𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. unscrupulous desires

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╰┈➤ unscrupulous desires ‧₊˚.

AN ENTIRE DAY HAD PASSED AND Oliver was being especially weird toward Meredith, but not Felix.

The current household members of Saltburn, both Catton Family and not, had been scattered across the living room.

A terrifying and disturbing horror film had been on the screen, and it was Venetia's idea entirely to watch it.

Meredith had her arm wrapped around Felix's and squeezed it tight each time there had been a jump scare, in which he'd simply laugh as he looked down at the poor girl.

They'd (hopefully) been nearing the end of the movie when finally, the dirtied woman with long black hair shielding her face stepped through the screen and began walking toward the camera—and the main character.

Venetia was screaming from beside Meredith, Oliver was beaming from ear-to-ear and Meredith was squirming with her face hidden behind Felix's bicep.

A booming laugh came from Felix, his entire body moving against Meredith as he wrapped his free arm over her, trying to console her while laughing at her misfortune.

Once the screaming from the television died down, Meredith peeked her head up just a bit so that she could be heard when asking her question. "Is it over?"

Felix's laugh quieted just a tad as he leaned his head over and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Yes, love."

She pulled her head out from the darkness she'd been in and the credits on the film had begun rolling.

"Who's idea was it to watch that again?"

MEREDITH HAD JUST KISSED Felix goodnight, like she often would, and continued to her own bedroom to change into her pajamas and ready herself for bed.

She'd gone to the walk-in closet she'd been provided and smiled to herself as she reached over and pulled her dress off over her head.

She'd been left in only yellow-lace panties and a matching bra when she unhooked the back of it. Letting her breasts loose as she scrambled through her drawer for a set of satin pajamas.

Once finding a set, she slid it on over smooth-as-silk body and instantly felt refreshed with the exhalation she let slip past her lips, tickling them.

She turned around with tired brown eyes and looked forward to crawling up in between her sheets and resting.

However, Oliver was standing in the corner of her room. It startled Meredith severely as the question of how long he'd been standing there lingered in her mind.

"Ollie," she breathed out, trying to manage a smile on those full lips of hers—an attempt to ease the extremely weird situation at hand. "what's happened?"

She didn't want to ask if she could help him because he was her friend and the last thing she wanted was to make him feel like he was beneath her in any way.

He shook his head. "Nothing."

Meredith's brows knitted together with confusion as she sat at the edge of her queen-sized bed. "Well? What is it then?"

He stepped closer to her, intensifying Meredith's confusion with each step.

But once he finally stopped, he had been standing directly in front of the brunette.

He had an unknown desire in his eye and Meredith's was more puzzled than ever.

"So you and Felix are back together then?" He asked.

"Erm," the crease between the girl's full brows deepened as her mind blanked. "Not exactly. Why?"

He shrugged, but didn't respond. He just stared at her for a moment and Meredith watched as the moonlight lit the side of his face.

After a few moments of awkward, uncomfortable silence, he placed two hands on either sides of Meredith's face and it was suddenly clear what he was doing.

A shiver spiraled down the girl's spine and she could feel her entire body tense beneath his touch. His hands were cold and so were his eyes.

"Are you and Felix going to get back together?" Oliver asked, but Meredith wasn't sure of the answer.

"I—I don't know—"

The boy wasted no time. His lips pressed against hers and for a split second it felt right.

It felt right until everything wrong about this flashed behind her closed eyelids.

Venetia had mentioned her likes for the boy, and he was her ex-boyfriend—who she still had feelings for—'s best mate.

She pulled away, her hand finding the peck of Oliver's chest. She tucked her (now damp) bottom lip between her teeth and shook her head.

Her mind was racing with all the horrid possibilities this could lead to and it worried her beyond comprehension.

"Just..." she sighed. "Go. I won't tell anyone."

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