𝒊𝒊𝒊. knife to a gunfight

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╰┈➤ knife to a gunfight ‧₊˚.

MEREDITH HAD WALKED INTO THE familiar pub with Max's arm draped over her shoulder.

The contrast of scents between the alleyway leading up to the building wasn't too different at all, surprisingly enough.

Outside, on the busy street, it wreaked of dumpster fillings and alcohol. Inside the pub, it wreaked of alcohol, still, but instead of dumpster fillings, it smelled of sweat and other bodily odors.

Nearly each table was occupied with a party, and nearly everyone was drinking or already drunk.

"Mere!" Felix shouted, pulling her from her thoughts and to focus on the sound of his voice from the corner of the room. His smile didn't fade at the sight of Max, but his posture certainly changed. He waved the two over, but really only wished that it was Meredith walking over.

The duo walked over, and when they were just a few feet from the table, Max dragged his arm from around Meredith and down to her ass, squeezing it lightly.

He was playing with fire, for sure, but only a fool wouldn't know that he's only doing so to make Felix angry. Maybe, to try and prove something. That... Meredith was his territory.

But, you'd also have to be utterly clueless if you went to Oxford and didn't know that Meredith Archibald belonged to no one but Felix. And Felix belonged to Meredith and Meredith only.

No matter how many boys swept through Meredith's dorm, or how many girls woke up in Felix's bed—they were each other's.

Felix's jaw tensed and untensed as he looked between the two, at the smirk on Max's face and the frown on Mere's.

He plucked the cigarette from between his lips and huffed. "There's not enough chairs, mate. Sorry."

From the looks of it, he was truthful. There was only one open chair, and it was right between Annabel and Farleigh.

Max's hands found either one of Meredith's hips and he went to sit in the remaining chair, guiding Meredith to it as well. "Guess we'll have to share."

Meredith, however, wasn't going to be used as anyone's pawn in some game. She wasn't a chess piece you could move to fight another, and most certainly wasn't one you could use for power.

Refusing to sit down on his lap, she quickly stood up, escaping from his grasp—and the harsh movement triggered something within Felix.

The brunette was quick to his feet, too, now, and he was furious. "I think you should go, mate."

Meredith didn't like how this was turning out at all, and honestly, she found it quite stupid.

Max, too, stood up from his chair and attempted to level out with the taller boy, who was just an inch away from punching him in the face.

"This is about to be good," Farleigh, from beside her, said with an amused smile on his face.

Meredith stepped between the two, fighting off an eyeroll as her hands found Max's torso. "We're good. Max," she said softly, offering a small smile—awaiting him to look back at her. And once he did, she was finally able to get to him. The Meredith Archibald way. "Could you get me a drink?" 

He first glares at Felix, then back at Meredith with a softened gaze before nodding and going off to the bar. 

Meredith exhaled a sigh of relief and now that panic had washed over her, she was consumed in embarrassment. All she wanted was a nice night out with her friends, and was hoping that they'd accept Max but he and Felix ruined it. 

She sat back down in the open seat and and crossed her arms over her yellow-fitted dress, blowing out a harsh sigh. 

"You shouldn't have brought him here, Mere." Felix said, just adding to the fire boiling inside Meredith, while relighting his cigarette. "He's a twat." 

Meredith rolled her eyes at him, but kept quiet. 

"Told you so." Farleigh mumbled under his breath, referencing the conversation he and the Archibald girl had earlier today. 

Now, she gritted her teeth together, the ticking time bomb of when she'd explode speeding up. 

She felt a pair of eyes on her, and when she looked up, she'd assumed it'd be Max staring back at her but instead, familiar blue eyes were. The boy from yesterday was here--looking right at her. Oliver, was his name? 

 Unfortunately, though, Max has returned with two drinks in hand an impatient look on his face. "Is there a chair I can pull up, then?" 

Meredith didn't bother keeping her eye roll to herself this time, and instead of playing nice, she grumbled under her breath. "Just find a chair, Max."

This earned a prideful smirk from Felix as he looked back up at Max, his hand going back up to the cigarette in between his pink lips. 

Max tightens his jaw and accepts the terms he's been offered, and everyone just watches. Ultimately, he's decided to leave. He slides a hand down his front pocket and walks out, shoes clanking against the sticky floor as he does. 

Farleigh blew out one last huff. "Well, that was eventful." 

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