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A gasp escaped from everyone's mouth. The atmosphere of the place changed. The smiles of the kids changed into worried and stunned reactions. Everyone stopped what they were doing and their eyes landed in Beomgyu and Lee's direction.

Beomgyu had fallen in the deep part of the pool. As he was in the water, his eyes popped opened. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. He heard a girl's voice, who sounded like someone he knew.

"Aww poor guy can't swim!"

"Should we just leave him like this?"

"Tsk, hell yeah, let him drown. No one cares about him anyway. We are doing a favor for his parents anyways."

Just then Beomgyu could feel his breath running out, he immediately pushed his body upward.

BEOMGYU: [pops out of the water and was panting. He looked around and his eyes landed on Lee, who was standing with his pockets inside his uniform's jacket. Miro was standing next to him.]

LEEYEONG: [smirks] Out of air, pretty boy?

BEOMGYU: [catches his breath. furious] What the actual fck, Lee?! What's your problem?!

LEEYEONG: [scoffs] I don't know. I just found out that you were at Ryujin's house on Thursday. Maybe that's the reason I am pissed?

BEOMGYU: (This fcker is getting on my nerves day by day. He really wants to get his ego hurt, doesn't he?) [rubs his forehead]

LEEYEONG: [notices the frustration on Beomgyu's face] Look bro, I had no problem with you. I saw your marks and I am impressed, you are quite smart. A genius perhaps. But I despise the way you are stealing Ryujin's attention away from me.

BEOMGYU: [scoffs and rolls his eyes] What can I do? Too bad your girl prefers me over you.

LEEYEONG: [jaw clenches] Let me remind you, Ryujin is my fiancé. You! have to stay out of our relationship! I warned you before and I am warning you now, break your relationship with her and her friends. You don't wanna get in trouble with me. I'll make your life hell!

BEOMGYU: [sarcastically smiles] (He really thinks he owns the world, doesn't he?) Well let me remind you as well [using his index finger he calls Lee to come closer to the pool. Lee gets on one of his knees and comes closer]

BEOMGYU: [whispers, their eyes locked] Ryu may be engaged to you but her heart clearly belongs to me. Get in trouble with you? [scoffs] Darling, you don't wanna get in trouble with me. You may turn my life into hell but dear I can take your life away from you in a matter of seconds like this! [he moved his hand quickly in the water which caused the water to get splashed in Lee's eyes in high speeds.]

LEEYEONG: [falls back and his both hands on his eyes. in pain] Fck! My eyes!

Students burst into laughter seeing Lee like that. Some recorded the scene using their phones while others just whispered to their friends. They felt happy seeing Lee get a taste of his own medicine. He used to bully and hurt many students before.

Beomgyu joined the laughs by laughing even harder and pointing at Lee. Kai helped him in doing so.

BEOMGYU: [chuckles] Oops! Sorry, I mistakenly splash some water on ya! My bad.

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