasses and clothes. It was getting really hard to not kiss him.

Me and Evan weren't really even dating. We just kind of hung out and he was just too touchy. I wouldn't mind at all if Andrew was being touchy. It was getting really hard to not kiss impulsively grab his hair and kiss his pretty lips.

A lot of people were starting to come in so Andrew told us to go take seats in the front.

We did as he said and Evan sat to my right and Rose was on my left.

It was 6pm so the play was about to start. Andrew wasn't here because he had to be back stage.

The play then started and everyone in the audience was totally hooked on it. I also paid attention to the play. It was totally amazing.

After the play was over, everyone clapped and cheered. We also did.
As we were getting up, Andrew came over to us.

'How was it?' he asked with a big smile which could brighten up a room with no light
'It was freaking awesome man you killed it.' said Aaron
'It was TERRIFIC.' said Hyde and Derek agreed

They all complimented the play including Evan.

We were all waiting for Andrew to get done packing up his things.

'Hey, I have to go. An emergency came up. Do you think you can get anyone else to drop you off?' he asked
'Uh yeah sure.' I replied awkwardly

Andrew then immediately cane towards us.

'Okay we can leave now, sorry to keep you guys for so long.' he said
'It's alright.' everyone said
'Can one of you guys drop me off? Evan had to leave for an emergency.' I asked
'I'll drop you off.' said Andrew immediately and I looked at him instantly

He was still looking at me with his gorgeous green eyes.

'Okay then we should get going.' said Alicia giving me a slight wink to which, I rolled my eyes

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