𝒙𝒊𝒙. apex predator

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╰┈➤ apex predator ‧₊˚.

FELIX AND MEREDITH HAVE SEEMED TO ESTABLISH what is somewhat of an understanding. An understanding of how they feel for one another. 

Now, after the longest of days, they sit at the dinner table talking to one another like they're the ones who haven't seen each other in months. 

He had his entire upper half tilted and his head leaned against the back of his chair as he watched the girl ramble about various things. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she finally asked, lips parted with a smile and eyes light with joy.

He shook his head, giving a lazy smile. "Just listening." 

She narrowed her gaze on him, giving a playful squint as she fought herself not to grin wider. 

Neither of them had even touched their plates, they were far too busy conversing with one another. 

"How do you reckon your mom will respond when I tell her you and I are back together?" she asked, and the question alone made her glow. 

Felix broke out into an ear-to-ear smile, almost as if he'd forgotten the two were official again and just the being reminded of it was the best thing he's heard all day. 

"She'll probably lose her mind." He said. 

The statement was probably true, in all honesty. When Elspeth first met Meredith, she was over-the-moon joyous. Meredith was the all-around perfect girl and for her--in her eyes--perfect son to be with someone just equally as good of a person, if not better, meant everything to her. 

If Elspeth Catton wanted her son to marry anyone, it would have to be Meredith. 

MEREDITH NEVER THOUGHT GOING INTO this dinner party, that she'd see a grown man singing Low, but, alas, it was happening right now before her eyes. 

Venetia was having a ball, watching the scene unfold. She'd put a pause to smoking her cigarette just to laugh and move with the music coming from the man's mouth. 

And as for Felix, his entire body was moving beneath Meredith just from his laughs alone. 

Meredith couldn't help but join in on the laughter, her voice blending with Venetia's joyous cackles. The sight of this grown man, taking his jacket off and tossing it at his wife, having the time of his life by singing such an inappropriate song, was both absurd and captivating.

The group of friends watched as the man made fool of himself, until Felix tapped his hand against Meredith's hip, signaling for to get up off his lap. 

"Fuck this, I'm going to get a drink." Felix announced, standing up from behind Meredith but his hand remained on her waist. "Do you want one, love?" 

Meredith shook her head, offering a smile as he, too, nodded before leaning down and offering a kiss on the top of her head and going off to get a drink, Venetia following. 

A few moments passed of Meredith watching Henry perform, until his music was cut off and the mic was taken from him as Farleigh congratulated him on his performance, but ultimately put a different record in the karaoke player. 

The room applauded the man for his performance and as the new song began to play, Farleigh turned with his back against the fireplace and smiled. 

"Okay, now it's time to take things up a notch." He announced. "Um, okay, we have someone here who is a very talented singer. He's your best friend and mine. Oliver Quick." 

This was about to be bad. 

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