𝒊. confessions from the grave

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╰┈➤ confessions from the grave ‧₊˚.

"I THINK IN A WAY, MEREDITH WAS in love with the both of us." 

Oliver had admitted, his brows furrowed with concentration as he tapped a finger against his pouting bottom lip. "She was everything. She was Meredith Archibald, Oxford's Princess. I mean, everyone loved her. Not just because she was pretty, or because it was a trend to like her. But because she was gentle and kind--almost like a flower. Once you shone a light over her, gave her a little water and she'd bloom." he said, almost smiling now at his memories of the girl. 

"I remember, it was really easy to make her laugh. You could say the stupidest thing and if you got lucky, she'd scrunch her nose up and let out this really funny sound. It was almost like a pig's snort but somehow Meredith had a way of making it sound so angelic you'd have to stop and think in awe at how she did it." 

He laughed, now. An easy, breathy laugh when he spotted the growing dandelion in the small pot on the windowsill. "That was part of the problem. Everyone wanted to stop and be around Meredith. And Felix."

Slowly but surely, the bliss on Oliver's face has contorted into a masked rage. "They were inseparable. Two souls bonded over the fact that nobody wanted to ever leave them alone. But they were far too kind to shoo anyone away, Meredith especially. If they disliked you, they wouldn't tell you. Or, at least, you'd think they wouldn't." 

A bitter taste flicked around in Oliver's mouth at the thought. 

"She would've been a lovely bride, don't you think?" he asked the emptiness of the room, tracing his thoughts back to Meredith, like they always seemed to, even after all these years. "God, imagine Mere in a white gown." 

The tip of his chin returned to the rough level of his fist, his knuckles poking up at him. 

"A good daughter-in-law, hmm?" he hummed. "that's what you always wanted, wasn't it? ever since Felix brought her home in the summer of 2000." 

He gave an ignorant flick of his thumb, a careless yet prideful smile forming on his face. "Much too late for that now, isn't it?" 

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