𝒙𝒙𝒊. faulty mistake

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╰┈➤ faulty mistake ‧₊˚.

AN ENTIRE DAY HAD PASSED SINCE KISSING Oliver, and Meredith was still beating herself up about it. She kept doing things entirely wrong (to everyone involved) which all included one factor: Oliver.

She's now shared two kisses with him and that should be fine. But Meredith is now in a relationship and Oliver is her boyfriend's best mate. Not to mention, her best friend has a liking for Oliver.

It's a complicated mix of factors but what the one answer they all sum up to: everyone gets hurt.

"There's my favorite girl," Felix's voice sounded from behind Meredith, and soon enough, her feet were off the ground and his arms were snaked around her middle. He nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling the scent of her daisy perfume. "I missed you."

Meredith tried to smile, and she almost did, but overall, she was weighed down and unable to. "It's been a couple hours."

"Three, to be exact," he hummed with a charming grin, now facing her. "but still too long."

Meredith wanted to smile, she really did, but she physically could not.

"What's happened now?" He asked, a ghost of a smile still lingering over his face as he watched over the girl.

Meredith averted her gaze, there was no point in denying anything because she'd already made it so obvious. "He kissed me again."

Her voice was barely above a whisper and though she kept her head low, she could tell Felix was fuming. She could feel the anger coming off of him like a scorching fire.

After a few moments of silent tension thick in the air, Felix placed two soft hands on either one of Meredith's arms, warm brown eyes meeting her own. "I'm not mad at you, Mere. I just..."

He struggled to find the right words, and even saying he was mad at Oliver felt like a lump of bile in his throat.

"I just wish he would respect our relationship," Felix finally managed to say, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and hurt. "I mean, how many times does he need to be told to stay away from you?"

Meredith couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She understood Felix's feelings, and she knew deep down that what she had done was wrong. Oliver should've never kissed her, not once, let alone twice. She wished she could turn back time and undo the mistakes she had made.

"I'm so sorry, Felix," Meredith whispered, her voice filled with remorse. "I didn't ask for any of this to happen. I never meant to hurt you."

Felix sighed heavily, the tension slowly dissipating from his body as he realized his anger was misplaced. He gently cupped Meredith's face in his hands, his touch comforting and soothing.

"It's not your fault," he said softly. "None of this is."

Meredith wished he was truthful, or, that he at least knew the truth. But everything Felix touched turned to gold and made you believe in it. Meredith, however, seemed to be immune to it. And maybe that was because, she, too, was a god-like figure.

A tear slid down her cheek, in which she quickly wiped it away, and watched as his eyes turned to soft doe eyes.

He gently grazed his thumb against her cheek and gave another reminder of reassurance. "Not your fault."

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