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7:54 AM | Sunday

The weekend had came to an end!

Another week of boring and overrated subjects began.

Beomgyu and Ryujin were on year 10's floor. They were waiting for Yuna and Kai outside their first class. Yuna and Kai won't be having practice after classes so today they had to follow their regular lessons like everyone else.

Beomgyu was explaining Ryujin Physics. During the talk she noticed a group of year 10 students. They were standing almost in front of them and were chuckling about something. They kept on glancing at Beomgyu.

She did not like that.

Sometime later, a girl approached the duo.

???: Ah-um.. Hi guys... [nervouse]

BEOMGYU: [notices her] Oh hi! [smiles] What's your name?

RAMI: [blushes] Oh! Uh.. My name is Rami. You are Beomgyu oppa right?

RYUJIN: [frowns] (Who tf is this girl? and why is she blushing?! why tf is she calling Beomgyu oppa in that tone?!)

BEOMGYU: Nice to meet you, Rami! May I know why you approached us? Actually I was giving Ryujin a lecture about Physics.

RAMI: Oh! Sorry for disturbing you guys.. [glances back at her girl group of friends. They were smiling, nodding their head as a yes and were giving her thumbs ups. She looks back at Beomgyu] Uh.. oppa can you give your autograph..? You are so popular and I really like you-I-I mean everyone likes you so much!

RYUJIN: (sign some autographs?) [scoffs and rolls eyes] (Oh please, that's the oldest trick in the book. It's a literal tradition in this institution to ask out your crush-WAIT IS SHE GOING TO ASK HIM OUT?!) [eyes widened]

BEOMGYU: [chuckles and happily accepts the requestion] Of course! [starts signing] I am no celebrity but you and your friends surely made me feel like one! [laughs which causes Rami to chuckle with him]

RYUJIN: [crosses arms] (They just met and they are already being frank with one another? Wtf?!) [watches Beomgyu impatiently] (God, be quick Gyu! You don't want me to throw hands on your fan, do you?)

BEOMGYU: Here you go! [hands Rami the last one but mistakenly their hands touch]


RAMI: [accepts happily] Thank you so much, oppa! And... I have one more request... [looks down. a shy smile forming on her face]

BEOMGYU: Sure! What is it? [smiles]

RAMI: [cheeks go red and she tucks her hair behind her ear. eyes still down] Oppa, you are so smart and hard working. The whole institution praises you. I was wondering if you would like to-

RYUJIN: NO! [interrupts and comes in between them. her arms crossed]

RAMI: [stunned] Huh?! Ryujin unnie?!

RYUJIN: Can't you see me and Beomgyu were having an important discussion?!

RAMI: [confused] But unnie I just wanted to ask him-

RYUJIN: NO! Can you leave us alone?! Please?! He has no interest in accepting your requests so can you be a good girl and LEAVE?! [points in the other direction using her finger]

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