𝒗. the things we don't say

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╰┈➤ the things we don't say ‧₊˚.

TO NOBODY'S SURPRISE, Meredith woke up with terrible nausea and the bathroom was her first destination. She quickly toppled herself onto the tile floor with her hands on either side of the toilet as she vomited inside. 

With perfect timing, though, there was a knock on her dorm's door. There were two polite knocks with a third one harder against the wood, which gave away entirely that it was Felix. 

"Come in!" She croaked out, uncaring of whether he could actually hear her or not. The harsh movement of her head sent a chill down her spine as she once again, threw up into the toilet bowl. 

The porcelain was cold against her warm palms and it was only a reminder to never get shit-face drunk again. 

The sound of the door shutting was gentle, and soon enough, she heard Felix call out her name. 

"In here," she groaned, slowly recovering, but still awaiting the last of vomit to ease it's way out of her. 

The scent of Felix's expensive cologne filled the air--like a gentle notification of his presence. At the sight of Meredith curled up over the toilet, he quickly went to kneel behind the girl's small build and carefully brushed the loose strands of hair out of her face. 

He'd done this before, not many, but he had. And he, too, knew how awful it was to be so miserable the morning after one too many drinks. 

She finally finishes and gives the silver lever a push, slowly backing herself against the wall before putting her head in her hands. 

"What'd I tell you?" Felix teased, the corner of his lips tugging into a smile. 

Mere gave him a deadening glare past her shielding hands. 

Another one of the girl's curls fell loose over her forehead, in which Felix carefully brushed out, and back with the others. The movement was so light and yet meaningful, it sent a chill down Meredith's spine. 

"Why are you here?" she asked, voice muffled. 

Felix didn't bother giving her the playful comments because she knew she wasn't in any mood for them. "I figured you'd be struggling." 

Struggling felt like an understatement. Meredith was truly suffering. Her head felt as though it was being pounded with a hammer repeatedly over and over and her stomach was scrambled and cramped yet still felt full to the brim. 

"I thought you couldn't miss class to take care of me?" She asked teasingly with an arched brow and a ghost of a smile, the side of her face now rested upon the arms crossed over her kneecaps. 

He returned her teasing grin. "Classes aren't 'till half nine. It's nearly 7." 

Meredith didn't only fight an eyeroll, she also fought a smile. She knew exactly why Felix was here and what his intentions were, what he isn't saying with his mouth but with his eyes. 

"You know what cures hangovers?" The Catton boy asked, eyes glimmering with devious intent. 

"Hmm?" she hummed, eyes suddenly heavy with exhaustion. 

A lustful smile displayed across his face. "Sex." 

"Pervert." she mused, knowing damn well that sex was not going to cure any hangover--much less the deviating one she was battling right now. "What would Annabel say to that?" 

"I didn't sleep with Annabel." he responds softly, eyes focused and lips frowned with intention. 

Felix knew what Meredith was thinking--about last night. Although she was drinking her body weight in alcohol, she saw Felix take Annabel to his dorm. She watched it happen and then she had to be escorted from the party by Oliver. 

"I don't care who you sleep with." Meredith replies, her once unfocused eyes looking back at him with the softest of gazes. 

Felix knew better, or maybe he didn't, but he wished he did. He wished that Meredith still did care because he hadn't gotten over her one bit and was clinging onto hope that she hadn't either. 

He nods. "You going to be okay today?" 

Meredith appreciated him caring--it was nice to have someone actually care about her and not just the reputation she upheld. 

She, too, nodded with a small curling of her lips. 

Felix stood up, but placed a careful kiss to the top of Mere's forehead before doing so. He went to walk out the door but paused and leaned his shoulder against the doorway, tapping it with what seemed to be remembrance flickering over his features. "Oh, and I left a coffee on the table." 

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