𝒙𝒊𝒊. would've, could've, should've

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╰┈➤ would've, could've, should've ‧₊˚.

MEREDITH COULDN'T SLEEP. So, she went downstairs to the kitchen to get a warm glass of milk.

It was something she often did whether here at Saltburn or not, but especially at her own home. She'd have many restless nights tossing over with her pillow over her head thinking about whatever wicked and vile things her father had said to her earlier in the day.

"Hey," Felix's thick accent snapped her out of her trance, striding over sleepily to where she stood beside the refrigerator. "Can't sleep?"

He asked, pouring himself his own glass of milk as she slipped into her warm one.

Meredith shook her head, lowering her gaze.

Felix analyzed her with brown eyes of worry. "Nightmares?"

The brunette shook her head once more before meeting his gaze. "My mind won't stop."

The corner of Felix's lips turned and he almost shone that million-dollar-smile at Meredith. "Me neither."

Felix and Meredith had these conversations late at night often—and the two could always swear it was because their souls were... intertwined and they could just sense when the other wasn't sleeping.

And because of that, neither of them would get sleep that night.

Unfortunately, the first summer Meredith was here her nightmares were wicked. She'd have them numerous times each week and it frightened teenage Felix immensely. He didn't know how to help her except be there for her and he'd often wonder how such a light like Meredith came from such a dark background.

"I'm sorry we haven't had much time to talk." He said finally, frowning. "Seems like someone's always listening to us."

Meredith chuckled, nodding as she readjusted her position on the counter. Her hips leaning against it as she faced Felix. "I get what you mean."

He examined her, like always. Trying to read her impossible mind.

"My mom really appreciates that you came this summer." He almost smiles. "I mean, I do as well."

Meredith grinned back up at the boy. "Not a problem."

It fell silent again as the two stared eternally into one another's eyes.

"I miss you." He says, and though she's right there, she knows exactly what he means. He doesn't quite want to admit the words aloud but she knows.

She set her mug to the side of the marble counter. "What about Annabel? Or India?"

The question had been weighing on her mind for ages now but never had a chance to ask it.

He shakes his head, a promise in his eye. "You know you've never had to worry about them."

She partially knew it, it was a true. But still, the insecurity always snuck up on her in her sleepless nights.

"And Max?" Felix now asks his golden question and it doesn't surprise Meredith one bit.

She takes a final sip of her warm milk as her eyes catch his with surprise and a smile. A silent answer.

"You've got a little..." his eyes fall on the trail of milk left right above her top lip, his thumb softly brushing against it, wiping away.

It tickled Meredith's full lips honestly, and she couldn't help it when they parted with want.

His warm hand gently slid against her cheek, cupping it in the palm of his hand as he looked over her.

Though it was dark and hardly anything could be seen right now, she could see the want in his eyes and the ghost of a smile on his lips as he leaned in closer to her and—

The lights flickered on.


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