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1:32 PM | same day

RYUJIN: Gyu....[speechless] I am so so sorry... [squeezes his hands tightly]

BEOMGYU: [looking at the blanket. Lost in his thoughts. His face was red and tears were flowing out of his eyes] (I just don't want anyone to be upset because of me...) [gets outs of his thoughts when he heard Ryujin's voice. he looks at her with a soft smile] It's okay, Ryu.

RYUJIN: [wipes her tears before they fell out. she comes closer to him, a sad pout] No, it's not okay! [heavy voice] How is this okay?! You went through a lot...[sniffs]

Ryujin was looking deep into Beomgyu's eyes. They were reflecting the lights around them. Beomgyu couldn't help but admire her. She was so beautiful.

BEOMGYU: [lovingly brushes a hand over her cheek] I am fine, Ryu. You don't have to worry. Please.

RYUJIN: [moves back, and slowly nods her head. worriness clearly in her eyes]

BEOMGYU: [tries to change topic as he didn't want to be the only one trauma dumping] Hey... do you have a story to share? I am here to listen. [softly smiles]

RYUJIN: [stunned but hesitates] Uh... no.. you are already seeing my story...[wants to share] but even if I did have one... it's not as close to yours... in front of you my story looks... pathetic... as if I am over exaggerating it...

BEOMGYU: [leans forward] I am here to listen.

RYUJIN: [hesitant but finally speaks] (Ugh! Just share ur Ryu! Someone's finally gonna listen!) ...My story isn't long... but it all started in kindergarten as well... If I be honest, I was a b*tch when I was younger [looks at Beomgyu to see his reaction. No reaction] I-I was arrogant and rude. I would often flex and bully kids around me.

RYUJIN: I used to bully them so badly... I used to make them feel insecure... unhappy... sad... angry... it was just part of me and no, it did not come naturally.. my mother had taught me this...

RYUJIN: I was very prideful and I had a massive ego... I used to believe I own the world or something... I used to openly threat teachers... called people loudly poor... cursed at them... and ugh... [feeling disgusted of her own self]

RYUJIN: I was also very possessive and obsessive... once I like someone or something... I won't leave them alone.. My perspective changed in 7th grade as well... [looks at Beomgyu who smiles]

RYUJIN: I once sneaked out of the school. I used to do this often. I used to be alone as well. That day there was a man near the street, he was inside a black car. I wasn't sure what his intentions were but he was scary...and he kept signaling me to come in the car...

RYUJIN: I was small and of course I couldn't fight a 23 or 26 year old. Just when he was about to approach me, a old man came in front of me...

RYUJIN: That old man was the seller who sold ice creams outside our school. [feeling embarrassed] I would often through my banana peals and my left overs at him... making fun of him for standing in the heat and being poor...

RYUJIN:... that man who tried to approach me got scared and run away. I looked up at the old man and he asked me if I was okay... I said yes... he walked me back to the school. On our way I asked him... why did you help me...? Despite me being a...you know..

RYUJIN: The old man replied with a weak smile and told me, there are some things that money can't buy, like manners, morals and intelligence...

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