Part 1. Chapter 20.

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Finally, the elevator opened because all this ridiculous silence with William not much alarmed ... I saw that Clarissa, Rufus and Carlos come to us ... I smiled and greeted with a kiss on the cheek Clarice, the same thing happened with Carlos, but When it was the turn greetings to Rufus, he kissed me on the lips, I jumped a little but kept quiet in the hope that this has not been seen ...
Well it's time to go to the table. Yes, this time it was bigger and with one hand I sat William, on the other hand, Rufus and Carlos directly .. Lord, I like in a cage ...
- Lily put your salad? - Said Carlos ..
- No, Carlos, you probably should do it to me as the owner of the house - he said Rufus smiled
- Yeah, no, I'll do as her husband
- Eey - I looked at all. - I do not want salad, thank you. - This whole situation I was a little amused at this, I just drank all the wine in the glass because the night promised to be quite strange, consider the entire company gathered here ... My husband, ex-husband, his wife, besides, he is my lover ... Hmm , this only write stories ...
William Carlos quickly found a common language, as Carlos turned plastic surgeon .. on the whole evening they talked about work, and I was like, all the time we were moved glances and smiles with Rufus in this ... I drank a third glass wine ...
- Lily, maybe you do not you drink?
- Do not you teach me, Rufus - I tried to answer as soon as possible with indifference.
- Indeed, Rufus - said Carlos up from a conversation with William - You're always with his science.
- And this is for sure - said William, and all giggled and I'm including a shrug and look at malicious smile Rufus ..
- Lily we Claris will soon fly to Miami for a few weeks, and you're flying somewhere with William? - I looked at the Claris is quite simply nodded ..
- Yes - Yes - I took William's arm - We fly to Santa - Rick.
- William and Carlos fell silent again, and I saw all tensed
- Yes? - William asked puzzled, not surprising because we did not plan anything ..
- Yes - I smiled at him and nodded ..
- Come on, it is better to fly together to Spain, where great this time of year.
- I think Spain is always great.
- Here you are right.
- It's better for you .- I smiled and felt like William squeezed my hand and felt the eyes of Rufus.
- I'll take that for the honor - said Carlos ..
- Oh you, it's such nonsense.
There is not a lot Rufus woke up and looked at Carlos - Spain Yes it is fine, we will think about it.
- And we, too, yes, William?
- Yes, dear - he wanted was for all to kiss me on the lips but I cheek with the words - lipstick - and smiled and realized that Rufus chuckled .. from what has become the most ridiculous.
- Let's drink to this wonderful evening and for our family, for the children, which may soon become more.
- In what sense? - Asked Carlos.
- We Rufus thought about what to get the child - then my heart stopped and his hands were numb so of them dropped a glass on the floor and on my new dress, jumped all at once, and I just stood looking at Rufus, and then abruptly turned her head to Clarice - please forgive me, I'm so sorry, I became so clumsy.
- This is for good luck - said William trying to pick up the pieces.
- William stop, said Rufus - it retracts then - he continued to look me in the eye after all sat down, and we stood and looked at each other, my strength was only enough for something that would sway his head .. I was in such shock it simply could not convey it in words. but he understood it all in my disappointed look, he stared guiltily into my eyes that I sat down at the table and smiled Clarissa
Are you sure you want this?
- Yes, because I have my children was not, and as long as my age allows, why not, right?
- Yes, this is fine children, but Rufus?
- Yes, Lil ...
- Actually - I had called William - she does not like it when they call.
- Yes, what you say, William, I will try to remember it. I uchtu.
- Why do not you like? - Carlos asked me - simply because so call me only the closest people.
- That is not for you, I close enough? - William asked
- Not in the sense!
- And in what?
- Rufus looked at me and decided to answer the question by William
- In the sense that the so-called her a guy she liked, and now its so-called mother only.
- And you, Rufus?
- I just remembered why then, you all know about Lily and had to know about it.
- He does not know about this, Rufus. - I said looking at Carlos with a look that he received an answer to your question
- Well now knows.
- Yes Yes. You know, Carlos, I think Spain is not such a bad idea, because you want a break from it all - looked at Rufus - lies.
- Yes, in our time, it very much.
- And do not say ...
-Honey - Said William - I'm not able to go, you know I have a rewarding ..
- I remember, I remember about your award. You can in fact after. Carlos because it works, then it is always we take it?
- Of course!
- Yes, and we probably Clarice with you. Family travel, how exciting it is.
- Yeah, just beyond words. -I Got up from the table - I'm sorry, I'll go get yourself a glass in the kitchen and go out for five minutes on a balcony, get some air .. - I went into the kitchen .. standing in the kitchen while they've heard decide who will go and look okay if everything to me, and not a bad argument Rufus came up .. Damn he's coming here. I stood at the entrance of the kitchen to the balcony on the immediately threw a cigarette in her hand ... yes .. sometimes I smoke, but it happens to many rare that I do not remember when was the last time but the news that I received only just shoved me into the arms of tobacco ....
Rufus went into the kitchen and stared at me - What are you smoking?
-No. - I snapped.
- Yes, then it does not matter that the kitchen smells like cigarettes.
- Oh, I'm sorry your wife also can not smell cigarette smoke, I will not, but it is better to go home - I went to meet him but only for that would bypass it and head for the exit ..
- Wait. - He said to me becoming and not letting me pass took me by the shoulders .. - What she said ..
- Dai guess, nothing? Rufus, deceiving your wife is fine, but I do not want to deceive your child. .Buduschego ..
- But I do not know whether it will be at all!
-Learn Be nice, you're my husband! It's up to you! In the meantime, I'm sorry ..
- No, wait - he once again grabbed my hand and pressed it to his lips in a passionate kiss, and then just hugged me - Lil, all is well, you hear? Everything will be fine do not worry. - Then I realized that the door opens to the kitchen and tried to quietly push Rufus, but it's not much slowed down and as soon as it all went to the kitchen, we were still in the arms of Rufus and then let me go ...
I was in a stupor and did not know what to expect ..
- What's going on here? - Asked Uilyami, and I just dropped her shoulders sigh
- Yes, I would also like to know - said Clarice ...
- That's not what you think! - They said in unison, and we looked at each other with Rufus
- Well yes. - Said William
- What? - Inquiring said Clarisa
- Excuse number eleven - smiled and said Carlos
- Then at least you do not go, he said Rufus and Carlos looked at me with a sigh. and then at his wife and William ..
- Listen, you have not seen anything supernatural. Rufus gave me a hug because I was bad, he reassured me.
- It is strange that you have chosen to pacify her husband number five, Lily, who was with it! Not me, for some reason
- Who went, he reassured me. You would not be so worried, if in place of Carlos Rufus was such ..
- Yes, I do not mind! - She said Carlos stopped and immediately felt the humble views ...
- Yes, it's because Carlos was not your husband and love of life - said Clarisa
- So what now? Due to the fact that Rufus was my husband, he can not hug me as a friend?
- Looking like a hug - said Carlos.
- As a friend! - I said a little rough.
- Rufus your lips purchased abnormal red coloring, and your lily contrary lost - again got Carlos.
- Listen to that kind of nonsense are you talking about?
- Okay, I keep quiet.
- At last. William was nothing, I'm just some of what was upset, but Rufus has helped me and told something.
- Out of - which is why you're upset.?
- okay. - I sighed - I was looking for a room to you today in Brooklyn, I was talking about this Clarice, to the surprise, I found him barely, barely agreed, but then, I was refused. someone interrupted my order, so I so terribly upset about the fact that I can not make a surprise that you would like ...
- William looked at me and think they believed because he came over and hugged me.
- Lily, do not get upset because of trifles, I get along without surprises, all good - so it does not embrace those that wants to sink ... just me just hugged Rufus, but at that moment I felt completely different. ..
Rufus at this time embraced Clarice. she is a naive fool ... I do not know whether to believe William, he is good at hiding emotions, but in the eyes Clarice was immediately clear that she believes every word like a schoolgirl. Although .. I understand it, because Rufus affects me the same way ... it is interesting because all work? No, not interested. Hmm ... even standing in the arms of William I think only of Rufus ... maybe it's time to stop that because apparently they still will still be a child, and I can not ...
in the moments I stopped and looked at the arms of William smiling - Let's go home?
He smiled and put his arm around my waist - Of course, dear. -William, As always took the initiative in their hands, looked at them all and said, for both of us - I'm sorry, maybe we better go, you still have spoiled the mood, so ... see you .. - we came out from the kitchen and went to elevator ...
Standing in the elevator, we were silent again, and the silence was cutting horrible rumor ... soon we went out, crossed the road and went to his home in the house ... again silence in the elevator which is once again passed through the body ... that opens the elevator door, and we go into the living room, here we go up the stairs until William holding my hand, here we are in the bedroom, he kisses me, that I lie on the bed, and he unbuttons my dress as me, and here I take with his shirt ... in my head all the sails, and I have drunk from a little pondered what happens, I just forget Rufus, all the night with him, all that was forgotten ... these relationships that were so beautiful but its dangerous. That is why I succumbed to William in the hope that it will help to forget .. forget all that happened ... now we are lying under the covers and trying to catch his breath, so I fall asleep from fatigue and alcohol, that's my dream again Rufus .. .. once again.

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