Chapter 3 - cafe date

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Next day at school

Andrews POV

I was at my locker when Aaron ran up to me and hit my shoulder.
'Hey drew.' He said still hitting me
'You seem intensely happy.'
'Well I am, the date is today.'
'oh right it is, what's her name anyways?' I asked
'Pretty name.'
'I know right. So you're coming right?'
'Yeah I'll come.' I said sounding bored
'Alright then I have class now. See you later man.'
'See you.' I said and started walking towards class.

Maeve's POV

'So, isn't your date today?' I asked excitedly.
'Yes I am so excited.' said Rose.
'You seem to like him a lot.'
'I really do, he's so sweet.' she said smiling
'Well I think it's just so adorable.'
'Thanks Maeve. So how was your date with Connor?'
'It was good. Although he picked me up 30 minutes late. He apologized.' I said looking at my feet.
'Well that's alright I suppose.'

After school (3rd person POV)

Maeve and Rose went over to Cafe Rio and Rose looked around to find Aaron and suddenly started nudging Maeve's arm.
'There he is, there he is.' she said excitedly
'Where?' said Maeve looking around
'There, by the window.' said Rose
'Oh, let's go then.'
'Okay I'm nervous.' said Rose squeezing Maeve's arm
'Don't be, Rose.'
'Okay let's go now, I can't wait.'

They went over to the table by the window and sat down.
Andrew looked up to see Maeve and Rose and gave a shocked look at Aaron. Aaron ignored it and started talking to Rose.

'Hey Rose, how've you been?' asked Aaron
'I'm alright, what about you?' she said smiling
'I'm good as well. This is Andrew.' said Aaron looking at Andrew.
'Nice to meet you.' said Andrew with an awkward smile.
'Good to meet you too, this is maeve.' said Rose
'I feel like I've seen you before.' said Maeve examining Andrews face.
'Well you should.' said Andrew in an annoyed tone.
'Excuse me.' said Maeve
'Rose, how is your dog doing?' said Aaron
'You made everyone laugh at me sophomore year when I was giving the debate speech.' said Andrew with a straight face
'What on earth are you talking about?' said Maeve, confused
'Wow, you don't even remember. Typical you.' Andrew replied
'You're seriously angry at me for something that happened like a gazillion years ago?' Maeve said
'It may not be anything to you, but it was humiliating. Very humiliating.' Andrew replied
'It doesn't even matter anymore. No one even remembers it.' said Maeve
'To you only.' said Andrew
'Whatever nerd, I don't even care.'
'Is that the best you've got, I mean, that's pathetic.'
'Andrew, stop man please, for my sake' said Aaron whispered to Andrew
'Okay fine.'

They all ordered coffee and Aaron and Rose laughed and talked while Maeve stared out the window and Andrew read a book.
Soon, their little date ended and it was about 6pm.

'You ready to go Maeve?' asked Rose
'Never been more ready.' said Maeve

They all got up and went their seperate ways.

On their way home

'What the hell were you thinking Aaron?' said Andrew in an angry tone
'look I'm sorry okay, I know you don't like her but I had to okay, I like rose a lot.' said Aaron apologetically
'You could've went with her alone.' he said still in the same angry tone
'it's too soon for that okay.'
'You owe me way more that a few comic books.' Andrew said calming down a little
'Fair enough.' said Aaron in a defeated tone.

On the other side,

'What's up with that guy, I mean why is he so sensitive about something that happened a million years ago?' said Maeve loudly
'Well I mean you were kind of a bully back then but you're not anymore.' said Rose
'I was so not.'
'Come on Maeve, you were.'
'Whatever, he's a total loser, I hate him. I'll only tolerate him cus you like his friend.'
'Thanks cutie.' said Rose putting her arms on Maeve's shoulder
'Anything for you. Just don't leave me when you start dating aaron.'
' Come on, you know I'd never do that.'
'I know, I'm just kidding.' Maeve said laughing.

Maeve's POV

I went up to my room and sat on my bed. Had I really been a horrible person. I mean I wasn't even that mean. I wasn't. He was probably just exaggerating. He's a loser anyways I mean why would I care about what he thinks. His opinion should not matter to me.
I turned my lights off and went to sleep thinking about how difficult it's going to be to have to tolerate him and his rudeness. But I'll have to do it for the sake of Rose.

Andrews POV

I can't believe this witch is Rose's friend. She's a horrible person. She's the kind of person who would manipulate you and then act like you were the problem. And so is that jock boyfriend of hers. I still haven't forgotten the time he punched me in the face and poured his drink all over me. And she just stood there and watched laughed.
Sure it was a long time ago but these kinds of people never change.

God it's going to be hard to be around her.

Next chapters will be longer 💗

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