𝒙𝒗𝒊. restless youth

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╰┈➤ restless youth ‧₊˚.

MEREDITH HAD BEEN TRYING HER very best to avoid Oliver. And by doing that, she figured it'd be best to avoid him explicitly outside of meals.

It was more difficult than you'd think, however, he was relentless and his eyes were so persuading—especially from across the dinner table.

And though she wishes she wasn't, she was partially avoiding Felix as well. Guilt had been gnawing on her from the inside out for the kiss she shared with Oliver and especially how she felt from it.

She and Felix had been in an awkward state where neither of them knew what to label the other as but they were both positive that they were together. In some way.

And now, he'd been knocking on her bedroom door.

She pulled her nails out from between her teeth and approached the door with a nervous smile.

"Hey," she breathed out, offering the boy a coy smile. 

"Hey," he gave a loose laugh as he peered down at her, he had the slightest hint of worry laced in those brown eyes of his and it was no surprise. "you okay?" 

He didn't try to kiss her, or hug her, or even enter her room. He was solely only focused on whether she was okay or not because it was clear she wasn't. 

"You haven't come to annoy me at all today." he grins playfully, giving a shrug to try and play off his care for her. Because that's what Felix and Meredith do. 

They're affectionate and flirtatious naturally but when they actually care for one another they can't help but play it off. 

Meredith returned the smile, and she almost convinced him. "I've just been feeling tired, that's all." 

Felix knew she was untruthful, but he didn't want to pressure her. She'd come to him when ready, and he'd be there waiting. 

The Catton boy leaned the side of his body against the white frame of her door and crossed one ankle over the other. "Well, do you want to be alone or can I come in?" 


Meredith would love nothing more than to cuddle up in Felix's arms and watch a movie, or listen to him read a book aloud, or hell, even just sit there in silence. However, she was going mad and didn't know how to channel it. 

But for some reason, she nodded anyhow, opening her door wider with a beaming smile. "Sure. Come in." 


thank u all sm for 25k reads !!!
ps please please please don't be a silent
reader i love reading ur guys' comments 🫶

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