𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. daisy coloured walls

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╰┈➤ daisy coloured walls ‧₊˚.

SALTBURN WAS JUST THE SAME AS IT WAS LEFT. It was still larger than ever and grander than life itself.

The grass was still freshly cut and the bushes around the walkway past the gates were still neatly trimmed into round shapes of flower and vine.

However, whats surprised Meredith this time, was that Elspeth was the one to greet her at the wide-entranced double doors.

She had a glass of white wine in one hand and opened her other to embrace the teenager in a hug.

The blonde had a polite, yet eager smile on her face as she pulled away to look back at the girl, getting another good look at her beauty. "My goodness, you just get more stunning each year."

Meredith smiled at her mother-like figure. "As do you, Elspeth."

She opened her mouth to say something else but Felix soon came striding into the entry hall from the spiraled staircase in the corner. He smiled down at the two—more specifically, at Meredith.

"Are you two done charming one another or can I steal her for a moment?" The tall boy questioned, accent thick and teasing toward his mother.

She nodded, telling him to please do so. And Felix began leading the way—back up the stairs and down one of the many halls of Saltburn's corridors.

Before proceeding, though, Elspeth's hand grasped hers lightly. "He doesn't want us to talk about him, darling, but," she almost smiled again. "He's been waiting at the top of those stairs for hours."

Meredith returned the smile, knowing that she was being truthful and just the thought made her want to burst with bliss.

Felix turned, just enough to see if she was actually following like instructed to, and she was.

The wallpaper was floral and different with every single turn. She'd been used to staying in Felix's room, but for the time being this time around—with the couple's recent split—it wasn't hard for Meredith to assume that he was now guiding her to her new bedroom for this summer.

Once out of sight from Felix's gossiping mother, he slung his arm over Meredith's shorter figure and pressed his lips to the top of her head.

He inhaled the scent of her shampoo as if it was something he'd been deprived of for ages. "I've missed you."

Meredith rolled her eyes playfully, her hand clasping with Felix's as she beamed up at him. "It's been three days. I'm sure you were fine."

He shook his head. "Mm-mm. Three days too long."

Felix didn't bother asking her how the travel over here was, not because he didn't care, but because that was entirely boring adult talk that she'll already be asked by Mr. Catton when he sees her.

"I'm sorry about my mum." He says as they turned yet another corner. "You know she gets ahead of herself."

Meredith nodded, humming.

"Is Oliver joining us then?" She asked, looking back up at him—or, rather, the sharp edge of his jawline as she was nearly an entire foot shorter than him.

Felix nodded, his brown eyes sparing her the tiniest of glances. "Yeah. He's getting in tomorrow with Farleigh."

Meredith nodded once more and thankfully, the two had made it to her bedroom after what felt like a walk of forever.

Felix patted his ring-decorated hand against the wooden frame of the door.

"Well, this is your room." He said, moving his body from being hovered over hers to leaning it against the door frame that belonged to the yellow-colored room.

It somehow looked exactly like it would as if Meredith was designing it. Daisy coloured walls with plump floral-decorated bedding and sheer white curtains to wake up to each morning.

"Mum hired an interior designer to come by and redo this entire room for you," he said with what sounded almost like a laugh.

Meredith too, couldn't help but let out a giggle-like sound. "Sounds like Elspeth."

The smile on his face didn't fall as he looked back at Meredith, watching as she took in the sight of the room that was somehow the life-sized appearance of what her mind and soul looked like.

He gave her hand one final squeeze before walking back out. "Make yourself at home."

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