𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. a visitor unvisited

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╰┈➤ a visitor unvisited ‧₊˚.

SALTBURN HAD BEEN BOOMING WITH MUSIC and laughter. Like Elspeth planned, there'd been nearly two hundred people filling each hall of Saltburn, few of whom actually knew who Oliver was.

Meredith had her body leaned against Felix as his arms snaked around her from behind. He had the bottom side of his cheek rested against her head, careful not to mess with the golden halo she had over her head, a headpiece symbolizing an angel to go along with his outfit.

The couple had been at the bottom of the steps in which Oliver had been being celebrated on. His cake was held in front of him and he had a smile lit by the very candles decorating the dessert.

While Meredith was singing Happy Birthday to the boy, Felix was just humming the tune, and the brunette could feel the vibrating of his neck against her own.

Oliver blew out his candles and anytime someone did, Meredith would always wonder what they'd wished for. Oliver's wish, in particular, fascinated her immensely.

Meredith glanced up at Felix, her eyes searching for answers. His hazel eyes twinkled mischievously as if he knew something she didn't. "What do you think Oliver wished for?" she whispered, leaning closer to him.

"Fuck if I know," he said, utterly careless as he bumped off of the girl and took a swig of beer.

Meredith rolled her eyes at Felix's response, not expecting any profound insight from him. She turned her attention back to the festivities, watching as Oliver's face lit up with joy as everyone cheered and clapped for him. The room buzzed with excitement, a palpable energy that filled every corner.

AS THE NIGHT WORE ON, the music shifted to a slower melody, and couples started to take to the dance floor. Meredith could feel Felix's grip tighten around her waist, his fingers tracing gentle circles on her back. She closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the music and the warmth of his embrace.

They swayed together, their bodies moving in perfect harmony with the soft rhythm. Meredith could hear the faint whispers of the lyrics, mingling with the sound of their breathing. It felt like they were in a world of their own, cocooned by the enchantment of the moment.

She readjusted her position, turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck. She'd just barely been tall enough, though, even in heels. The illuminating blue light was dark, but just enough for Meredith to see Felix's smile as he gazed down at her. His eyes held a tenderness that made her heart flutter and she couldn't help but wonder what he saw when he looked at her, what secrets lay hidden in the depths of his hazel eyes.

"What are you thinking?" she asked softly, breaking the silence between them.

Felix's lips curved into a gentle smile, voice barely above a whisper as a devious glint caught in the flicker of his eye. "That it's crowded in here."

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