Part 2. Chapter 13

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In the morning I was awakened by an alarm clock, turning my head, I noticed that Rufus was still asleep. He went through a lot yesterday with the boys. I quickly turned off the alarm, and went quietly in the shower that would not awaken Rufus and dress.
After a long decision-cool bath with lots of foam, I went into the room and began to play Rufus phone. I ran to take it and it was Jenny.
- Hello - I whispered and left the room ..
- Pa .. oh .. I'm sorry, Lily, and it is possible the pope.
- Jenny, he's sleeping.
- We just came from Eric, and we thought it would take us.
- Do not you have had to come tomorrow? - I told you at the top of the voice, because down to the first floor.
- Well, we had to fourteenth.
- And now what?
- Fourteenth, Lily.
- Oh, God, you wait, I have an appointment.
- I took the bag and put the phone on the desk Rufus. I went into the elevator and went to the first floor. I was there waiting limousine. The driver is responsible, not the parents, I thought ...
- I got in the car and we quickly headed to the airport. How quickly allowed a limousine ...
I went to the airport, but the memories of the course it is not the best .. Just a few days ago, there were quarrels, well at least not come to blows ..
I heard behind - Mom - and turned her head. Eric stood in front of me and Jenny. I was very glad of their arrival, of course, embrace them as much as possible ... - Guys, really, I'm sorry that you had to wait. These dates lately some strange ..
- Well, where there dates when the air hovers love, yes, Lily?
- Ahh what?
- Do not be shy, mothers, Serena also told us that you and Rufus
- Together again - said Eric
- Yes, again - Jenny said.
- So, guys, less talk.
- Most business? - Jenny said, and they laughed with Eric
- I was hoping you will not mind. Father worried that you do not vosprimesh Jenny ..
- Come on? Once apprehended
- And the second is easier - said Eric.
- You're always like each other contracting?
- Cohabitation
-One of the most bizarre influences society.
- Before the end of this issue has not been studied - they laughed and I smiled. We have come to take that bogazh, Jenny pulled a suitcase and a guitar. Our driver helped to drag a suitcase, a guitar Jenny he did not trust, arguing that his father taught guitar - holy.
We left the airport and got into a limo
- I've missed the New Yorks jams - said Jenny
- Do they still have time to get you - said Eric.
-Not When you're in a limousine -
we smiled and got into the car after a few minutes we were sent to the house. In the car, I sent a text message to Larissa, which would have prepared us all a festive brunch. Rufus I dial the number, but he picked up the phone.
- Dad, what you are still sleeping? He had not slept for so long.
- We went to about five in the morning ...
- No details mam ..
- But as that ..
- It's not what you think, we were at a party at Blair and sat ..
- who are we?
- What's the occasion?
- We are what we Rufus, Cyrus, Eleanor, Serena and Dan and Nate. Occasion? Yesterday were in the opera. Celebrated the opening of the season.
- Oh - then it is clear .. - probably well marked - we laughed ..
- As you can see ...
As we drove home, I listen to fascinating stories about their children's work practices and new guys .. Jenny and Eric Eric has a new friend, which he was very happy. If the son is happy, and mother too ...
Finally, the car stopped and the door opened in front of us ... We went into the house, into the elevator ... when I opened the elevator, we were met Larissa ..
- Mr. Eric, Mrs. Jenny glad to see you.
- Larissa, Rufus has not woken up?
- I think he was the soul of Mrs. van der Woodsen. Everything is ready. We went to the table, sat the children, we decided to arrange a surprise Rufus, so I came out from behind the wall, and the children were there.
- Good morning, sleeping person.
- Please do not imagine - he smiled and quickened his pace went quickly and passionately kissed me.
- I wanted something -
- I listen - listen. - He said between kisses and did not stop coming to the couch.
- Rufus - Rufus - Now is not the time.
- Of course of course - he again said that between kisses and pushed me closer to the couch.
- Rufus! - I almost fell on the couch, but realized that he would not mind. Children looked out -this wall smiling coughed that would draw attention to themselves ..
I, too, coughed and Rufus walked away from me, and I scratched his head ..
- Maybe we should take a walk somewhere? - Jenny asked
- Jenny - Rufus once greatly embarrassed but tried to pretend that nothing had happened and abruptly went hugging Jenny, he lifted her slightly and circled! - Finally it arrived!
- Yes, thank you met ..
-Here's The devil, how could I forget
- Yes, we understand - said Eric smiling .. Note that the time you have enough, they smiled .. - Aaam okay .. now come Serena and Dan and we will start our family brunch .. - all smiled, still hovered in the air awkward pauses and an awkward silence.

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