Part 1. Chapter 17.

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While I was riding in a limo for a meeting, I thought only about how all this will be next? I'm not able to avoid the long, William, we are still husband and wife and that he might become suspicious. The only way out is just to behave as before. But as before it will not happen, I'm lying to him. And imagine, too, was lying. As much as I loved William Rufus I love a hundred times stronger, and in this I just can not give it up.

Arriving at the meeting, I immediately threw all thoughts of Rufus, this forbidden romance, children, his wife, William and the other problems that piled lately. Of course because I myself created the problems themselves. I could safely say Rufus - no. I know I could. I would have the strength. I know how to lie. Acting skills I did not do it, but I probably did not want this, because I still love him .. I wanted that he was there, I would like once again to wake up next to him .. I'm so used to it for our life together. I still can not believe we let our marriage fall apart.
But now, at the very moment I could think of was that soon the charity auction, which will be the elite East Side. And it's not a simple auction, and who later turn into a party .. So skazhem- evening auction. That is why now I am only worried about what would Phillips did not hang next to Richman, the color of the walls and the color of the tracks on the street ... The hall itself was quite large and was divided into several parts, so that the pictures could fit enough to. We must ensure that whatever brought the right wine, flowers, the main thing that the picture was taken intact. Exhibition in a few days and already looking forward to that strange, as if something was trying to say that something does go according to plan. And that may not be on the plan? All confirmed their invitation, so that all will idealno.Tut I looked at the list of invited and took a deep breath. Well, how could I forget .. Rufus and Clarissa ... That's who would not like to see is for Clarissa .. oh ... What is it? She comes with her brother? Rufus tried? Okay .. I approved it yesterday, but for some reason forgot .. I'll try to go through it, the more I will not have the time nor his wife nor her brother. I hope I do not see them ...

Well, I think everything here is discussed and is now free .. I finally got out of the building which will host the show, sat in the limousine that was waiting for me at the door, and dialed Rufus ...
-Lil You finally freed?
-And Where is your wife? I liked to talk to you when she's around, you become so mysterious - I laughed, and he, too ..
- Well, that's evil eye - he whispered, and I realized that to him is his wife, I only heard his words uryvok because apparently he closed his hand phone ... So I had to guess what it is "very busy .. I do not ... . I can ska .... and yes .... meetings ... "and then he picked up the phone again
- So you were saying? - Probably his wife was still close
- I say that, yes, I have already cleared and ready to go.
- I am also ready, because I hope you will not wait?
- Still, you know what, I never let anyone wait ..
- Yes, you're right. So we meet, where we agreed?
- Humphrey, we did not agree.
Ah, yes, exactly. Sorry, no ... where ...
- That time?
- Yes you are right ... I'd like to discuss some papers while you're in town ...
- It might not say
- Well, I hope you will sign the contract ... - I heard he started to wear a jacket
- No ..
- Sorry what?
- I think that I can speak out of place in ... You're talking to myself - I laughed, and he seems to be trying not to laugh ...
- Yes, there is a little bit ... Well. See you.
- Until ... - I put the phone down and told the driver to go to the same coffee shop in Brooklyn, but then changed her mind, but still went to Brooklyn in a limousine. It's quite strange ...
- Stop, stop here. - I said stop the limo somewhere in the neighborhood of cafes .. I wanted to walk and even limousines in Brooklyn, this strange phenomenon ... I got out and went to the cafe .. Time has been and why I was slowly ..

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