Chapter 9

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• - BODES POV - •

I kept looking at her. I don't know why I just did. I heard a ruffle near the door. I looked back.

"Hey Romeo." it was Mayall. I thought she was pretty but I didn't like her. Not as much as Andromeda.

"How much did you watch?" I asked.

"Up until you kissed her hand then whispered something. I couldn't hear but it didn't sound important. " I nodded my head in agreement. But it was important. I don't think I should tell her. She is our body guard.

"You really like her don't you??" She asked out of nowhere. I was so busy thinking I didn't know she asked.

"Huh? What..??"

"I said you really like her don't you?"

"Ummm..." I didn't know if I should tell her. "You promise you won't tell her and no one else?"


"Alright well I've been liking Andromeda since the government agency paired us up as group mates. I didn't believe it was true until I started liking her."

"I know. I see the way you look at her." I nodded in agreement.

"She hasn't woken up yet. But I think I can see her eyes starting to open"

"You guys are too cute."

"Woah we are not a couple. I would really like it if we were though." I mumbled under my breath. 

"Oh oops sorry." Mayall stumbled with her words.

"It's alright." I said. "Wait I think she's waking up now." I exclaimed.


I heard people talking and I opened my eyelids. It was Bode. He was holding my hand. He's always so comforting. Then I saw. Ugh our body guard. Mayall. I don't know why but I just hate her. I heard Bode say "Wait I think she's waking up now." I saw Mayall turn around and leave with saying. "I'll leave you two alone."
Bode then turned around back to me.

"Hey, how ya feeling?"

"Ok I guess. Not the best."

"Um I brought you some coffee."

"Oh - my favorite" I licked my lips and he carefully gave me the cup.

"Am I going to get up now?" I asked while taking a sip of my coffee.

"I don't know we haven't heard word from Pledeis or Triffid."

"What about the body guard? I heard you guys talking but I couldn't make out what you were talking about." then suddenly his face went pale.

"We were just talking about-- Ummm--" I saw his breathing hitch and he started stuttering. They were talking about something they didn't want me to know about.

"We were um talking about um. The fire and smoke. Smoke is pretty bad."

"Oh yeah it really can hurt your lungs." I saw him sigh in relief but I knew he was hiding something. I just had to figure it out.

"Hey I'm gonna go check on Triffid. You stay here okay.

I nodded then waited for him to leave. I hopped off the rusty bed and looked around. Everything was all pretty rusty. Nothing clean. My chest didn't shoot in pain when I got up which was a plus. I opened the door and looked down both hallways. The place was a wreck. Everything knocked down. I looked both ways and tip-toed to a door a turned then quickly turned back. I have to see what Bode was talking about with Mayall. I don't know why I just was so jealous. Wait should I be jealous. No. It's not possible. I just get a burning sensation in my chest when I see her with him. Or it could be the smoke in my lungs but either way. There's no way I actually LIKE bode. No way. It can't be possible. I'm just being protective. Like a best friend. Because that's just what best friends do. Protect each other. I still don't think I tricked my mind. I walked passed a door and saw Bode with Mayall. There goes the burning sensation. I overheard their conversation.

"Look I think Andromeda heard our conversation earlier when she was resting. Whatever you do don't tell her about anything that I said." I heard Bode say. Then I saw Mayall nod the walk out the room. I hid behind a dead plant. I quickly got up and caught up with her. I had to know what they were talking about. I grabbed her arm and she spun around.

"What are you doing out of bed? You are not supposed to be out." She asked.

"I just need to ask you a quick question. Then I will go back to the room."

"Fine what is it?"

"What were you on Bode talking about earlier when I was still sleeping but he never told me."

"Nothing just talking about what are next step would be after we get you well and healthy."

"Oh sorry." I fake blushed.

"It's ok. It's good you're looking out for him." She winked at me. Then spun back around and left down the corridor. I knew it they were hiding something. When I asked Bode he said they were talking about fire and smoke. I bet Bode likes her and told her. But he doesn't want me to know. I bet that's it. I storm out of the place to see Bode. All this anger and confusion was building me up inside. I walked right up to him and....

Authors note:: oh cliffhanger again! Hope you guys like it so far😉

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